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Seminar Date Change
Registration Form
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Zentangle Ensemble

September 18, 2008

This is an important update on our upcoming seminar for anyone interested in attending our Zentangle Training Seminar.

Our regular newsletter will be out later this month.
Seminar Date Change
Here are the correct dates for our seminar:

February 24 through 27, 2009
Tuesday evening (before supper) through Friday morning (after breakfast).

In our excitement to have our seminar, we told you it started a day earlier. Our apologies.
Registration FormRegistration Form Thumb
We are excited at the positive response from all who have emailed and called to tell us they will attend our seminar. People will be coming from many parts of America as well as from Canada and Europe.

Even though our seminar is over five months from now, it is already filling quickly.

All of you who have contacted us about attending, your place is being held for now, but we will need your completed registration form to guarantee your place.

You can download and print out a registration form here.

Description of seminar is here.

After you register, we'll begin sending you lots of info and updates to help make your trip and your stay enjoyable and rewarding.

We've been able to hold the price at $485. This will include all classes, meals, supplies and three nights lodging. For local attendees who don't need lodging the price will be $360.

We are excited to meet you and show you how to share Zentangle in a way that benefits others and offers you additional income potential through Zentangle Certification.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email us or call.

As always, if it's appropriate and you think they might be interested, please forward this information to your friends and coworkers in your personal and professional communities.

We've edited our archive pages to reflect the correct dates here so you can link to it and share this info online.

Best regards and see you soon,

Rick and Maria
About Zentangle
Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns.

email: [email protected]
phone: 508-234-6843
web: zentangle.com