Every Student
Every Campus
Every Community |
First Priority is a city-wide church vision with a comprehensive plan of action for churches, students, parents and community leaders that will create unity, resources, mentoring and strategy within your city, your community and on your campuses to reach and disciple a generation with the love and message of Jesus Christ.
First Priority Greater Birmingham works in the community as a strategic partnership of churches, ministers, business people, educators, parents and students who are concerned about the moral and spiritual well-being of teenagers in Greater Birmingham.
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Meadow Brook Run
December 17
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The Life Book Movement
Register NOW
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Alive in the Mountains
Dec. 27-30
Click here for more info
Priority Talk with Greg Davis - Weekdays
8-10 a.m.
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Hope Mission Trips
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Space still available at Alive in the Mountains |

It's not too late to register for Alive in the Mountains. We still have space available at Ramada Inn on the Parkway, which is conveniently located across the parking lot from the Smoky Mountain Convention Center where all of the worship sessions will be held. A continental breakfast is included and there are several great places to eat within walking distance. We have great deals for groups and families. Be sure to check out www.aliveinthemountains.org for more information about the conference and to register. We invite you, your group and family to sign-up today.
The conference will be held at the Smoky Mountain Convention Center in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., Dec. 27-30, 2011. This year's theme is First Book Challenge. We will be challenged to embrace Scripture, God's Word, for answers and direction for our lives. Join us as we will be challenged to stand strong and turn to God when we're faced with life's toughest challenges.
Click here to download the group and family registration packets. We hope you, your church group and family will be able to attend this life-changing retreat! |
Campus Update - Great things are happening in our schools |
West Jefferson/Highway 78 Area

Some really great things are happening in our schools right now. At Bottenfield Middle School, First Priority students have written Christian songs and all the kids love them and enjoy singing along. Many students have asked to give devotions, not just one or two students, but many. It is such a great blessing to see students leading out in their school to reach their friends with the love and message of Jesus Christ.
At Minor High School, the same great things are happening; Students are so on FIRE for GOD. First Priority Campus Coach Stephen Hickman has been talking with students about what God has called them to do and has been encouraging them to listen and take action. I can really see God working in this school. I can see God in the teachers, staff and principals at Minor High School. This is exactly what the students need: to see God's light shining through their mentors who are a huge part of their lives. Praise God for working in our schools and speaking to our students.
Debbie Marshall
First Priority Network President and Board Member |
17th Annual Meadow Brook 5K and One Mile Fun Run |

We would like to invite you to take part in the 17th Annual Meadow Brook 5K and One Mile Fun Run on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011. Come out and support The JESUS Video Project of Alabama, Inc. and jingle your Christmas bells on Birmingham's most beautiful running course! The run will feature traditional family fun, a lot of good food, gifts and prizes. Souvenir Christmas T-shirts will be provided by Aliant Bank.
The Jesus Video Project of Alabama is a 501 (c)(3) organization sharing the Good News. A voluntary tax deductible contribution of $15-$25 minimum is suggested for entry. A T-shirt is guaranteed for pre-registrations by Friday, Dec. 9, 2011.
We hope you, your family and friends will come out for a fun-filled event and celebration! The Aliant Bank registration, and start and finish lines are located 3.3 miles from I-459 on Hwy 280 East, at 1100 Corporate Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35242. Click here for more information, event schedule and a course map or call 205.991.6054. |