The Hope Tree Logo
 The Hope Journal        a monthly newsletter of hope & encouragement
Copper Leaves on Teh Hope Tree Sculpture

March 2012  

In This Issue

 Our New Radio Show is Climbing the Charts!

Hope is Renewable

Hope Tree Symbol of the Month: Community

Featured Reading, Listening & Watching

In Our Next Issue

Contact Us  

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you forward this newsletter
to your friends
and family . . .
Kitten with Bunny Friend

For the best results,
be sure you use the activated  "Forward Email" link at the bottom of the actual newsletter - just below the "Contact Info" section - rather than forwarding it through your regular email service.

Join Us on
the Radio

Castle Rock Radio Logo

The Hope Journal
on LIVE every Thursday

at 9 AM MST

On Thursday mornings,
fill your coffee mug, snuggle up in a comfy chair and listen to us LIVE on Internet radio. 

Just go to
This hour long show features stories about hope, interviews and live conversations with guests from around the world, email and tweeted questions - PLUS -  weekly homework assignments for you
to sharpen your own
"Hope Quotient."

If you ever miss us live, the previous shows will be archived and available 24/7 via the station's web site by clicking on the "Archives" tab.
Then find The Hope Journal listing and choose the show date you want to hear.


Hope Related Gifts

Copper Leaf Paper Weight

Visit our store by clicking the picture above to see lovely gifts for a loved one or friend in need of symbols that remind them to feel hopeful and encouraged.

Now You Can Experience
 The Hope Tree For Yourself.

Link to The Hope Tree HD Documentary
Food For Thought

Spring Crocuses

 "At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us."
                                    Albert Schweitzer 

"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men."  
                                    Herman Melville

"There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew."


Marshall McLuhan


"You can make it, but it's easier if  you don't have to  do it alone."


- Betty Ford


"One man may hit the mark, another blunder; but  

heed not these distinctions. Only from the alliance of the one, working with and through the other, are great things born."


Antoine de Saint-Exupery


"We are in community  

each time we find  

a place where  

we belong."


Peter F. Block

 Spring Tulips









The Hope Tree
Our Radio Show is Climbing Up, Up & Way on the Charts!

Dear Hopefuls,

Thanks so much for joining us again here in the newsletter which was inspired by The Hope Tree. 
If you are new to us, learn all about this amazing phenomenon at

I am happy to report that our radio show is becoming a big success. The station on which we air has 36 talk shows. When we started on December 1, 2011 at,  we were rated at the bottom - # 36. Just 4 months later we are already rated their #7 most popular show and climbing inch by inch every week. Thank you all so much for your wonderful support and encouragement with this show. I am having far too much fun to call it work. A "labor of love" suits the feeling much better.

For those of you have not yet had a chance to listen in to us on The Hope Journal Show, the show airs LIVE on
every Thursday from 9:00 AM MST to 10 AM MST on Or you can always listen to previously broadcast shows 24/7 under the station's "Archives" tab. Just find The Hope Journal Show and click a date to activate that show.

We are having a great time exploring hope from every imaginable perspective with fascinating guests on a myriad of topics:

Survival Experts
Research Scientists
Mental Health Professionals
Transcendental Meditation Practitioners
Animal Healers
Motivational Experts
Hospital Administrators
 . . . to name a few

Here are our guests for March and April 2012: 
March 1 - JoAline Olson, RN, MSN, VP Innovations Adventist Health 
March 8 - Anita Belanger, RN, University of Colorado 
March 15 - Lynsee Hudson-Lang, MD, Neurologist
March 22 - Janet Higgins on Transcendental Meditation
March 29 - Barb Head, RN, MSN, Director Kaiser Permanente
April 5 - Selena Casso, MSW, Mental Health Professional
April 12 - Kim Baker, Healing Dynamics within Animal Relationships 
Good heavens! What a lineup of fascinating people to be discussing hope with us. These discussions are very lively and, shall we say,  "free-flowing." Join us for a really interesting and uplifting time. And remember, if you ever miss a show you can always catch it in the station's Archives 24/7 whenever it fits your schedule better. So grab your headphones, a cup of tea or coffee and relax with us.

In the meantime, have a wonderful month. We have hyacinth, iris and tulips poking their heads up through the leaves and pine needles. But it is never really Spring in the Rocky Mountains until the Pasque flowers appear. That should be soon!

Carol Jeanotilla & The Hope Tree Gang

If you have enjoyed what you see here in this newsletter, find even more helpful and hopeful encouragement at:

Hope is Renewable Buds  

Hope Is Renewable.


It's not as if we feel hope one day and then get to keep it forever. It would be wonderful if hope worked that way: stretch ourselves to cultivate it, let it take root and then just effortlessly allow it to grow all by itself - harvesting our crop whenever extra hope was needed. But hope needs constant renewal like any living thing. It needs fuel, nourishment, protection and tending.  


Thankfully, we have ways to make more when the current supply diminishes. We have learned how even small things can produce those healthy chemicals that signal our brains and bodies that we are doing well. There are endless resources available for additional scientific information if we still need more proof that "this hope thing" is real.


We must protect our hope reserves fiercely. Keep all that we have learned here and elsewhere in mind every day with proven reinforcement aids: keep a hope and gratitude journal; surround ourselves with positive people; avoid people, conversations, TV shows, news and recordings that diminish our ability to stay hopeful. Meditate, look to nature for cues on thriving against the odds, listen to o music that make you feel great, seek out stories of hope, tell stories of hope. Learn all we can about your illness or situation and the array of treatment options or available solutions.


Our hopes are very personal. And no one gets to tell us what to hope for. We are allowed big hopes, medium hopes, small hopes and very teeny, tiny hopes. Our job is to be hopeful about something everyday and keep those good chemicals flowing through our bodies like Morse Code messages across the Atlantic so that we can return to wellness. Go to our Science of Hope tab at to learn more about this Morse Code and other hope topics.  


Do your homework, get inspired and thrive for as long as possible!

"Without hope, nothing could begin; hope offered a real chance to reach a better end. Hope helps overcome hurdles that we otherwise could not scale, and it moves us forward to a place where healing can occur." 

- Jerry Groopman, MD,
author The Anatomy of Hope

Community Symbol from The Hope TreeOur Featured Symbol from 
The Hope Tree: Community
This symbol for community has five members twirling about in a circle. Like the pictures we have all seen of groups parachuting together. They are nearly touching, each swept up by the same supporting wind. While they are capable of flying off in separate directions, they choose to fly in a formation of sorts. They willingly travel together - not unlike a flock of geese in formation - silently agreeing to go where they all go, suffer what they all suffer and rejoice in what they all find joyous.
    This symbol reminds us of those who are taking this journey with us - whirling about in this unknown storm - steadfastly within arms reach whenever we need them. The essence of community. 
    It is not surprising that The Hope Tree carries several different cultural symbols for community. It can be one of the most important elements in a satisfying life. Our communities can provide us pleasure, security, education and support. By their very nature they inspire joy, hope, love, and peace.  
    Communities can also give us that all important human need to belong: to know that people care about us and that we care about them. Communities give us hope in all that is good in ourselves and others.  
    We were talking about reaching our "being" during our discussion about Transcendental Meditation on our radio show with Janet Higgins on 3/22/12  When we become familiar with our own "being" we recognize it in our communities members too. And that can only lead to a better world. 

Featured BooksFeatured reading . . . 

We are so happy to tell that you and your friends or family can now access all of our previous newsletters via a new link: 

The more research we do into the nature of hope and how it manifests itself within our minds and bodies, the more we learn about what others are doing. It would seem the whole world is in need of hope and eager to find it.

Here are some wonderful hope-related web sites for you to visit:

And, of course, our own:

Antique Trumpet Hearing AidsYou can also listen . . .

We've already told you how to listen to our Radio show at And you don't have to be at a computer either. There are many devises that will stream via WiFi: Kindles, Nooks, iPhones or iPads, to name a few. Or check us out as an official radio station on iTunes and Live365. You should also know that Carol posts many other recordings of interviews, essays and excerpts from her radio series, The Hope Journal, on These recordings can provide hope and encouragement 24/7 if you feel your hope waning.

Click the link below to listen in:


Should you miss any show you can always listen to the previous shows in archived versions at the same web site: just click the "Archive" tab. Find The Hope Journal listing and choose the show date you want to hear. 

Antique TV ImageOr watch . . .

Settle into a comfy chair and watch the inspiring documentary,
The Amazing Story of The Hope Tree. Whether you are interested in how it was created, what it means or how it inspires patients, families and staff alike - it is well worth the break in your day to have a peaceful, inspiring time.  
Here is the free link: 

By now you have heard us talk about the amazing Liz Adamson. We encourage you to watch her wonderful one-woman show, Journey, available on You Tube at this link:

Or visit her web site at:

Our April 2012 ISSUE . . .  

The radio show, The Hope Journal, is turning into a great forum for discussing hope in its many incarnations with an amazing array of experts. We will soon be are now taking questions, tweets and emails LIVE on the air so feel free to join the conversation. Check out our list of upcoming guests.
The April 2012 issue of The Hope Journal Newsletter will showcase another symbol from The Hope Tree. We will also delve into research about the role encouragement plays in nursing: both for staff and patients. Look for new book recommendations too.

Have a wonderful March. Thanks for joining us once again and we'll see you in mid-April!  
Contact Info
Carol Jeanotilla answers all of your emails personally. Please feel free to write her at: