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In this issue...
Seminar Registration
CZT Stories
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

May 22, 2009

In this issue we have our Seminar Registration application, beautiful Zentangles and wonderful stories.

Seminar RegistrationRegistration Form Thumb


Within three days of our last newsletter inviting people to email us to save a place, we just about filled all our seats. We are grateful to see how many people understand the potential for Zentangle - both as a benefit to others and as a way to create more income as a Certified Zentangle Teacher.

Our last seminar was a great success. After a dinner on Tuesday at the retreat center, we had dessert and beverages at our home/studio/gallery. It really is a special place and we look forward to welcoming you to our home.

Wednesday and Thursday, we had full days of instruction and creativity. In the evenings we left time to finish "homework" and also to sit by the fireplace and enjoy each others' company and the free hand massages. (We had a massage therapist on hand both nights and he gave free hand massages to everyone who wanted one -- and he'll be back for our fall event!)

If you've already contacted us about attending, your place is being held for now, but we will need your completed registration form to guarantee your place.

Download your registration form here. (pdf format)

If you're not sure there will be room, send in your registration anyway. We will wait list them in the order received. We will only process your payment if a space is available.

A description of our first seminar is here. It describes most everything except the hand massages. And now that secret is out, we'll have to come up with some more neat surprises!

After you register, we'll send you lots of info and updates to help make your trip and your stay enjoyable and rewarding.

The cost is $585 and includes all classes, meals, supplies and three nights lodging. For local attendees who don't need lodging the price will be $390.

You will have a great time, meet wonderful, talented and passionate people. You will learn from us more of the origins, basics and also advanced Zentangle theories - things you can't get from our kit or website. Certification also enables you to resell Zentangle items for a profit as you will be able to buy them wholesale (half price for most items).

Contacts you make at this seminar will be invaluable in all aspects of your work, not just in Zentangle.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email us or call.


Here are some Zentangles Maria created which may give you some ideas and inspiration.

Try creating a Zentangle with just one tangle. This Zentangle uses only cubine.

Or, fill your tile full of many tangles. In this Zentangle you'll find shattuck, crescent moon, cadent, pearlz, chartz and a few others.

You don't have to fill your tile or keep things centered. Here's what Maria did with a variant of pokeroot and pearlz.

Here's a Zentangle using meer, the tangle you learned in last month's newsletter (here).

Many of these tangles are explained in our previous newsletters which are archived here.

Order your Zentangle kit here and discover the potential of this wonderful artform. It includes a great instructional DVD and a reference guide.

CZT Stories

We received an email asking for stories of our CZTs' experiences. Here's one:

"I had to share this with you all.  I finally had the opportunity to share Zentangles with the students I work with at Riker's Island prison.  This is an "after school art program".  I am technically there to do origami but the teacher I work with was fascinated when I showed her my Zentangle journal and asked me to teach a few patterns. 

They were sooooooooo hooked after the first pattern, they wouldn't let me stop!  They kept saying just one more, just one more.  We ended up working for over an hour the first time and we've done it two times more!  They are even using the patterns in their other art work and making things for themselves.  I taught them a simple origami notebook to keep sample patterns in and they are also thinking up their own patterns already.  They even work on them when they go back to their cells and dormatories using just pencil and paper. 

One student has been drawing names in big block letters and filling them in with patterns.  One piece had his name along with his wife and daughter's.  Another had his brother and sister-in-law.  He keeps them near his bed.  When they are working, you can hear a pin drop.  Anyone who comes into the room is amazed.  Their appetite for patterns is voracious!  Most of them pick up the pattern really quickly and then I show them how to do variations and all of a sudden they are off doing their own thing with it and making up new variations.
"Unfortunately, due to the nature of where I am, I can not take any photos of the work.  There will be an art exhibition of their work in June at the Queens Museum of Art, so if any of the pieces make it to the exhibition, I will photograph and post them.  Most of the pieces have already been submitted."

Here's another:

"My grandson and I taught his kindergarten class how to do Zentangles last Friday. I already knew his classmates from reading to them every Friday so I was thrilled to introduce them to Zentangles.

"He is a huge Zentangle enthusiast and he asked me to help him teach his class. We used 8" x 8" white cardstock and Crayola markers. He and I both made samples and I used an easel pad to show them four patterns in a square format with an "X" for a string.

"I showed them how they could find tangles around the room and in each other's clothing, etc. Well, I could tell by their response that they were far more advanced than I had expected, so I told them they could do the tangles they had learned or any tangles they wanted. They went WILD! They were so creative and wonderful! I guess part of it is that they are young enough that they're not stifled so their creativity is very accessible.

"Anyway, if you are thinking about teaching children -- go ahead! They will teach you! I learned much more from them than they learned from me. And now at play time, they have their puzzle station, their computer station, their toy cars station, and their Zentangle station! Hooray!"

And this just in:

"We've gotten our pencils, your shipment of deluxe kits (this morning), and boxes for the basic kits.  Our workshop, if everyone who has verbally committed sends their money, is already sold out.  That's with no advertising.  Just word of mouth.  We'll let you know how things proceed.  Happy Memorial Day.  Best always, H.

Thanks to all who write us and send us such beautiful images.

We look forward to meeting many of you this fall.

Best regards,

Rick and Maria
About Zentangle
Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com

� 2009 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved