April 2010
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Hispanic Outreach Insights
 Part Two of our Three Part Series - La Comunidad "The Community"
 Missed Part One? Click here for our March e-newsletter.
In This Issue
La Comunidad: The roles of parents and children in financial education
Financial Education Solutions
El Poder es Tuyo™: Spanish Web Site for Hispanic Members
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La Comunidad: The roles of parents and children in financial education
With a laundry list of unfamiliar things to learn as a new U.S. citizen, many Hispanic immigrants are educated through their relatives, friends, co-workers, and, surprisingly, their children.
Growing up, many children of first-generation Hispanic immigrants find themselves taking on adult roles at a young age. By the time a child learns English in school, they usually find themselves interpreting for their parents. A sample of daily interpretations includes translating documents, setting up appointments, and disputing errors on bills. 
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While basic financial habits are often taught from parent to child, children also play a big role in educating their parents on finances. As they begin financial education at school, children tend to bring much of that information home to process alongside their parents.
This leads into the common "role reversal", where the child ends up playing the role of the parent. Understanding this dynamic is important when it comes to your credit union's financial education approach. Finding ways to integrate adult and youth financial education programs is an effective way to reach Hispanic families as a unit.
Financial Education Solutions
Intimidated by providing financial education for your current and prospective Hispanic members? Ease into it with a few small efforts to build an effective strategy. Don't forget to:   
  1. Identify your target market
  2. Inventory your current financial education materials
  3. Adapt those to the target market
translate bookIf you need assistance developing a strategy, contact Coopera to set up a time for a free initial consultation. If you are eager to begin immediately, ensure you are providing relevant materials for youth such as Rosa's Quincea�era Activity Book or Coopera's Basic Steps to Managing Your Money Spanish Seminar in a Box Seminar in a Box.translate book
New El Poder es TElPoderuyo™ Subscribers
We welcome the following credit unions to El Poder es Tuyo™ (Spanish Web Site for Hispanic Members):
Coming soon on El Poder es Tuyo™:  
  • El Poder es Tuyo4/19 - Teaching your Kids How to Save (Ense��ndole a sus Ni�os C�mo Ahorrar)
  • 4/26 - How to Grow your Business (C�mo Crecer su Negocio)
  • 5/3 - Be Financially Prepared Before your Children Attend College (Prep�rese Financieramente Antes de que sus Hijos Asistan la Universidad)  
  • 5/10 - What you Need to Know Before you Sell your Home (Lo que Necesita Saber Antes de Vender su Casa)
Are there other areas within your Hispanic outreach initiative that you need assistance with? Contact us at 866.518.0214 or for further assistance.
2010. Coopera Consulting. All Rights Reserved.