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First Priority Greater Birmingham Weekly E-News

March 20, 2012


Every Student

Every Campus

Every Community 

20 Years



First Priority is a city-wide church vision with a comprehensive plan of action for churches, students, parents and community leaders that will create unity, resources, mentoring and strategy within your city, your community and on your campuses to reach and disciple a generation with the love and message of Jesus Christ.



First Priority Greater Birmingham works in the community as a strategic partnership of churches, ministers, business people, educators, parents and students who are concerned about the moral and spiritual well-being of teenagers in Greater Birmingham.





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Upcoming Events


Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama

March 30, 2012

Click here for more info 


City-Wide Network Luncheon

April 26, 2012

Click here for more info


First Priority SCORE Dinner

April 26, 2012

Click here for more info


First Priority Night

May 19, 2012

Click here for more info


Priority Talk with Greg Davis - Weekdays

8-10 a.m.

Click here for more info 


Ministry Partner Events


Extraordinary Women Conference

April 27-28

Click here for more info


Hope Mission Trips

Click here for more info 




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Crumly Chapel Elementary Students Putting On the Full Armor of God


Crumly Chapel ES 

"We are very glad God has allowed this club to come to our school," said Laura Nixon, teacher sponsor at Crumly Chapel Elementary School. First Priority began establishing First Priority Kids Clubs in intermediate and elementary schools last Spring. Currently, there are more than 20 First Priority Kids Clubs in the Greater-Birmingham area. Of these, Crumly Chapel Elementary School was one of the first to implement First Priority.


When First Priority was established at Crumly Chapel last Spring, the club meeting was held in the library with about 55 students. Within four weeks the meeting had to be moved to the gym to accommodate the more than 100 students in attendance. The club now averages nearly 200 students each week, which is more than half of the student body.


"There are usually two to four teachers at each meeting to help with crowd control, but overall we have very few discipline problems," said Laura. "The kids are really there to pay attention, learn and hear from God, which is proof that God is leading this and in control because it would be hard for just a couple of teachers to get all of the students to sit quietly and listen."


Each club meeting begins with prayer led by two to three students. There are also three students who sit up front and pray for the students and leaders throughout the meeting. They pray for whoever is giving the message and those who are receiving it, and they pray for them to not only receive it but apply it to their everyday lives. The meeting then continues with student leaders reading from God's Word. Students learn about a different biblical virtue each month. This month's virtue is trust and the memory verse is Proverbs 3:5 ~ "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." On Monday, March 12, First Priority Area Director James Cato shared with students the importance to put their faith and trust in God. James read from Ephesians 6:13-17, which says we are to put on the full armor of God, stand firm with the breastplate of righteousness in place and to take up the shield of righteousness. James explained to students that God is their buddy and if they dress for Him He will protect them. James encouraged students to guard their mind for Jesus and dress for battle; to put on the full armor of God.


"It has been amazing to watch the transformation of these kids," said Laura. "The way they pray, answer questions and participate has come a long way. God is allowing lives to be changed and seeds to be planted in their hearts. It's cool to talk about helping others or using kind words, then actually see it happening throughout the day. Some are really stepping up and becoming leaders. It's not only changing the lives of the students, but also the teachers who are helping out. These students truly are taking a stand and putting on the full armor of God."

Next Friday, March 30, is "Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama"


Day of Prayer 2012 

Next Friday, March 30, will be the Seventh Annual Statewide Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama. At the request of First Priority, Governor Bob Riley proclaimed the First Statewide Day of Prayer Over Students in 2006. First Priority will once again be coordinating this prayer emphasis encouraged by the recent proclamation of our current governor, Dr. Robert Bentley.


We would like to encourage you to get involved and pray over students as they are faced with challenges such as peer pressure to abuse drugs and alcohol, negative influences in the media, school violence and gang activities, fear and low self-esteem. Commit now to join with other parents and concerned adults to pray over students, teachers, school administrators and support staff, and schools. For more information or ideas about how to get your church and community involved, click here or call 205.871.8886. You can also join our E-prayer network by sending your e-mail address to


The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. - James 5:16b

Save the Date for First Priority's Next City-Wide Network Meeting

Save the Date for our next City-Wide Network Meeting on Thursday, April 26, 2012, at Regions Park in the Michael Jordan Banquet Room at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided. Please join us for a time of equipping, encouragement and fellowship. Click here for more information and to RSVP.

Save the Date for First Priority's SCORE Dinner


SCORE Dinner 2012 

We would like to invite you to join First Priority for our SCORE (Students Count On Real Examples) Dinner on Thursday, April 26, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at Grace Life Baptist Church, 6200 Lou George Loop, Bessemer, AL, 35022. Come out and join us for an evening filled with fun, fellowship and inspiration.


Our special guest speaker is Courageous' Robert Amaya, bilingual professional actor/singer in Miami with a background in theater. Robert is most recently known for his role as Javier in the new Sherwood Film, COURAGEOUS. He felt humbled and honored playing this character because it reminded him of his own father's struggles to survive in a new country with a family. Between projects, Robert travels across the nation singing and speaking at both English and Spanish churches, schools and organizations about a variety of topics including fatherhood, honor and Christianity. Click here to learn more about Robert. You don't want to miss Robert and his words of encouragement.


To purchase SCORE Dinner tickets or to sponsor a table, please call 205.871.8886. Click here for more information. We hope you will mark your calendars now and plan to join us on Thursday, April 26, 2012.

Save the Date for First Priority Night with the Birmingham Barons!


Barons Night 2012 

Save the date for First Priority Night with the Birmingham Barons, Saturday, May 19, 2012, at Regions Park. Bring the whole family or your church group for a fun-filled evening. It will be a great night for baseball and softball team parties as well. Your group will enjoy a pre-game event, ticket to the Barons game, pizza and a drink in a souvenir cup for only $10 per person. Come out and enjoy a time of fun and fellowship. Mark your calendars now! Reserve your group's tickets today by calling 205.871.8886.



New FP Bham Logo 

P.O. Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259-9365