November 8, 2010
Turning Point Real Estate
Happy? . . . Always - Sometimes - Not Really - Go Away
Article By Steve Cranford, Commercial & Residential Sales Associate with Turning Point Real Estate
Steve Cranford with Turning Point Real Estate

We are entering one of the most festive times of the year.  Think about it. Most every religion and ethic group will be celebrating something over the next few months.

The range of different celebration is mind numbing while being mind blowing. As a race we go to great length to bring joy to our lives.  We expend huge amounts of energy and resources to guarantee our continuing jubilation.

Obviously, we have an inherent need to be happy; to celebrate the wonder of our own being.   

Now, take a moment to reflect on your business; it is yours to manage; to be as active or passive as you want; to thrive or simply exist; you manage your daily existence; basically, you manage your continuing happiness.

If we have the ability to manage our individual environment, why aren't we happy all the time?  What keeps us from being simply delighted with our existence?


Well, if I gave you that answer than you would know the meaning of life.  And, then you wouldn't read the rest of this article. However, since this is the season for giving, I will give you a hint.

It comes not from a poet; a spiritualist; or even a philosopher; it comes from a logical, scientific mind.

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." Albert Einstein.


Wow! That sounds simple enough, right? OK, with that in mind answer this: How many of you have a way to keep happiness, satisfaction, and fun in sight?

Because I'm such a giving person, here's another nugget of knowledge; by linking happiness to goals you automatically create a way to achieve both.

For some of us, it's called a plan, for others it's a guide, and for others it's more like a map.  Regardless of the method, there is a way for you to experience happiness more frequently  . . . . Like daily.

Now, here's Monday Mojo Moment. We are entering one of most joyous and festive times of the year.  This is a perfect opportunity to channel some of that creative and positive energy into your instrument for continued happiness.

Simply put, when you are the happiest, set your personal, professional, and playful goals.

Stay Connected. Stay Happy.

Barcodes - Not Just for Groceries Anymore.

Get Your Code with ScanLife

Article By Melissa Kinna, Director of Creative Marketing & Technology
Melissa Kinna, Director of Creative Marketing

If you are like me, lately you may have noticed an increase in the use of black and white barcodes and said to yourself - What is that?  Well, they are QR Codes, but a bigger question is, how can I use this code in my business? 

With the number of mobile internet users on the rise, QR codes provide quick and easy access for users.  They can be used to hold information, such as your contact information, but the most popular use today is a link to a special website page. For example, you could put a QR Code on a mailer or in a newspaper ad and it could take the user to an single property website for a property you have listed. 

Simply put, it is a way of linking the physical world to the digital world, since QR Codes can be used across all available media sources, and the only user requirement is the software to scan the code.

There are many companies out there that provide downloads for scanning and creating codes, but I suggest ScanLife .  ScanLife consist of two products that together provide a complete end-to-end mobile barcode solution.  The first is the ScanLife client application that works with millions of phones, across every single operating system, to quickly capture mobile barcodes - and is also being pre-loaded on new phones. The second product is the ScanLife Code Management Platform making it easy to create, manage and track mobile barcodes. 

Creating a ScanLife Account is Simple, go to and register to get your code.  Pricing is based on the scope of your project, however you can register for free codes.  As soon as your account is activated, you can start using ScanLife.  Choose from the menu of actions to create your code and then download a digital file to use in print, online, or in video.  Next you will need to download the ScanLife phone app to your Smartphone.  You may find the app in your app menu or go to your browser and go to

Once you have created a code the rest is up to you.  Go ahead and try it - you might be surprised at how much a barcode can do for you.

To find out more information on ScanLife, please scan the barcode below.

ScanLife Code 

Welcome Aboard 
 TPRE announces it's newest member - Phil Blum 
Phil Blum Phil, who has an extensive background in business brokerage,
joins Turning Point Real Estate as a Commercial Associate.  His business specialties include medical related businesses and the selling and leasing of gas stations and convenience stores.  He is excited to continue his business development with TPRE and  extend his clientele and the sphere of transaction professionals that help him to get transactions structured, deals financed, problems solved and settlements done. 


On a personal note, Phil and his wife Joanne live in Olney, MD with their two children, Brad and Melanie.


Phil we are so glad to have you on board! 

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In This Week's MOJO
Happy? . . . Always - Sometimes - Not Really - Go Away
Barcodes - Not Just for Groceries Anymore - Get Your Code with ScanLife
Welcome Aboard - Phil Blum
November Technology Training at TPRE
Learn More About TPRE


Quote of the Week

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."

- Maria Robinson

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Learn How
to Build a WordPress Blog

You're Invited to Join us on

Tuesday, November 9th from 9:30-10am

for a Technology Training on

How to Build a WordPress Blog

If you are interested in attending, please contact
Melissa Kinna
 for more details and space availability.

Turning Point Real Estate
Learn More About TPRE

If you would like to meet with Joe to hear more about TPRE and the ways we are helping our associates achieve better results, please Click Here to complete the form and Joe will contact you for a confidential appointment.

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