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First Priority Greater Birmingham Weekly E-News

June 5, 2012


Every Student

Every Campus

Every Community 

20 Years



First Priority is a city-wide church vision with a comprehensive plan of action for churches, students, parents and community leaders that will create unity, resources, mentoring and strategy within your city, your community and on your campuses to reach and disciple a generation with the love and message of Jesus Christ.



First Priority Greater Birmingham works in the community as a strategic partnership of churches, ministers, business people, educators, parents and students who are concerned about the moral and spiritual well-being of teenagers in Greater Birmingham.





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Leeds High School Student says First Priority offers students hope


Keaton Glass


"First Priority is helping students get their lives together offering them hope and letting them know it is not too late to turn their lives over to Christ," said Keaton Glass, Leeds High School student and First Priority leader. "In the past years we have seen an increase in members and First Priority has helped keep kids in school and on the right path."


"I have known Keaton for over five years and in that time I have watched him grow into a young adult who has a strong passion for Christ," said Clint Wortham, Keaton's former youth pastor. "Keaton has given up much of his time doing mission work for Christ. He gave up half a summer to work with kids in an urban setting and the group he worked with witnessed Christ move in a mighty way. He is always willing to speak if the situation arises. Unlike some people, he doesn't need someone to tell him what to say or talk about. He is able to dive into the scripture and share God's truth. If he continues following the path God has chosen for him, I would expect to hear some wonderful things from him in the future."


Keaton has been a member of First Priority for the past six years. Along with his commitment to First Priority, Keaton is very involved in different school organizations, his church and missions. Click here to learn more about Keaton.


Keaton recently opened up to us about how First Priority offers students hope and how lives are being changed on his campus. Keaton took time to share the following with us:


First Priority: How many members attended First Priority when you first attended? How many members attend now?

Keaton: The attendance of First Priority has grown greatly since my freshman year at Leeds High School. There were around 10-15 members when I was a freshman and we average around 25-30 members now. Also, the First Priority at the middle school is huge and is bringing many new members to the high school next year.


First Priority: Are you a leader in First Priority? If so, how long have you been a leader? What are your responsibilities as a leader?

Keaton: Yes, I have been a leader in First Priority since my junior year. I was involved my freshman and sophomore year, but really started becoming a leader in the 11th grade. As a leader, I have had to help plan out the events for the year for First Priority, speak at meetings, and be there for members who need support.


First Priority: What makes you standout in First Priority?

Keaton: I have been a participant with First Priority for a long time and I have shown leadership qualities in how I carry myself outside of First Priority and my involvement in my church and community.


First Priority: Why do you have a passion for First Priority and believe in it?  

Keaton: I have a passion for First Priority because I strongly believe in the values of First Priority and I really think it changes people's lives. I do not want to see anyone on my campus at Leeds High School not have the chance to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Through First Priority I am able to better accomplish this goal and it is a wonderful organization to be involved with fellow students.


First Priority: How has First Priority changed your life?

Keaton: First Priority has helped change my life because of the people that have been there for me. It always seems that when I am down and do not know what to do I can turn to First Priority to help me back onto my feet. Since my sophomore year I have attended the leadership conference sponsored by First Priority. The speakers have given me new life each year and challenged me with witnessing to my peers and everyone else. Also, this past year at the First Priority leadership conference, I was able to sponsor a kid in Africa and it has truly been a blessing. If it were not for this organization I do not know if I would be in the same position that I am in today.


First Priority: Do you believe First Priority is effective on your campus? Why/How?

Keaton: In the past years, my youth minister has helped with First Priority and since he became involved it has become more effective because he made it more student-led. Teachers and youth ministers still help out and are at every meeting, but they are letting students take more charge than in the past. This has helped reach students who did not know certain youth ministers, because their peers were the ones leading and they recognized them and talked with them every day. So, it has become more effective through this leadership change and more members have started attending.


First Priority: What are specific things your First Priority club has done on campus to reach students for Christ?

Keaton: Our First Priority club has hosted prayer meetings every Monday before school. We meet outside of our regular weekly meetings and pray for students and anyone in need. Also, this past year First Priority helped host the Hydrate Campus Tour, which has seen hundreds of high school students saved across Alabama.


First Priority: How is First Priority changing lives on your campus?

Keaton: First Priority is helping students get their lives together offering them hope and letting them know it is not too late to turn their lives over to Christ. In the past years we have seen an increase in members and First Priority has helped keep kids in school and on the right path.


First Priority: Have you witnessed friends and other students come to know Christ through First Priority?

Keaton: I have seen First Priority through the Hydrate Tour held at Leeds lead numerous students to Christ. I am not sure the specific amount, but around 15 students have been saved this past year.


We would like to thank Keaton for opening up and sharing with us how First Priority provides students with hope and how it is changing lives on his campus. We are very encouraged that students find hope in First Priority. We truly appreciate Keaton's passion to reach students for Christ. Keaton's dedication to his school, church, community and missions is a true testament to his faith and commitment to the Lord.

Save the Date!


Be on the lookout for more information coming soon about the following upcoming events:


First Priority Trainings

Tentatively scheduled for Thursday Night, August 16, Saturday Morning, August 18, and Sunday Night, August 19


First Priority Tee Time Golf Tournament

Thursday, September 13


First Priority Race to the Cross 5K and One Mile Fun Run

Saturday, September 22

Click here for more details


See You at the Pole

Wednesday, September 26


Alive in the Mountains

January 19-21, 2013 (MLK Weekend)

Next Chattanooga Sight Tour is scheduled for Tuesday, July 10

Contact our office at 205.871.8886 to reserve your spot for the sight tour


Deadline this Thursday, June 7!


Bragg MS 

We are working on a First Priority Club "Year in Review," and we need your help! Please send us pictures and updates from your club meetings and events by this Thursday, June 7. Give us an update on your attendance and salvations. Let us know specific things your First Priority Club did this year to reach students for Christ. Please help us out! We would love to include your pictures and updates in our "Year in Review." It will be a great recap of the 2011-2012 school year and you don't want to miss out! Please submit pictures and updates/recaps to We truly appreciate your help and can't wait to hear from you!


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P.O. Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259-9365