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First Priority Greater Birmingham Weekly E-News

July 12, 2011


Every Student

Every Campus

Every Community 

20 Years



First Priority is a city-wide church vision with a comprehensive plan of action for churches, students, parents and community leaders that will create unity, resources, mentoring and strategy within your city, your community and on your campuses to reach and disciple a generation with the love and message of Jesus Christ.



First Priority Greater Birmingham works in the community as a strategic partnership of churches, ministers, business people, educators, parents and students who are concerned about the moral and spiritual well-being of teenagers in Greater Birmingham.





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Upcoming Events


Pure Praise Workshop - July 26

Click here for more info 


First Priority 20 Year Anniversary Reunion Dinner -


August 11

Click here for more info


Ignite Pell City 2011 - August 13

Click here for more info 


Tee Time Golf Tournament - Sept. 22

Click here for more info


Priority Talk with Greg Davis - Weekdays

8-10 a.m.

Click here for more info 


Hope Mission Trips

Click here for more info




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Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Visit our blog View our videos on YouTube 


A Heart for Missions 


During the summer months many youth groups take part in mission opportunities all over the world. This year, several local groups had out-of-state mission trips planned. But after the devastation in Alabama caused by the life-changing tornados, those groups quickly rerouted their trips to help those close to home. Even groups directly impacted by the storms joined forces with groups all over the country to help rebuild our state. We wanted to share with you what some local groups have done this summer to help those in need.

Rebuild Alabama 

Pleasant Grove Assembly of God


Rebuilding Alabama One Volunteer Group at a Time


Two days after the storms that rocked Alabama on April 27, we, as a church, were reeling. The tornado had destroyed our church. We had no way to open our doors and serve the community. But, I was not disheartened. I knew I was supposed to help and post relief services to help residents who had little or no insurance to repair their homes. So, armed with only a Facebook Fan Page and the name "Rebuild Alabama," I launched into the unknown. I had no idea what kind of response I would receive. After a day, a tweet and a Facebook post, the responses came rolling in from all over the country.


To date, I have worked with groups from Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana, Jemison, Ala., and I have several more groups coming in August from Fort Wayne, Ind., North Carolina and Florida. God has opened doors and connected me with strangers, now friends, to help meet the needs in Pleasant Grove.


The storm may have broken our building but it did not break our spirit. The work carries on and we will continue to find ways to host groups who want to come help. If you would like to be a host church for "Rebuild Alabama," or you are interested in bringing a group and you'd like more information, please check out my blog at or join "Rebuild Alabama" on Facebook.


Paul Turner

Youth Pastor


Rebuild Alabama 2 



Hope Missions  

Hope Mission Trips


Bringing Hope to the Hopeless through the Gospel of Jesus Christ


We have seen God do some amazing things on our mission trips so far this summer. To date, Hope Missions has conducted projects in Costa Rica, New Orleans, Panama City and Manila, Ark. Almost 300 participants representing 15 churches from 6 states have come together for the purpose of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through ministry and construction projects at these locations.


During the week of July 17-21, Hope Missions will be conducting a tornado relief effort in Dora, Ala.  Please be in prayer for teams coming from all over the country to participate in this relief effort. Learn more about Hope Missions at


Shawn Doss

Founder and Director


Hope Missions 

What is your youth group doing this summer? We would love to share your stories. Please send stories to   



We invite you to Pure Praise - a youth and college praise band workshop


Next Level Worship and First Priority would like to invite you to Pure Praise Youth and College Praise Band Workshop with Dwayne Moore, author of Pure Praise: A Heart-focused Study on Worship, on Tuesday, July 26, 2011, at New Hope Baptist Church in Pell City, AL.  Please click here to learn more and to register today.



Pure Praise Workshop 2011


Save the Date!


Tee Time Save the Date  


Click here for more information


Mark your calendars NOW for Alive in the Mountains 2011


AITM 2011  


Going to Six Flags this summer?


Six Flags logo

Planning a trip to Six Flags or White Water this summer? Help support First Priority by purchasing your tickets from us!




Ticket prices are as follows:

- One Day Six Flags Over Georgia Admission: $32

- One Day Six Flags White Water Admission: $27

- Six Flags Over Georgia & Six Flags White Water Combo One Day Admission: $42

- Meal Ticket: $10.50


There is no minimum purchase and no additional taxes or fees. We will even buy back the tickets you don't use! For more information or to order your tickets, e-mail or call 205.871.8886.



New FP Bham Logo 

P.O. Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259-9365