Cadent Revisited
Cadent was the first tangle we taught in our newsletters (see December 2007). Let's revisit cadent and explore some variations.
A basic variation is to create cadent from squares and straight connectors (as in the fourth and fifth examples below) or from circles and "S" shaped connectors. The principle is the same, but each has a different look.
You can also add elements within cadent. See the first, second and fourth examples. Notice that many of these additions start with our concept of an inner aura.
Another variation is to create a field of different sized and randomly positioned circles as in the third example. In this example there are three, four and five sided elements.
We hope this inspires you to play with the infinite possibilities that each tangle offers.
Cadent was inspired by the houndstooth weaving pattern.
(We call it "cadent" because a hound is a CAnine and a tooth is DENTal, thus "ca-dent!")
Made in the Shade
While we're on this topic, shading your Zentangle also offers many options.
In a recent blog we began with this unshaded Zentangle and then shaded it in different ways.
Thank you again for sharing in this wonderful adventure!
Please join us at BLOG Zentangle for (almost) daily postings.
Rick and Maria