Leadership OD
July 4, 2010- Vol 1, Issue 2
In This Issue
Leadership Tips
Communication Corner
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Happy 4th of July from the team at LeadershipOD.  I hope this finds you celebrating the joys of Independence we all enjoy. 
In this issue of our Newsletter, we will begin a regular column from our partner, Janet Parker.  She give us tips on developing our presentation skills. I believe that even if you do not plan to become a presenter, these skill are important to practice, because they help us in all of our communications. Whether your "audience" is an auditorium full of colleagues or a single patient, these tips are very helpful.
 Please enjoy and take a moment to remember all of those who have sacrificed, and continue to, so that we may enjoy this Independence Day.
Sincerely yours,
Mike Rothschild, Leadership OD 
Leadership Tips form Mike Rothschild
Defining Your Vision  
Imagining what you want as if it already exists opens the door to letting it happen.
 Dr. Mike Rothschild
In the last issue, I presented several questions to help you determine the things that matter most to you.  If you took the time to write your answers to these questions, you have a new awareness of what you are meant to accomplish. 
Now with this new outlook, you can paint the picture of the life you will build.  You have the input you need to imagine the the best for yourself, your professional team and your family.  Once that develops, you can start making it a reality.
 I define a "Vision" as a clear, well-defined description of what you want your life to become.  It is a target.  To be effective, it must be well thought out with deep consideration of your personal values and principles.  You should have at least two "Visions."  One for your personal life and one for your professional life. 
To develop your own Visions, try following these steps:
1- Answer the 5 questions from our last Newsletter in this column.
2- Study the answers to align yourself with the values that matter most in your life.
3- Imagine your home, your family when everything is perfect.
4- Imagine the practice of your dreams, and your role in it.
5- Write it as if it has already occurred.
This exercise is very important as you continue your development as leader.  It sets your target, your direction.  I like to think of it as a lighthouse.  A lighthouse stays where it is built, lighting the way continuously.  When we lose our way, whether due to a storm or lack of attention, the lighthouse's position is consistent. It gives us steadfast guidance that we can trust.
In the next issue, we will talk about how to use this vision to continue our leadership development.
Communication Corner with Janet Parker

Janet Parker, Training ProfessionalDeliver Dynamic Presentations  

As a healthcare and business professional, your ability to powerfully communicate has a direct impact on your practice's success.  

You can overcome anxiety, deliver presentations with confidence, credibility and control and, consequently, propel your practice to the top by following these tips.

1 Make an excellent first impression

The moment you enter the room, your soon-to-be audience sizes you up. They notice your clothing, body language, facial expressions and the way you interact with audience members prior to your presentation. Fair or not, they use these visual impressions to judge whether you're going to be a credible speaker. To ensure you're putting your best foot forward:

  Dress appropriately. If you want to appear as a professional, you must dress as a professional.

Have confident body language. Entering the room with a smile and your shoulders back conveys that you're confident in the material you're about to present and in yourself.

2 Start with a spark

If you want your audience to receive your message, you must immediately captivate their interest. I've discovered several methods that are particularly effective in accomplishing this:

Tell a story, making sure its point relates to the main point(s) of your message.

State a compelling statistic that immediately educates the audience of the importance of listening to your presentation.

Ask questions (to keep the audience involved).

3 Avoid filler words, and edit words and phrases

How many times have you sat through a presentation and found yourself counting the number of times the speaker said "um," "uh," and/or "you know" because their repetition distracted you from his message? The "uhs," and "ums," are "filler" words, while "you know" is a "filler" phrase.

4 Master your non-verbal communication

Extensive research in verbal and non-verbal communication in both group and one-on-one settings suggests that facial expression, body language and voice quality deliver 93% of communication. In other words: It's not what you say, but what they hear that counts.

Use eye contact. Imagine having a conversation with someone, yet that person keeps looking around and over your shoulder. You'd probably feel as if he wasn't interested in you. So, you'd lose interest in him and look for someone else with which to talk

Gesture naturally. Appropriate gestures add interest to your presentation and punctuate your message. An appropriate gesture is one that naturally serves as a visual extension of your words, which helps to reinforce the message. It compliments rather than distracts from your message.

Enhance your vocal power. Your voice can be one of your best tools for communication. Through your vocal energy and power, you can command attention and communicate with confidence, clarity and poise.

5 Sharpen your communication axe

President Abraham Lincoln said, "If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening my axe." Athletes and performers spend countless hours sharpening their respective "axes," before every game or show to ensure they deliver their best.

You can sharpen your communication axe through proper planning, preparation and practice. All are surefire ways to catapult your communication and speaking skills and deliver messages that captivate, inspire and motivate your listeners.

The "secret" of great presenters is they not only consider "what" to say, but have mastered the art of "how" to say it. By following the seven aforementioned tips, you too can become a great presenter. The result: An influx of new patients and practice revenue.


This has been a summary of Ms.Parker's article in Optometric Management, July 2009.