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Church of the Incarnation
Sunday Announcements
October 25, 2009

Pledge Sunday: Today!  The Stewardship Committee will hold our annual Pledge Event during each service today, October 25th.  As happened last year, we will pass out pledge cards during the Offertory and ask each parishioner/family complete their pledge. The cards will then be collected, placed in a velvet bag, and brought to the altar along with the plate offering. We ask that you prayerfully consider what your pledge to the church will be for 2010 and come prepared to complete your pledge card.  Pledge cards are available now in Farlander Hall, for those who cannot attend today.  You can pick one up, fill it out, and return it to the church office in a sealed envelope addressed to the Treasurer, John Nykamp.  Thank you in advance for your generosity and support for our church.
Numina presents: Spiritual History through Art, the last of three presentations, this afternoon from 3:00 to 4:30 pm here in the Church. Featuring slides of some of the world's greatest paintings, the presentation will have an interdisciplinary character, combining history, religious studies and art. Session will be led by Professor Bruce Elliott, a professor at UC Berkeley, Stanford Continuing Studies, and Sonoma State Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Admission price: $15. Go to for more details.
Guild of the Incarnation's Annual Mini Bazaar - Nov. 22 - Raffle Tickets Now Available! The ladies of the Guild are gearing up for our Annual Mini Bazaar by selling raffle tickets this year for two fantastic prizes:A beautiful tree skirt and matching stocking or A week at the Grand Pacific Palisades Resort (overlooking Lego-Land and the Pacific Ocean.)  Reservation for the resort is March 28 - April 4, 2010.Tickets are on sale from Guild members on Sundays, during coffee hours. Price: $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00.
There will be constructionon the portion of Cherry Street between Mendocino and Humboldt streets. We are not sure of an exact start day, but we know it will be starting in the next couple of weeks, and it will take 3 months, weather permitting. During the weekdays there will be no street parking. You will still be able to get into the church parking lot - but only from one direction, either the Humboldt side or the Mendocino side. They will start their work on the Mendocino side, so plan to come around to Humboldt to get to Cherry Street for a while.
Numina presents:
All Souls' Weekend - Playing With Shadows 

In these chaotic times, it is important to draw back and rediscover our whole selves, regain our balance, and find our bearings. As the veil between the worlds grows thinner, we will explore rituals from various traditions.
Oct. 30th, 7 pm, $15 - An evening of poetry, song, story, ritual and reflection with Richard Naegle and Friends.
Richard Naegle, Word Artist, will draw from many of the world's religious traditions to create a glorious mosaic of the human spirit. Weaving a magical web of chant, movement, poetry, story and ritual, he will help us remember our deeper selves, and to savor our loving connection with those who have passed to the other world. He will address the joys and sorrows and the bittersweet beauty of life as we play with the shadows and join our ancestors in singing our world into being.
Oct. 31st, 9 am-3 pm, $25 - An artful day of creating a mask that reflects your Soul and Spirit with Master Mask Maker Annie Hallatt.
Annie Hallatt, Master Mask Maker, will help us continue our inner exploration through mask making. This ancient ritual will help us discover and unleash other sides of who we are. Using plaster-impregnated gauze, each participant will create their own individual mask.
There will be live drumming at each event. Both events - $35, if tickets are purchased in advance. Reserve your place now by going to or call 324-6021. We would love to see you there at this All Souls' Weekend!
The beautiful and mysterious poster for this Numina event was created by our very own Sharon Landon. Please take the time to check out her beautiful artwork in the Numina board outside of Farlander Hall.
On Sunday November 8th, there will be a collection for the Fall ingathering of United Thank Offering.  This very important outreach opportunity comes around every Spring and Fall, and thanks to our generous congregation, we are able to send nearly $1000 each time for projects throughout the world. This wonderful ministry began in 1889 with Julia Emery, one of our Episcopal saints, and has grown over the years to over $3 million annually. Please be generous and mindful of all our blessings.
Tuesday Morning Book Group meets on Tuesday at 9:30 am in the Library, off Farlander Hall. We are reading and discussing God: Stories, a collection of "twenty-five dazzling short stories by eminent writers of varying persuasion," including James Baldwin, Philip Roth, James Joyce, Flannery O'Connor, John Updike and Eudora Welty and edited by C. Michael Curtis. No advance study is necessary. Come and join us! You can find out about purchasing a book when you come to the meeting.
Great Buys for a Good Cause - Come for top-rate, secondhand shopping! Santa Rosa Vet's Building, Saturday, November 7th, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Benefitting The Living Room, Sonoma County Regional Parks, Community Action Partnership, and Roseland University Prep.
You can help!
-- Collect nearly new items from your house and deliver to Susan Moore's garage, 3739 Woodbourne Pl. Call first (577-8210). Please price your items. Especially welcome: Holiday ornaments, gift wrap, nearly new items to give as gifts, housewares, small appliances, jewelry, women's accessories, books.
-- Volunteer! We need help with set up the evening of November 6th, and setting up, selling and packing up on November 7th. Tell your friends and shop at the event.
Questions? Want to volunteer? Contact Melissa Kelley, (707) 537-8783.

Words to Ponder:

I've learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.

                                                                                                                                           -Martha Washington

Claire Frydenlund
Office Coordinator

Church of the Incarnation
550 Mendocino Ave
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone (707) 579-2604 ext. 104
Fax (707) 579-0228