Zentangle (R)
In this issue...
New Tangle, New Word
Newspaper Article
Zentangle Feedback
CZT Registration
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories


102 Tangles

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

January 21, 2011


For you, we have:
  • A new tangle
  • A new word
  • Announcements
  • An article
  • And feedback
Thank you for all your passion and support. We look forward to enjoying a creative 2011 together.

Rick and Maria


Rick and Maria at CHA


We have been invited to participate in the Craft & Hobby Association (CHA) Winter 2011 Industry Tradeshow, January 29 - February 1 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

You know those wonderful Sakura� Pigma™ Micron pens that we include in our Zentangle Kits? Well, Sakura is hosting us to give mini Zentangle workshops all during the show (Whew!). They've increased their already large presence at this important show to create a mini Zentangle classroom where we'll give our workshops.


Even though this show is not open to the public, we know that many of you who read this newsletter will be attending. Be sure to stop by Booth 1556, say, "Hi," and take a workshop.

New Tangle: Ixorus

New Word: Tangleation

This tangle, ixorus, inspired something so interesting that we had to make up a new word, tangleation, to describe its concept. First, here's ixorus.

tan-gle-a-tion  (tan-gəl-shən)  noun
1. A noticeable variation of an existing tangle.
The variations that ixorus inspired were noticeably different from each other as you'll see below. Yet they were all fundamentally and in basic approach, ixorus.

This will no doubt inspire lengthy classification discussions around Zentangle dinner tables as to what is a new tangle and what is "just" a tangleation. Nevertheless, we think this will be a useful concept to work with.

One of our reasons for choosing "tangleation" is its similarity to "tessellation." Many of our tangles are tessellations. If you enjoy exploring interesting forms, we encourage you to explore tessellation. You will then understand how to know which of our tangles are tessellations.

This next tile uses basic ixorus. However the following two are obvious tangleations, even though they are structurally based on ixorus.







Article in New Hampshire Paper


Diane Lachance, CZT, gave an interview that resulted in a great article in the Concord Monitor.

It's called "Zentangle Untangled" and you can read the online version here. You can see print images and comment on our blog entry here.

This is a great example of the value and importance of taking a Zentangle class with a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT).

You can find your nearest CZT on this list.

If you are interested in teaching Zentangle and would like to become certified, see our CZT training schedule below.

Wonderful Feedback

We receive such wonderful emails and mail. We try to answer it all, but it is taking longer and longer - so thank you for your patience.

Here are a few samples from some recent emails, edited for privacy.



Just a short note to say that I received my order in good time. I really loved the print and thank you for signing it.
Many thanks.


I took a Zentangle class recently that changed my life. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating and sharing this wonderful form of creativity. I truly believe Zentangle has saved my life. In May of last year we lost my [details withheld]. Since then I have been plagued with nightmares. I couldn't get away from them and was getting less than an hour's sleep a night unless highly medicated. The night I took the Zentangle class I was up for hours after the class either creating Zentangles or finding information and looking at wonderful Zentangles of others online.

Then an amazing thing happened, I went to bed, without medication and slept . . . soundly and with no nightmares. The next night I tangled before laying down and again no nightmares. Night after night it went on. And now if I do have a nightmare, I can get up, create a Zentangle and then go back to sleep and the nightmares don't continue (they used to pick up where they left off when I would go back to sleep after one). After 4 months of almost no sleep to find something that is not only fun to do, relaxing and an incredible creative outlet, but also helps me sleep! Wow, I can't even begin to explain how wonderful it is and what it means to me. Thank you!

I do Zentangles all the time now, but as I work through the grief about [ . . . ] I am working on a special piece. I will send you a photo of it once it is finished.


Happy New Year to you!  I really enjoy receiving your newsletters. I have fallen in love with Zentangle! It is sort of addicting and I like it. I hope to purchase a kit when I can afford it and also hope to eventually become a certified Zentangle Instructor. For now I will continue to research your sites and practice the art of Zentangle. Thank you for sharing Zentangle so generously with all of us!


My sister, from NH, gave me a Zentangle Kit for Christmas. I love it! I've already finished 3. Every shape I see is now filled with tangles!!!!  Even in my dreams.  Thanks for a wonderful idea.


I have really enjoyed your sharing Zentangle. I carry a small notebook with me to tangle in while waiting for people. Happy New Year.


Dear Rick and Maria, I am new to Zentangle and stumbled upon it by accident. But I am in love and at peace as I create my Zentangles. I have been struggling with depression and a creative block for years. Zentangle and the community has opened my heart to do what I love! Thank you and I look forward to one day meeting you and becoming an instructor! Joyfully yours.

Registration Form ThumbCertified Zentangle Teacher Registration for February and May of 2011

Both classes are filling steadily. We  still have some seats available in our Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) seminars in February and May, 2011.

We appreciate that you understand Zentangle's potential - both as a benefit to others and as a way to create income as a Certified Zentangle Teacher. We look forward to meeting you and working with you.

February 22-25, 2011, Registration Form (pdf).

May 13-16, 2011, Registration Form (pdf).

Read more complete information and CZT reviews in our previous newsletter here.

Thank you again for sharing in this wonderful adventure! 

Remember to visit us at BLOG Zentangle for (almost) daily postings.

Rick and Maria

About Zentangle

Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: rickandmaria@zentangle.com
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com

� 2011 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved