In this issue we have: - Registration for two CZT seminars - February and May
- Tangle instructions for Cirquital
- and more.
Certified Zentangle Teacher Registration Opens
We are now accepting registrations for Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) seminars in February and May, 2011. To learn more about our CZT program, please see this blog entry. Several newsletters in our newsletter archive provide more information and pictures such as this one and this one. (These are links to earlier dates and prices.) We appreciate how many more people understand Zentangle's potential - both as a benefit to others and as a way to create income as a Certified Zentangle Teacher. Therefore, we are offering three CZT seminars in 2011.
We are able to accept registrations for 2011's first two seminars because we have received price commitments from our vendors. We are also planning an October, 2011, seminar but we can't accept registrations until we are sure of our costs. Please send in your registrations promptly. Our last seminar filled in just over one week. February 22-25, 2011, SeminarOur very first CZT seminar was in February, 2009. We enjoyed unseasonably warm (60 degree!) weather that week. We are in New England however and odds favor snow and colder temperatures. February 22-25, 2011, Registration Form (pdf). May 13-16, 2011, SeminarThis is our first weekend seminar. Many public school teachers have requested a summer seminar, however the Oakhurst Retreat Center does not have air conditioning. This is a good alternative if you can't take off a week from work. May 13-16, 2011, Registration Form (pdf). Schedule OverviewAfter dinner o n Day 1 at the retreat center, you are invited to enjoy dessert and beverages at our home/studio/gallery. It really is a special place and we look forward to welcoming you to our world.
Day 2 and 3 are full days of instruction and creativity. During evenings there's time to finish "homework," relax by the fireplace and enjoy each others' company and special treats.
On Day 4 morning we wrap things up and say our good-byes.After you register, we mail you a detailed information packet.
Comments From Our Most Recent CZT Seminar
Meet these wonderful people from our October CZT seminar! In this picture are people who traveled from Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Taiwan and from all over USA including one lady who drove from Alaska. These new CZTs are all listed on our CZT page here. To get an idea about what others have to say about their experience here in Whitinsville, - Jane Monk, CZT from Tasmania, Australia, describes her trip in this wonderful summary from her blog.
And in an email exerpt wrote:
"As you know, it is a long flight home from the States to Australia and this gave me some time to reflect on my time with you all. I can now appreciate that you insist on conducting certified training sessions in Whitinsville and nowhere else. Without your foresight in this, I would have missed the opportunity to see your home, your gallery, your work and feel the harmony and peacefulness that pervades your home. Seeing all the design work, family photos and memorabilia along with the graceful simplicity but beautiful fullness of your lives has made me even more proud to have been a small part of the phenomenon that is Zentangle! It is a wonderful way to teach by example and I'm sure everyone who attends CZT and visits your home will feel this.
"Prior to becoming a CZT, I had taught a handful of people and these classes were great fun with everyone wanting more. However, now that I have put the effort into attending training with you both, I know that there is far far more to teaching the basics. Having the knowledge I now have, I would never wish for anyone to take a class with an uncertified teacher - the difference is very tangible and real. I hope I can do justice to your beautiful method of teaching Zentangle and empower others with the creativity and esteem building that is part of Zentangle."
- Sarah Garrity, CZT, writes a great blog entry about her experiences.
- Karen Kathryn Keefe, PhD, CZT, emailed,
"I am an Organization Development consultant focusing on management training and leadership development. I've attended countless programs and have many certifications for coaching and training. I have never been treated so graciously or learned so much practical information in 2 � days in my 30 year career. Every little touch from the warm greetings to the fun give-aways, to the thoughtful training design was enhanced by the Whitinsville setting. The Oakhurst manor and grounds were especially beautiful and a lovely space to hold such an artful retreat. Every person involved (and there were quite a few) in this event was committed to a positive productive engagement. It is with much gratitude that I will always recall being invited to Rick and Maria's home to see the birthplace of Zentangle, the studio and the gallery - simply delightful. I am honored to be a CZT and look forward to doing my part to share this amazingly simple and profound art form. I believe any one who ventures to Whitinsville to become part of the Zentangle community will leave not only with a certification but with a renewed spirit. Thank you for the experience, the vision and for trusting us with the tangles."
There are many more quotes to share, but this is already a long newsletter. We think these few comments will help give you an idea of what this is all about.
Here's a fun and simple tangle. It all circles and arcs. According to one of Zentangle's approaches, everything is drawn behind. It's a tangle that invites bold areas of black and dynamic shading. Cirquital also mixes well with other tangles Although its name suggests "circle," it is derived from "cirque," French for circus.   Enjoy!
Seasonal Treat
A dear friend and her young son decorated this white pumpkin with Zentangle tangles. You can read more and see a larger image on its blog entry.
Quote of the Month
This one's from England.
"What have you done! Just when I thought I should be acting like a well behaved old lady at 91, I get to hear about zentangles. Now I can't look at a piece of paper without picking up a pen and . . . hours later . . . "What is mother up to now!" Anyway, thanks a million, you have given me a new outlook to each day. Thank you so much." You are so welcome! Thank you for writing.
Thank you again for sharing in this wonderful adventure!
Remember to visit us at BLOG Zentangle for (almost) daily postings.
Rick and Maria