I-110 improvements project update
Interstate 110 construction teams are working day and night to complete the multi-year I-110 improvements and split diamond interchange projects. Together these two construction efforts represent approximately $100 million of interstate improvements for Escambia County drivers. The work to widen I-110 to six lanes between the Airport Boulevard overpass and Maxwell Street is currently focused on paving operations. Paving crews have completed the next-to-last layer of asphalt on I-110 and paving work at the Davis Highway-Fairfield Drive intersection. The construction team is now working to identify and correct any imperfections to the roadway surfaces before applying the final or "friction" layer of asphalt.
I-110 north and southbound
Paving work is highly dependent on weather conditions. Asphalt pavement cannot be applied during rainy and wet conditions, and construction specifications prevent application of the friction layer unless temperatures are above 45-degrees. "The weather this time of year is a challenge for the paving crews," said project administrator Frank Tucker, a traffic engineer for Volkert Construction Services. "The crews are working hard in an effort to complete the paving work and the entire project this spring." Efforts continue to limit traffic impacts for the tens-of-thousands of drivers who travel this stretch of I-110 each day. Work requiring lane restrictions is limited to 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. The latest lane closure information is available here. |
Split diamond interchange update
Much of the work for the Interstate 110/Airport Boulevard-Brent Lane split diamond interchange project remains focused on Brent Lane and the new on-and-off ramps connecting it to I-110. The Brent Lane portion of the project is in its fifth and final phase to widen the roadway to six lanes between Rawson Lane and Davis Highway. Traffic on Brent Lane is in the permanent alignment and all six lanes are open as workers construct the median and center portion of the roadway.
Brent Lane traffic is in its permanent alignment while crews
construct the concrete traffic separator and median .
Airport Boulevard overpass
Improvements to the Airport Boulevard overpass and the on-and-off ramps connecting it to I-110 are another major part of the split diamond project. Archer-Western Contractors, Ltd. is constructing a traffic separator and painting the overpass. When all of the work is completed, the new I-110 on-and-off ramps to Airport Boulevard will be opened.
The Airport Boulevard overpass at I-110
New I-110 southbound service road The new I-110 southbound service road connecting Airport Boulevard to Brent Lane will be open by this spring. The new service road, located on the west side of the interstate, will make it possible to exit I-110 southbound at Airport Boulevard and travel on to Brent Lane if desired.
Construction continues on the new service roads for the I-110/Airport Boulevard-Brent Lane split diamond interchange project.
Archer Western Contractors, Ltd. began work on the Interstate 110/Airport Boulevard-Brent Lane split diamond interchange project in February 2007 and completion is scheduled for the spring of 2009.