Here's a note we recently received from some new friends in Florida (two of which are attending our fall training seminar!).
"A few months ago, a group of four members
of the Surface Design Guild of Sarasota discovered your Zentangles.
We've caught the fever. The four of us decided to do an ensemble,
where each of us drew a basic string pattern; then cut that in four equal
parts. We then traded our pieces with the other three players for them to
complete. A month later, when we met, the pieces were returned to their
owners, and our four ensembles were reassembled.
"I do not have to tell you how impressive
they are, and others could hardly wait to start their own
ensembles. Two more groups were formed (one with nine and one with
four) and when we gather again in late August, the 13 ensembles will be
"Because of the enthusiasm we are considering including an ongoing Zentangle 'swap' as part of our
monthly meetings. Because we are such a diverse group - painters, quilters,
jewelry and bead designers, collage artists - generating such interest truly
amazes me. It is very exciting.
"Your newsletters are indicative
of how many people you've touched. Thank you!
"I'm attaching the results of my
ensemble from the first swap.
"with much appreciation, LR"
It's quite a rush to see how different people's tiles fit within an Ensemble. Thank you for sending that LR. We're looking forward to meeting the members of your group this fall.
A Zentangle Ensemble is a wonderful way to enjoy Zentangle in a group.
We have created two pre-strung sets of nine tile ensembles that you can
purchase. Learn more