Governor Dr. Robert Bentley has proclaimed the last Friday in March "Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama." This is a day when parents and concerned adults take time to pray over students, teachers, school administrators and schools. Last year, thousands of adults were involved in public prayer events to show students in Alabama their prayerful support. Will you commit with us now to pray over students?
Get involved!
- Become a Prayer Zone Partner and encourage others in your church and community to do the same. Every time you pass a school, pray over the school and turn the School Zone into a Prayer Zone. Contact First Priority for details and material.
- Plan a 24-hour prayer vigil at your church.
- Plan a "Prayer Walk" around your local schools. PLEASE NOTE: You must receive permission from the school principal to do this.
- Send a note, e-mail or text message to students to let them know you are praying for them.
- Contact the principals of your local schools to let them know that your church is praying for their schools. Ask for a list of faculty members so that your church can pray for them name by name.
Commit now to join with other parents and concerned adults to pray over students, teachers, school administrators and schools. Tune in to 93.7 WDJC radio on March 25, for continuous "Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama" coverage.
For more information or ideas about how to get your church and community involved, log on to or call 205.871.8886. You can also join our E-prayer network by sending your e-mail address to Below is a link to Day of Prayer resources. Click on the link for the following resources that will help you as you begin preparing for this important day:
Bulletin Insert;
Multi-media PowerPoint Slide;
Video; and
Signed Proclamation By Gov. Dr. Robert Bentley.
Click here for these resources
We hope you will take the time to check-out and use these valuable Day of Prayer resources.
"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16b