Zentangle Logo
In this issue...
Gift Option
Seminar Reminder
Tangle "SeZ"
Zentangle Store


Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Kits

Pre-Strung Tile photo

Zentangle Accessories

Vertical Tri Frame

Zentangle Frames

Zentangle Ensemble Thumbnail

Zentangle Ensemble

December 5, 2008

Here's info on upcoming workshops, gift ideas, our seminar and and a new tangle!

We have too much material for one newsletter, so we're going to experiment with publishing two newsletters a month.

In our next issue we'll have some amazing Zentangle images and stories that you have sent us.

Upcoming Zentangle Workshops

Whitinsville, MA - January 21, 2009
We will present another Zentangle workshop here in Whitinsville. After our gallery show and the recent Worcester's Telegram & Gazette article, Alternatives asked us to return.
  • Location: Alternatives
  • Time: 7 - 9:30 PM, Wednesday, January 21, 2009
  • Price: $35 (includes all supplies)
  • Contact:  508-234-6843 if you're planning to attend

Palmetto, Georgia - February 8, 2009
Friends have invited us to present a Zentangle workshop at a beautiful retreat center just outside Atlanta in Palmetto called Serenbe. It is sure to be a wonderful experience. Seating will be limited to about 50 people, so even though we don't have all our details (like cost) finalized, please email or call us if you plan to attend.
  • Location: Serenbe
  • Time: approximately 10:30 to 2:30, Sunday, February 8, 2009, with lunch available
  • Price: We'll tell you as soon as we know.
  • Contact: Us by email or phone to reserve a space. Our friends will be doing a large mailing in the Atlanta area and we wanted you, our subscribers, to learn about it first.

Zentangle Gift Giving

It's that time of year again . . .

Merry Christmas!
Happy Chanukah!
Gud Jul!
Happy New Year!
Eid Mubarak!
Shubh Diwali!

We may use different dates and greetings, but it's still a shared time of gratitude and giving.

Give a gift of Zentangle to someone you care about. Show your love and appreciation with a gift of creativity, relaxation, and inspiration.

For the rest of 2008, as our gift to you, we'll tie a beautiful hand-dyed silk ribbon and bow on your Zentangle Kit and Maria will inscribe your gift card.

After you place your order for a Zentangle Kit or for one of our frames (perfect for giving someone one of your Zentangles), send us an email and Maria will create something like this:

Kit with bow
Seminar Reminder
For you who recently subscribed, we want you to know about our upcoming Zentangle Certification Training.

In times of financial uncertainty it's better to have multiple streams of income. As the saying goes, "Don't worry about the wind, adjust your sails." Think of Zentangle Certification as another sail to work for you.

Information is viewable here and here. If you have any questions, email or call us.

If you've already registered, we are working on your welcome kits and they will be going out shortly.

If you haven't registered for our February 24 - 27 seminar yet, there is room available.

Tangle "SeZ"
This tangle is inspired by an aboriginal painting Rick saw onliine by Anatjari Tjampitjinpa called Ceremonial Ground at KulKuta. (The image is copyrighted, so we can't reproduce it here, but if you look online you'll find it.)

First, Rick drew a string on his tile. Then, to get randomly placed dots to "seed" this pattern, he sprinkled a few sesame seeds . . .
sez-1  sez-2

. . . and placed a dot near most every seed. Then he drew concentric circles around each dot.

sez-3   sez-4

When the circles got so close that another one couldn't fit, he drew "auras." When no more auras or circles could fit within the string, he added a thick "reverse aura" . . .

sez-5   sez-6

. . . then a few more bits, some shading and voila SeZ!


See you soon.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful time,

Rick and Maria
About Zentangle
Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com