Zentangle (R)
In this issue...
Zentangles or Doodles?
CZT Registration
Seasonal Treat
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories


102 Tangles

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

November 14, 2010


In this issue we have:
  • A great conversation
  • Zentangle art and feedback
  • and CZT training information.

Zentangles or Doodles?

Now and then we or one of our Zentangle friends will get a comment like . . .

"Zentangle's nothing new, it's just doodling!"

Or . . .

"What? You're paying to learn how to teach people to doodle! Are you nuts?"

Recently we received a particularly enthusiastic email along these lines. After replying and not hearing back, we posted our unedited conversation on our blog.

Wow! What a response! Take a moment to read the emails and comments. You'll be glad you did. Everyone's comments are so personal, passionate and insightful.

Blog entry: A Conversation

Please feel free to add your thoughts to this wonderful conversation.


Response to seeing our first YouTube:



After taking a Zentangle class with a CZT:

Thanks for the email! Carol Knight ended up emailing me the day before the class, I got all the info I needed, and I got to go. It was very fun - nice to get together with a few other tanglers. I felt so relaxed after the class, it was just wonderful!

Also, I finally got to do a tangle on a real Zentangle tile. Now I know why you love that paper so much!


On starting with Zentangle:

Hi Rick and Maria,

I started Zentangling about three or four evenings ago.  It a great relaxing experience especially when you combine it with Zen music and candles.  I am home alone most of the time, with the pets, and I have had a wonderful time discovering an artistic side of myself. It is a great way to pass the time and makes me feel positive about my day and my life.  This is really making a difference in my life, and I have become so much more positive in my outlook on the future and forgiving about the bad decisions I have made in the past.  From this point on I move forward, with a positive outlook for my future no matter where it takes me.  Thank you Zentangle for my new life.

And thank you Marie and Rick, for helping me cross a bridge that nobody or nothing else could get me over.


A CZT writes:

Hi Rick and Maria,

I hope you both are healthy and happy.

I continue to teach Zentangle and everyone absolutely loves it. One woman said she has never accessed that inner voice before, another, who has chronic pain, said when she left my workshop she had no pain.

Thank you so much.


Another CZT writes:


This "aha" moment occured at a Demo at Artist and Design in Milwaukee.   I love what you have done to me!

Don McCollum, CZT, Wisconsin (email)

Registration Form ThumbCertified Zentangle Teacher Registration for February and May of 2011

We are now accepting registrations for Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) seminars in February and May, 2011.

We appreciate that you understand Zentangle's potential - both as a benefit to others and as a way to create income as a Certified Zentangle Teacher. We look forward to meeting you and working with you.

February 22-25, 2011, Registration Form (pdf).

May 13-16, 2011, Registration Form (pdf).

Read more complete information and CZT reviews in our previous newsletter here.

Seasonal Treat

Ann Farnen, CZT, in Illinois (email) wrote, "Had a great time creating this Zentangle tree for my store. Zentangle classes at my store are really taking off."  



Wow! Is it getting to that time already?

For a complete list of Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZTs) see here.

Thank you again for sharing in this wonderful adventure! 

Remember to visit us at BLOG Zentangle for (almost) daily postings.

Rick and Maria

About Zentangle

Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com

� 2010 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved