Highlights from Board of Directors meeting Nov. 24-25, 2011 Saskatoon SK
106th CACP Annual Conference - 2011 Windsor, Ontario
The Executive Director advised the Board that the 2011 Conference in Windsor, Ontario exceeded financial expectations. Net revenue will exceed $340,000.
Institute for Strategic International Studies 2012
It was moved by the Board that the 2012 CACP ISIS theme will be "The Full Circle of Policing" The CACP National Office are receiving applications of interest. For further details please view CACP website.
National Firearms Policing Strategy
The CACP position on the Long Gun Registry is posted on the CACP website. On the direction of the President & Board, the CACP will no longer speak publically on this issue. We are moving forward.
National Police Service
The National Police Service is a priority of the President and on December 5 & 6, Chief McFee spoke to the ADM of Public Safety Richard Wex, Minister Vic Toews, Public Safety and Justice Minister Rob Nicholson of the importance of this issue. Chief McFee and Chief Hanson will be seeking the opportunity to speak with Commissioner Paulson on this file.
CACP Regional Workshop - Economics of Community Safety
On February 14 - 15, 2012 CACP, PSC & CPC will host the fourth workshop in Vancouver, BC at the Justice Institute of British Columbia. Invitations will be extended to Police Executives, Police Board members, Police Association representatives, Private Security executives and Municipal/ Provincial/ Federal policing employees.
Order of Merit
Chief McFee established a Special Purpose Committee to review CACP appointments to Regional & National Advisory Committees and to identify initiatives to promote and encourage submissions to the Order. Chief Rick Hanson was requested to chair the committee.
Research Foundation Renewal Committee
Director General Debra Frazer provided the Board of Trustees with an update on the Special Purpose Committee to renew the Research Foundation.
It was moved by the CACP Board of Directors to contribute $200,000 to the Research Foundation.
CACP Nomination Committee Guidelines: " Electoral Commission Guidelines"
As a result of changes to the CACP Constitution the Executive Director presented the Board of Directors with the "Electoral Commission Guidelines". The guidelines are posted on the CACP website for the membership review Click here.
Chief William Blair will chair the Electoral Commission and in March 2012, the President will appoint two other members to assist the chair.
Special Purpose Committee - CACP Annual Conference
D/Comm. Peter German provided an update on the activities of the Special Purpose Committee. The committee's mandate:
- Identify opportunities to enrich members attendance and add value to the experience;
- Identify the extent to which the needs of the membership are being met;
- Identify the extent to which the needs of the CACP are being met;
- Enhance the business lines associated with operating the conference;
- Develop recommendations, supported by rationale for improvements.
was approved and a series of questions will be developed and forwarded to the membership seeking their views and comments on how to improve the memberships value while attending the Conference.
Special Purpose Committee - CACP Committees
Chief Barry MacKnight provided an update on the activities of this Special Purpose Committee. The committees mandate is as follows:- Determine if the existing criteria for committee, special purpose body and functions are appropriate in today's circumstances.
- If yes, apply the criteria to each of the existing committees to determine they meet the criteria.
- If no, make recommendations for change to the criteria and once the changes are made, apply as in sub-paragraph 2.
- If a committee no longer meets the criteria make suggestions as to discontinuing the committee, merging it into a sub-committee of a related committee or assigning it as a function of the National Office.
- Determine if overlaps in mandates exist and if so make recommendations to eliminate the overlap.
- Review the extent to which improvements can be made to the work medium in order to enhance member value and increase participation.
- Identify areas where greater support of committee work is required.
- Canvass the Chair of each committee for input into this process.
- Identify what if any barriers exist to committees achieving their mandate.
- Consider a statement expressing the view that the committees and the work of the committees is a core CACP business.
- Determine if the current reporting mechanism (President's Council) is meaningful to the Committee Chairs and members.
Committee Chairs will be consulted by members of the Special Purpose Committee to provide answers to a series of questions.
Public Safety Centre
The Board of Directors received a written and verbal report on the establishment of a Canadian Centre for Policing and Public Safety. The Board referred the matter to the Chair of the Research Foundation Renewal Committee, Director General Frazer for review and recommendation.
Audit Committee appointment
As per the CACP Constitution Chief Matt Torigian, Chief Troy Hagen and Chief Paul Smith were appointed by the President to the CACP Audit Committee.
CACP/CPA/CAPB Joint Meeting
The Joint Meeting of the three Police Associations is scheduled in Ottawa on March 9, 2012. The overall theme of the meeting will be "The Economics of Community Safety"
CPRC - Emergency Responders Liaison Manager
It was moved by the Board that the CACP support and promote the establishment of a Police Liaison Managers position within CPRC. In the near future CACP will announce a competition for the position. The successful candidate will be seconded to CPRC to represent all police agencies.
Endorsement - 2011 Report on the Prevention of Miscarriages of Justice
It was moved by the Board of Directors that the CACP endorse the 2011 report on the Prevention of Miscarriages of Justice and seek the support of police agencies on the actions within the report that relate to policing.
Endorsement - National Alcohol Strategy - Low Risk Drinking Guidelines
It was moved that the Board of Directors endorse the National Alcohol Strategy, Low Risk Drinking Guidelines.
Endorsement - Missing & Exploited Children Conference
It was moved by the Board that the CACP endorse the 12th Annual Missing & Exploited Children Conference scheduled for Winnipeg, May 15 - 17, 2012.
21st Committee of the CACP - Victims of Crime
It was moved by the Board that the 21st committee of the CACP - Victims of Crime be established. Chief Eric Joliffe was requested to develop the Committee's mandate and submit it to the Board in March for approval.
President's Council on Strategic Direction
The President's Council is scheduled for Victoria, BC, January 15 - 16, 2012. The CACP Board of Directors, Presidents of Provincial Chiefs of Police Associations, CACP Committee Chairs and project leaders have been extended an invitation. This year's Council will take the form of a Town Hall meeting.
Topics to be explored:
- Citizens demonstrations - occupation of public places - civil disruption
- Police budget crises
- CACP legislative agenda
- Improved relations with federal government officials
- Fixing the problem with government relations
- National Police Service
- Public safety spectrum and interoperability
- Research Foundation
- CACP Annual Conference
- Order of Merit
- Mental Health in the Workplace
- Provincial Presidents consultation
- CACP Committees