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First Priority Greater Birmingham Weekly E-News

May 3, 2011


Every Student

Every Campus

Every Community 

20 Years



First Priority is a city-wide church vision with a comprehensive plan of action for churches, students, parents and community leaders that will create unity, resources, mentoring and strategy within your city, your community and on your campuses to reach and disciple a generation with the love and message of Jesus Christ.



First Priority Greater Birmingham works in the community as a strategic partnership of churches, ministers, business people, educators, parents and students who are concerned about the moral and spiritual well-being of teenagers in Greater Birmingham.





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Upcoming Events


North Jefferson Golf Challenge - Postponed

Click here for more info


First Priority Night -

May 14

Click here for more info


First Priority and Flint Hill 5K Run - June 11

Click here for more info


Atlanta Fest -

June 15-18

Click here for more info


Spring Valley Beach

Click here for more info


Hope Mission Trips

Click here for more info


P3 Prayer Walk

Click here for schedule





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URGENT First Priority Tornado

Relief Efforts


First Priority now has a specific project in which you as a First Priority supporter can touch the lives of local teens impacted by last week's weather disaster. I hope you will take the time right now to read the details below and deeply consider your involvement. With your support, First Priority will be there now just as it has been for the past 20 years to provide encouragement to every student in every community who needs help. This stands to be an unprecedented opportunity to touch young lives with the love of Jesus Christ and we are determined to see it happen.


After the Katrina disaster, First Priority organized Bags of Hope for teens whose families lost everything. The idea was to come in after the immediate physical needs of roof, food, water and clothes had been met and provide for teens' emotional and spiritual well-being. The bags were purchased by a concerned person who would then fill the bags with items from a suggested list and return them so that they could be distributed by a local First Priority representative into schools and communities. In just two weeks First Priority Birmingham provided for more than 500 of these students. Thousands were provided from across the nation to our First Priority organization on the Gulf Coast. We believe the same can be done now here in Alabama.


We know that the current need in our area is for basic physical aid. This response has been overwhelming. The next opportunity to meet needs is what we are now looking ahead to. In a similar fashion in the next week or two there will be toy drives in order to provide some sort of normality for a young child. This Bags of Hope emphasis for teenagers will be similar to that, but we will be able to give emotional and spiritual healing in these teens' lives. We have several books and music that we will be suggesting that deal with suffering from a Christian perspective. Oftentimes, the needs of middle and high schoolers are overlooked. Teens will be looking for answers and we want to ensure they get the right ones! This may be the only opportunity to touch their lives with Christian love.


Please help us help students and become personally involved by supporting this unprecedented need in our area. Click HERE to learn how you can help. This link will take you to the specific ways you can get involved with the Bags of Hope emphasis. Thank you for your support!


Keeping Christ the First Priority,


Greg Davis


First Priority Greater Birmingham


Christian Rappers Relief Benefit Concert - Let's Rebuild Alabama



We would like to invite you to the Christian Rappers Relief Benefit Concert TONIGHT, from 6-8 p.m. at Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, 2135 Jefferson Avenue, Birmingham, AL, 35211 (next to Arrington Middle School). All proceeds and donations will benefit those affected by the destructive storms on Wednesday, April 27. This benefit event will include human videos, worship and Birmingham's top rappers including: DPB, Ready, Devil Killer, LP, Short T., G-1, Stacey Scott, Tyrell Scott, Kryst Like, 4 Given, video of Canton Jones and B BJAY, T-Won, JP, Big Prophet and many more. You will also hear from First Priority's James Cato. Doors will open for worship at 5:45 p.m. Click HERE for more information about donations and the event or contact David Paul Brooks at 205.229.0300. Please come out and support those who have lost their homes, businesses, cars... everything. Help us Rebuild Alabama!


Join us for First Priority Night!

FP Barons Night


We would like to invite you to First Priority Night with the Birmingham Barons, on Saturday, May 14, at Regions Park.

Bring the whole family or your church group for a fun-filled evening. You will enjoy a pre-game event with Former MLB Pitcher Chris Hammond, ticket to the Barons game, pizza and a drink in a souvenir cup. Priority Packs are $10 each. Click here for more information or call 205.871.8886 to get your Priority Pack today!

Flint Hill's First Priority 5K and One Mile Fun Run at Alabama Adventure



First Priority and Flint Hill Christian School invite you to participate in our 5K and One Mile Fun Run at Alabama Adventure on Saturday, June 11, 2011. First Priority and Flint Hill Christian School work to reach students with the love and message of Jesus Christ. We invite you to take part and encourage your support of this vital outreach. You will be a blessing to us and the work we do to impact students' lives!


Click here for more details and to register online.


Going to Six Flags this summer?


Six Flags logo

Planning a trip to Six Flags or White Water this summer? Help support First Priority by purchasing your tickets from us!




Ticket prices are as follows:

- One Day Six Flags Over Georgia Admission: $32

- One Day Six Flags White Water Admission: $27

- Six Flags Over Georgia & Six Flags White Water Combo One Day Admission: $42

- Meal Ticket: $10.50


There is no minimum purchase and no additional taxes or fees. We will even buy back the tickets you don't use! For more information or to order your tickets, e-mail or call 205.871.8886.



New FP Bham Logo 

P.O. Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259-9365