Zentangle (R)
In this issue...
Snow Removal
Our LA/CHA Trip
Feedback Gems
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories


102 Tangles

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

February 21, 2011


In this issue, we have:
  • Snow removal
  • Our trip to CHA 
  • Feedback gems


Rick and Maria  


Snow Removal


We are getting ready for our our Certified Zentangle Teacher training next week. We start things off with a reception at our home/studio/gallery. However, we've had so much snow that there was no place for folks to park, even temporarily.


Bobcat to the rescue! Then it was 60 degrees (F) for a couple days . . . perfect! Everything is coming together and we're so excited as we look forward to making new friends.

There's a light snow falling this morning, just enough to cover the "snirt" (snow/dirt) and give a picture perfect postcard setting for our visiting guests arriving tomorrow on a sunny Tuesday.

FYI, this class sold out. Our May class has less than 10 seats remaining. For details and registration forms, see this newsletter.

Our Trip to LA and CHA

Three weeks ago we were in LA at the Convention Center for the Craft and Hobby Association show. We were honored to be invited by Sakura to give mini-Zentangle workshops in their booth. We had a wonderful time and met amazing people. We are so grateful we had this opportunity.

Sakura (who makes those awesome Pigma Microns we use) extended their booth to create a classroom. We gave 14 workshops (!). It was fun, but at the end of the last day, we were getting a little silly, wondering if we had or hadn't told a particular story.

Here we are along with some happy tanglers.

rick and maria


3 tiles 

People came over to show us beautiful Zentangles they had created.


We took many pictures that would inspire new tangles or which reminded us of existing ones. LA's original public library was a great source.

library 1

library 2

Here's a hollibaugh-esque view of the Convention Center Lobby.


Our camera was bulging with countless images and we look forward to sharing them with you as we develop new tangles.

Our flight home was canceled because of snow in Boston. We had to stay (alas) in LA for another two days.

We took advantage of that to visit the Getty Museum. If you are ever in LA and can manage it, do not miss your chance to see this beautiful (and free) museum.


We again collected many inspirations for new tangles. We also saw iterations of existing tangles. For instance, centuries ago, tanglers used dex to adorn this bust.

dex bust

dex detail

Here's an example of beeline in this French bureau drawer marquetry.


Most wonderfully, we saw the original book that has been a treasured inspiration for Maria for many years, the Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta.


Even our trip home was full of tangle inspirations, such as these irrigation patterns viewed from somewhere over North Texas or Oklahoma.


We look forward to continuing to deconstruct patterns from all over this wonderful world and translating them into fun and entrancing tangles.

Feedback Gems


I got my kit about 3 weeks ago, holed up in a snow storm I showed my granddaughter age 7, who even tangled my valentine card and then I discovered my daughter tangling, horses heads, hoofs and stirrups - creating gift for her horsey friends. We are enjoying this so much - thanks.


Thank you so much for my kit.  I am making myself wait until I have finished outdoor chores before I open it. I do appreciate the quick mailing. Thank you for your great website.


My daughter has been tangling for the past couple of years. Oh how I wish we had discovered Zentangle years ago! It's improved her fine motor skills and boosted her self-confidence. It's turned her from a craft-a-phobe into a creative wonder. For years, I had a part-time calligraphy business and was heartbroken when my daughter's teachers said it didn't matter that she had horrible handwriting - we live in the computer age. (ugh!)  You'd never know by looking at her script today that she ever had any issues. Thank you.


I am so excited to get started.  I read an article in a local paper about this art form and I can't wait.

(regarding a recent Zentangle article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, February 8, 2011)


Hello to you both,

I am a virtual, novice tangler in Tel Aviv, Israel.  I discovered Zentangle about a year ago when I was still in the states.  After arriving in Israel and starting a 2-year life here, I have time to really focus on my art.  I am a paper crafts artist and someone who would not have described myself as an "artist" until very recently.
I had dabbled with Zentangle in 2010 but did not have time for a class or to really focus and learn the tangles.  Since arriving in Israel I have the time and energy to work with the method.  I recently ordered my first "official" kit.  I received it yesterday.  It is beautiful.  The kit itself has an incredible energy of peace and tranquility.  I absolutely love it.  I can't wait to watch the video and learn even more.
Zentangle is making me a better artist.  It impacts every project in so many ways.  The materials are so beautiful.  Zentangle is helping me make a life transition in ways that I could never have imagined.
Best regards...

Please be patient with our deliveries this week. We are busy with our CZT seminar. Normally we ship the same day we receive your order (up to late afternoon). We will do our best to ship all rush orders as usual, but our ground orders may take an extra day or two (or three).

Remember to visit us at BLOG Zentangle for (almost) daily postings. We've posted larger size images of our LA trip pix from this newsletter on this blog.

Thank you again for sharing in this wonderful adventure!

Rick and Maria

About Zentangle

Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: rickandmaria@zentangle.com
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com

� 2011 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved