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First Priority Greater Birmingham Weekly E-News

March 22, 2011


Every Student

Every Campus

Every Community 

20 Years



First Priority is a city-wide church vision with a comprehensive plan of action for churches, students, parents and community leaders that will create unity, resources, mentoring and strategy within your city, your community and on your campuses to reach and disciple a generation with the love and message of Jesus Christ.



First Priority Greater Birmingham works in the community as a strategic partnership of churches, ministers, business people, educators, parents and students who are concerned about the moral and spiritual well-being of teenagers in Greater Birmingham.





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Upcoming Events


Day of Prayer - March 25

Click here for resources


Stadium Fest - April 2

Click here for more info


Atlanta Fest - June 15-18

Click here for more info


P3 Prayer Walk

Click here for schedule





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This Friday is "Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama"


Day of Prayer 

Governor Dr. Robert Bentley has proclaimed the last Friday in March "Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama." This is a day when parents and concerned adults take time to pray over students, teachers, school administrators and schools. Last year, thousands of adults were involved in public prayer events to show students in Alabama their prayerful support. Will you commit with us now to pray over students?


Get involved!

- Become a Prayer Zone Partner and encourage others in your church and community to do the same. Every time you pass a school, pray over the school and turn the School Zone into a Prayer Zone. Contact First Priority for details and material.


- Plan a 24-hour prayer vigil at your church.


- Plan a "Prayer Walk" around your local schools. PLEASE NOTE: You must receive permission from the school principal to do this.


- Send a note, e-mail or text message to students to let them know you are praying for them.


- Contact the principals of your local schools to let them know that your church is praying for their schools. Ask for a list of faculty members so that your church can pray for them name by name.


Commit now to join with other parents and concerned adults to pray over students, teachers, school administrators and schools. Tune in to 93.7 WDJC radio on March 25, for continuous "Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama" coverage.


For more information or ideas about how to get your church and community involved, log on to or call 205.871.8886. You can also join our E-prayer network by sending your e-mail address to Below is a link to Day of Prayer resources. Click on the link for the following resources that will help you as you begin preparing for this important day:


Bulletin Insert;

Multi-media PowerPoint Slide;

Video; and

Signed Proclamation By Gov. Dr. Robert Bentley.


Click here for these resources


We hope you will take the time to check-out and use these valuable Day of Prayer resources.


"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16b

First Priority Night with the Birmingham Barons


FP Barons Night


We would like to invite you to First Priority Night with the Birmingham Barons, on Saturday, May 14, 2011. You don't want to miss Guest Speaker and Former MLB Pitcher, Chris Hammond. Bring the whole family or your church group for a fun-filled evening. Priority Packs are $10 and include the pre-game event with Chris Hammond, ticket to the Barons game, pizza and a drink in a souvenir cup. Call 205.871.8886 to get your Priority Pack today!


Don't miss Stadium Fest 2011


Stadium Fest Logo
Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association presents Stadium Fest! This fun-filled, FREE event will be held on Saturday, April 2, 2011, at Spain Park High School Stadium from 12 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Don't miss Casting Crowns, Toby Mac, Rick Burgess, Bill "Bubba" Bussey, James Spann, Scott Dawson and MANY more. Click here for more information. You don't want to miss this incredible event!


Going to Six Flags this summer?


Six Flags logo

Planning a trip to Six Flags or White Water this summer? Help support First Priority by purchasing your tickets from us!




Ticket prices are as follows:

- One Day Six Flags Over Georgia Admission: $32

- One Day Six Flags White Water Admission: $27

- Six Flags Over Georgia & Six Flags White Water Combo One Day Admission: $42

- Meal Ticket: $10.50


There is no minimum purchase and no additional taxes or fees. We will even buy back the tickets you don't use! For more information or to order your tickets, e-mail or call 205.871.8886.


Looking for a high quality, affordable mission trip? 


Hope Missions
Are you looking for a high quality, affordable mission trip this summer? Hope Missions offers opportunities for students, adults and families. Save $10 (Early Bird Rate) when you mention you heard about this from First Priority.



New FP Bham Logo 

P.O. Box 59365, Birmingham, AL 35259-9365