First Priority celebrated 20 years of campus ministry with a reunion dinner on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2011, at Covenant Presbyterian Church. We would like to thank all those who attended and helped support this special event financially. The ministry of First Priority has been able to touch the lives of hundreds of thousands of students over the past 20 years because of faithful people like you.
First Priority began the evening with dinner and award presentations. A local network of churches from the Highway 78 area sponsored a scholarship that was awarded to a First Priority student leader. We would like to congratulate Brody Stewart who received this honor for Christian leadership, academic excellence, involvement and leadership in a First Priority club and commitment to a local church.
Brody is a 2011 graduate from Minor High school and attends Open Door Church. He was involved with First Priority beginning in middle school where he served as a First Priority club leader. Brody said his past six years in First Priority were his mission field to let other students know it's ok to stand for Christ. First Priority Teacher Sponsor Steven Hickman of Minor High School was key in selecting Brody for the scholarship and said because of Brody's ability to deal with adverse situations in life and come back stronger made him stand out in First Priority.
First Priority Area Director James Cato says, "While in First Priority, Brody's passion for worship grew. Brody is one of those students that captures the vision and runs with it. He made an impact while in First Priority and no matter where he goes he will continue to do so."
First Priority also recognized Ms. Robbie Smith of the Central Network. Ms. Robbie was presented First Priority's Volunteer Excellence Service Award for Christian leadership, love for students, commitment to the Lord, and years of involvement and leadership with First Priority Greater Birmingham. Ms. Robbie has been involved with First Priority for the past 20 years and attends Mt. Mariah Baptist Church (Gate City). She has been instrumental in the following schools: Carver High School, Center Street Middle School, Hudson Middle School and W.J. Christian School.
"Ms. Robbie is truly an over comer of all the elements to reach kids," said First Priority Board Member and Former Staff Member Paul Brasher. "She has overcome physical adversity and health problems and continues to reach out to students. She is all about the kids. I commend her faithfulness and obedience to the Lord."
First Priority Greater Birmingham President Greg Davis continued the evening by recognizing former First Priority staff members. Many drove hundreds of miles to join us for our 20 year celebration. We would like to thank all those who were able to attend and take part in such a special event.
We then continued our program with "The Reflections of First Priority," with our special guest speakers First Priority Founder Benny Proffitt and the First Director of First Priority Mark Roberts. Benny started by telling a story about a young girl whose parents wouldn't allow her to attend church, so her church was at school - First Priority. "The heart of God is to bring people together to share the message of Jesus Christ with this generation," said Benny. One in 145,000 comes to know Christ after high school. Benny said high school is where to reach students. Benny also told stories about First Priority in other cities and across the world. Benny took First Priority international four years ago. First Priority now has teams in Europe, South America and Africa. He said the First Priority materials we create and use locally are distributed all over the world.
First Director of First Priority Mark Roberts picked up by talking about how First Priority started and the importance of a ministry that has changed many lives. Benny and Mark wanted to bring youth ministry to school campuses. "What is happening here is influencing the world," said Mark. Mark shared about different situations that proved that First Priority is needed on our school campuses. First Priority is on over 3,000 campuses across the U.S. "Hundreds of thousands of students have given their life to Christ through First Priority," said Mark. "This ministry is needed."
First Priority Greater Birmingham Executive Director Matt Wilson concluded our program by talking about the future of First Priority. "We have young leaders, fourth and fifth graders, reaching students for Christ so we feel led to take First Priority Greater Birmingham to the next level and implement this great ministry on elementary school campuses," said Matt. "First Priority is already in 20 local elementary schools. We are currently working on training materials for the elementary level. God has called us to move forward, so we are going to move. We can't wait to see where we'll be in another 20 years. May God continue to use this ministry to reach hundreds of thousands of more lives."
We would like to thank our guest speakers Benny Proffitt and Mark Roberts for taking part in our event and reflecting back on the great years of First Priority. We would once again like to thank everyone who attended and celebrated 20 years with us. Your time, finances and influence helped make this special event a huge success. Many lives will be changed by the momentum that was gained from your efforts.
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