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May 13, 2010- Vol 1, Issue 7
In This Issue
Ultreya Details
Reverend Fun
Rector Report: Ruth Ann Hendrix
3rd Annual Girls Night Out
Rector Report: Stephanie Yoder
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Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
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It's Ultreya time for the newest Kentucky Pilgrims and the Southern Indiana & Kentucky Community. 

If you remember, an isolated Christian is a paralyzed Christian.  This is why it's so important to "persevere" in your Fourth Day and take every opportunity to meet fellow pilgrims in the Via de Cristo community.

Please make attending Ultreyas a priority.  They are very important to your spiritual health as well as the health of the VDC community.

DeAnne Clifton
Newsletter Chick
Women's VDC #27, Priscilla
We would like to invite each and everyone of you to an Ultreya at Grace and Glory Lutheran Church in Goshen, KY. Rmember, God is counting on you and so are we. Come share the excitement, the blessings, and an awesome fellowship with your Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Date: Sunday, May 16, 2010 (that's THIS COMING SUNDAY!)
Time: 3:00 Fellowship
          3:30 Worship (Child Care Provided)
          4:30 Meal

Where: Grace and Glory Lutheran Church
11952 W. Highway 42
Goshen, KY 40026

From the South - Take US Hwy. 42 north from Prospect to Goshen, approximately 4 miles from the Jefferson/Oldham County line.  The church is on the right, just before the Goshen Store.
From the North - Take US Hwy. 42 south for approximately 15 miles from the intersection of US-53 and US-42.  The church is on the left, just past the Goshen Store.

We have some very special surprises planned and would love to have each and everyone of you there.

For more information, please call Bill White at 502-640-0425 or send us an email at [email protected]
Have you Liked Jesus yet?
Have YOU friended Jesus? 
Rector Report: Ruth Ann Hendrix - WS #65

Be strong and do not give up,

For your work will be rewarded.

2 Chronicles 15:7 NIV

Words cannot begin to convey all I have learned and experienced over the months preparing for the weekend. What a blessing! To meet some new pilgrims and to continue the conversations with pilgrims further along the way was amazing. I continue to ponder some of our experiences of the weekend and feel joy.

We gathered, we met, we sang, we ate, and we grew in faith. We did experience some bumpy spots in the road, but we got back on the road and kept driving. We had some most astonishing moments that I will forever treasure.

When I started this journey last fall, I thought it would be about stones. Maybe about how the church is built on Peter, who betrayed Christ, but then became the rock on which the church is built. Or maybe about forgiveness, where Jesus said for the person without sin to throw the first stone, our weekend was not about stones or rocks, but about baptism.

We are baptized; we are members of the Christian community in action. With the tools we learn during the three-day course on Christ, we can go forth in study, piety, and action to do better. The reunion group gives us a safe place to heal when we need healed, to encourage when we need encouraged, to reel us in when we are too far out, and to continue our lifelong growth in Christ. We are baptized, children of God, marked by the cross of C65WShrist forever

I am thankful for every person who was on the weekend- the new pilgrims, the serving pilgrims, and all who helped in any way. I am thankful for the families and friends who worked while the people serving were away. Thanks to all who gave of their time and talents. I am still thankful to my sponsor those ten plus years ago, who ignored each time I said "no" - who persevered for me to get me to go on the weekend.  Who can you sponsor for one of the upcoming VDC weekends?

May the God of the New Testament, the God that throws no stones, the God of patience, kindness, mercy, love and action bless you and keep you all your days on earth. Thanks be to God!

In joy, Ruth Ann Hendrix, rector VDC #65
April 10, 2010

3rd Annual Girls Night Out!   Ladies, Clear your calendars now!

Girls Night OutThis year we will be staying in Crestwood, KY at Kavanaugh Life Enrichment Center. This is the same location that the KY VDC South weekends are held. We will be staying in the McCoy House. This is an old house (built in 1879) that has 4 large rooms upstairs with bunk beds; a kitchen a "great room" on the main floor.

The cost for the 2 nights will be $25.00 per person plus the cost for food. I do believe that Margie Bregante will organize the food again this year but will downsize from last year; probably a dinner on Friday night and brunch and dinner on Saturday. We should be able to keep this cost around $10.00 per person for food. These costs are based on the 26 people that the McCoy House can accommodate. If we get more there are 2-3 couches that people can sleep on or bring cots. 

Friday June 11th 8pm - Sunday June 13th Noon.
Click here to RSVP via Facebook  Or contact Melanie Doyon or Sue Schwartz
Rector Report:  Stephanie Yoder, Co-ed #10
10 Coed N
I am still humbled as I reflect on Co-Ed #10. We had the opportunity to witness first hand the over abundance of God by being bathed in protection, love and grace.

Friday morning we were under attack, one thing after another. There was a team member hospitalized and unable to return.  Another team member had to leave for a emergency with their spouse, but returned on Saturday afternoon. One of our married couples' daughter had been riding her bike and was hit by a car. Praise God, she was fine!

Then of course you have the few pilgrims trying to decide if they are going to stay! The team prayed up and stepped up to keep the weekend moving as God prompted. I am proud of each and every one who was called to this particular team!

We spent lots of time listening, learning and laughing and even the weather was cooperative! You watch with a different perspective from each position you are called to, taking a moment to watch as the weekend unfolds. and see how the pilgrims grow.  I am always amazed each time at closing when a pilgrim says what Christ means to them. I have to say, sitting up front as rector and then hearing how the weekend changed one's life with Christ affected me in a totally different way, like my own children were up there proclaiming!

After the closing a past rector came up to me and said to me "These will always be YOUR babies". My goodness is that true! Each time I serve I am thankful for the reminders of what you learn when you go through as a pilgrim. Life can get in the way of those things learned on a VDC weekend. I hear things differently each time I serve.

For those of you who have never served or if it has been a while since the last time you served, I encourage you to pray about serving SOON! Also, start praying about who to invite in the fall!
Remember, as Matthew West sings, "God loves YOU more!".

God loves you and so do I!
Stephanie Yoder, Rector INKY VDC #10
Newsletter Archive
archivesRelive the excitement of past email newsletters right here!
Inherit the Mirth - Cuyler Black
Moses' Mom

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

"Look at you!" said Mary, holding her son Jesus' bearded face between her hands. "All baptized now! What an event! Now come back to the house for matzah balls and fig cake. Everyone's coming over to celebrate, even though I don't have enough chairs. My son is a carpenter and I don't have enough chairs. Go figure!"

"Thanks, Mom, but I can't."

"And tell your cousin John that when he's finished baptizing everyone else today, there's a bacon, locust and tomato sandwich waiting specially for him. He's an odd one, but he's fam-- what did you say?"

"I can't be there, Mom. The Holy Spirit is sending me right away on a mission."

"A mission? What mission? It can wait until tomorrow. Today you need dry clothes and a plate of matzah balls."

"Mother... it's time. Time I began fulfilling my ultimate purpose. You remember what the angel told you way back when. And if I'm going to carry out the work the Father has for me, it has to begin this very minute."

"Fig cake. Your favorite."

"I love you, Mom. I'll be back in forty days."

"Forty days?? I could be dead by then! I will be dead by then-- dead from dismay that my son didn't show up at his own baptism party! Is this how you love your mother? And what's so important you need to be gone for forty days?"

"Before I can begin my ministry, I have to be tested. I'm to undergo forty days of temptation by Satan, alone in the desert."

"My baby!!"

"Mom, try not to worry. I can do this. I've been preparing for it all my life."

"I'm going with you."

"You can't."

"I'm your mother and I've been looking after you since you were a halo in my belly. I'm going with you."

"Mom, I know you'll always see me as your baby, but I'm thirty years old now. I have to leave the nest. This trial in the desert is for me alone."

"You want to be tempted? Stay here and be tempted by the weaver's daughter, Rachel. I want grandchildren from you."

"Mom, do you remember that time when I was ten and I bought you those roses for Mother's Day?"

"How could I forget?"

"Do you remember how sad I was when I entered the house with them? I was so disappointed because I wanted to buy you a dozen roses but I could only afford half that many."

"You were always the sweetest little lamb."

"Do you recall what you did with those six roses?" Jesus smiled and took his mother's hands in his.

Mary chuckled softly. "I do. I put them in a vase and then placed them on the mantelpiece in front of the mirror so there would be a reflection. 'There,' I said. 'There's my dozen roses.'"

Jesus wrapped his arms around her. "And just like you did with those half-dozen roses," he said, "I have faith that God will do a similar thing with me in the wilderness. He will double my resolve, He will double my courage, He will double my desire to serve only Him." Now he looked into her eyes. "I'm going to win. And then I'll come home for awhile." He smiled again. "See you in forty days."

Mary's heart ached with a mother's unfathomable love. She knew she had to let him go. There was only one thing left to say.

"Are you wearing fresh underwear? If you get into a scuffle with Satan and he sees holes in your underwear, he'll think 'What kind of a mother does this boy have?' I'll be so embarrassed."

"Matzah balls, Mom. I want a big plate of them when I get back."

To all the moms out there: Happy Mother's Day!  Cuyler Black,

Editor's note:  I receive these little humor-mails and thought this one had such a neat prospective that I wanted to share it with you.  Cuyler's a talented guy with a great sense of humor.

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