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First Priority Greater Birmingham Weekly E-News

Jan. 10, 2012


Every Student

Every Campus

Every Community 

20 Years



First Priority is a city-wide church vision with a comprehensive plan of action for churches, students, parents and community leaders that will create unity, resources, mentoring and strategy within your city, your community and on your campuses to reach and disciple a generation with the love and message of Jesus Christ.



First Priority Greater Birmingham works in the community as a strategic partnership of churches, ministers, business people, educators, parents and students who are concerned about the moral and spiritual well-being of teenagers in Greater Birmingham.





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The Life Book Movement

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Leader's Summit

Feb. 3, 2012

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Veggie Tales Live Show

March 4, 2012

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Priority Talk with Greg Davis - Weekdays

8-10 a.m.

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Hope Mission Trips

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God moved and many lives were changed at Alive in the Mountains

AITM Conference 2011Alive in the Mountains 2011 - "CARRY IT. LIVE IT. GIVE IT." was incredible; and we praise God for the many lives that were changed. Nearly 700 students and group leaders attended this year's life-changing retreat. Over 70 students made decisions for Christ. Wow! We serve a great and almighty God. We are very excited about what He did at Alive in the Mountains and how He is going to use these students to glorify His name. Please continue to pray for these students as they seek to grow closer to God.


Alive in the Mountains 2011 was held in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. at the Smoky Mountain Convention Center Dec. 27-30. Students were challenged to embrace Scripture, God's Word, for answers and direction for their lives. They were challenged to stand strong and turn to God when faced with life's toughest challenges. Students were taught and encouraged to "CARRY IT. LIVE IT. GIVE IT." We would like to thank you for your continuous thoughts and prayers during the retreat. Please pray that students will take what they learned at the conference and CARRY IT with them everywhere they go, LIVE IT in their daily lives and GIVE IT to their family and friends.


We would like to give a special thanks to our speakers Brent Crowe and Dave Edwards; Illusionist Drew Worsham; CJ Blount who led our worship and Finding Favour for the concert performance.


During the retreat, students received the opportunity to help children in Kenya. We took up a love offering to further First Priority Global Ministries' ministry to provide shoes for children who live in the slums of Kenya. Having shoes help these children avoid obtaining deadly diseases and other serious health issues. We are ecstatic to announce that we collected nearly $3,000 during the love offering to help provide shoes for the children in Kenya! We would like to thank all those who gave to help children in need.


We would like to thank all those again who attended Alive in the Mountains. We are already looking forward to next year! Be sure to click on the links below to view pictures from Alive in the Mountains. Thank you again for your continuous thoughts and prayers.


Click here to view pictures on Facebook


Click here to view pictures on our Web site


"North Clay youth had a great time at Alive in the Mountains," said Cliff Prosser with North Clay Baptist Church youth group. "Best conference we've been to in years!"


Tommy Bowen, Union Baptist Church youth minister said, "Union Baptist Church from Honoraville, AL had a great time at Alive!!!"


"The final session was exactly what we needed," said Gail Jones, youth leader at Johntown Baptist Church.


"Thanks for all you ladies and gentlemen do to share the gospel and help grow kids in Christ," said Laurie Brasher, New Hope Baptist Church youth leader. "There is no doubt in my mind that this ministry is bathed in prayer. May God bless you richly!"

Register your group TODAY for Leader's Summit 2012

Leader's Summit 2012

We would like to invite you to join First Priority and Chick-fil-A for another high-impact, exciting one-day conference! The seventh annual Leader's Summit will be held on Friday, Feb. 3, 2012, at Samford University. Hurry and register today! The deadline to register your group is Friday, Jan. 20, 2012.


The Summit will feature live music and inspirational messages geared toward highly motivated student leaders and teacher sponsors involved in First Priority campus clubs.


Students will be equipped and encouraged on a new level. Some of the nation's top leaders will provide in-depth leadership training in timeless skills, making them better leaders in all aspects of campus life. Thanks to our gracious sponsors, we are able to provide this event at no cost to attendees.


We hope you will plan to attend this exciting leadership training event! Register now online by clicking on the link below. The deadline for registration is Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. If you are not able to attend, we ask that you please keep the students, teachers, campus coaches and speakers in your prayers.


Click here to register

We invite you and your family to "Veggie Tales Live! God Made You Special" with Veggie Tales

Veggie Tales Live


First Priority would like to invite you and your entire family to "Veggie Tales Live! God Made You Special" with Veggie Tales. The live show will be held at Metro Church of God, 2800 Metropolitan Way, Birmingham, AL, 35243, on Sunday, March 4, 2012, at 5 p.m. Doors will open at 4 p.m. You don't want to miss your favorite Veggie Tales characters in a live show!


Bob, Larry and the whole Veggie Tales crew are taking the stage for "VeggieTales Live! God Made You Special." You and your kids can enjoy seeing your favorite Veggies live and on stage. Larry the Cucumber at 8 feet and green, and Bob at 5 feet round and red makes for an eye-popping event that charms and delights the kids. You'll enjoy the fun for the whole family nature of VeggieTales while also appreciating the Godly messages and encouragements to the kids.


The show brings the best of the best, the most classic of the classic and the absolute silliest of the silly in songs, dance and fun. A high energy song and dance spectacular, this show will have fans singing along, dancing in the aisles and smiling so hard their teeth ache! Fan favorites include classic silly songs like His Cheeseburger, I Love My Lips, The Hairbrush Song and many more.


Ticket prices are as follows:


VIP Tickets: $25 each (includes preferred seating and a meet and greet with Veggie Tales at 4 p.m.)


Advanced General Admission: $15 each


General Admission for Groups of 20 or More: $12.50 each


Admission at the Door: $20 each


Click here to purchase your tickets online today or call 800-965-9324 (non-refundable service fee applies).


We look forward to seeing you at "Veggie Tales Live! God Made You Special" with Veggie Tales! Click here for more information or call 205.871.8886.





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P.O. Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259-9365