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In this issue...
New Tangle: Meer
Zentangle Certification Seminar
Relax with Zentangle
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

April 30, 2009

In this issue we have a new tangle, seminar info, and a relaxing suggestion.


This tangle is a great border. It pops off the page with just a little shading. Meer mixes well with other tangles like hollibaugh in the example below.



Zentangle Certification Seminar

With so much interest in sharing and teaching Zentangle, we have scheduled another Zentangle Certification Training Seminar. It will be in Whitinsville, Massachusetts (USA) on September 29 through October 2, 2009. Learn more about this event here.

We already have people coming from as far away as South Africa and England to become Certified Zentangle Teachers. Please email us to hold a space. We won't take deposits until we have a final price.

Here's a review of our previous seminar:

"Reflection on My Experience with Zentangle

"I was walking into my school office and Judi approached me and asked me if she could show me something. She went to her computer, went the Zentangle website and
my introduction to Zentangle began. Judi explained that there was going to be a workshop and two individuals from the school were going to be able to attend, she happened to think of me.

"I don't believe in coincidences but rather we are given opportunities within our life that could take us into new directions. Next thing I know, I am sitting in the first Zentangle Teacher Certification Workshop. I have to say I was rather na�ve about Zentangle and why all these people from around the country and world were gathering in Whitinsville for this event.

"It began with a gathering at Rick and Maria's home Tuesday evening; where I was warmly welcomed and was given this wonderful tour of their studio and the work they have been doing with Zentangle. Being socially nervous about meeting new people, I observed and took in the tremendous creativity displayed throughout their home and felt a connection. It made me look forward to the following two days and what they would bring.

"I design, create and sell my
own silver wire wrapped jewelry when I am not a classroom teacher. For some time I had wanted to take a drawing course to expand my artform and add inspiration to my silver wire work. The Zentangle workshop opened those doors for me; it was an incredible two days of learning and exploring this process of tangling.

"For me, the Zentangle process was new but very familiar. I had been drawing like that since I was a young child. What I liked was the purposeful process and rhythm of the pattern drawing I experience and continue to experience each time I tangle. I enjoy the confines of the square paper and the strings, challenging me to think different and only see possibilities for drawing. Having done more tangling since the workshop and I have used various medium to do it; I have grown to endear the feeling of the pen to paper offered in the kits like comfort food. It takes me back to the roots of my being.

"I can only express gratitude to Rick and Maria for opening their hearts and home to me and my fellow Zentanglers. I am excited to explore this new process in my life and to share it with my teaching colleagues and students! 

"Thanks for the inspiration!"


It's so important sometimes these days to take a break and get away from what's going on. Relaxation is good for your health and Zentangle is great for relaxation.

So give yourself a moment, do a Zentangle, and create some relaxation in your life.

You'll be glad you did.

Thanks again for all your interest and support. Remember "anything is possible, one stroke at a time."

Best regards,

Rick and Maria
About Zentangle
Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: rickandmaria@zentangle.com
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com