Nearly 100 Duran South Junior High School students attended First Priority on March 20, 2012. A few students shared the following about First Priority:
"First Priority is great. I get to listen to the words of people and learn about what they have been through and how God has helped them. I have a good day when I come here every time." - Tyler
"First Priority is here for people who may not attend church." - Anna
"First Priority is a time when we can all come together and learn about Christ." - Reagan
Math Teacher, Mr. Darius Williams who is involved with First Priority, then shared the following story with the students about two brothers who were young and alone: "There were two brothers who had to take care of themselves. They were poor and had to sleep under a tree. They would oftentimes see their mother from the school bus walking along the road with no shoes or shirt on. They had to wear the same pair of clothes and shoes every day. The oldest brother kept John 3:16 close and started following God. He went on and graduated with a 4.2 GPA in the 10th grade. He was very successful in college and became a school teacher. The younger brother did not do well. He had behavioral problems because he didn't have parents. He had to be put into special education classes. To this day, the younger brother still can't believe he grew up without parents."
Mr. Williams then told the students that the older brother that he just described was himself. He said times were very tough growing up. He questioned God and asked, "Why?" He said God told him, "I will never leave you; nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5 and Deuteronomy 31:6) "During it all I believed in John 3:16," said Mr. Williams. "God spoke to me and said He wanted to use me."
"Despite what you go through as a child, your past does not dictate your future," Mr. Williams said. "I am proof that you can accomplish every goal in life. I was determined that one day I would be somebody. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for God."
Put your faith and trust in God. He will "never leave you nor forsake you." He will use you. Don't let your past keep you from being who God wants you to be today.