Important Dates |
Lag B'Omer
Yom Yerushalayim
Wed. May 12
11th Grade Inside the College Admission Process
Fri. May 14
Tues. May 18
Erev Shavuot
Early Dismissal
Wed. May 10 - Thurs May 20 -
No Sessions
Mon. May 31st
SAR Auction Committee Members Needed | |
We are looking for parents to get involved in planning one of our key fundraising events of the coming year, the SAR Auction! Parents and community members raved about our online auction last year, and with your help, we will build on our past successes. Be part of this exciting event where you will get to know many SAR parents while raising much needed funds for SAR. Our first committee meeting will be on Monday, May 10th at 8:30 pm at the SAR High School. Please reply to to let us know if you can make it. If you are unable to make the meeting but still want to volunteer please let us know. We can't wait to hear from you! Deena Berger, Elana Minkove, Dana Teplitsky 2010 Auction Chairs |
16 Iyar 5770 * April 30
Candlelighting Fri 7:32 PM
Havdalah 8:35 PM |
Dear Parents and Students, During this post-Pesach season, we spend much time remembering and celebrating, connecting with the central events of the past century - Yom Hashoa, Yom Hazikaron, Yom Ha'atzmaut and, soon, Yom Yerushalayim. I would like to thank Rabbi Kroll and Rabbi Bloom and the many staff members who participated in putting together the programming for those days. They were powerful and very meaningful events. Students, your participation on all levels was outstanding. I was very proud. Thank you. Parents, you have received information regarding our upcoming parent meetings. Thank you to those who have already registered. We are very pleased that most parents have already registered to attend. If you have not yet done so, please register over the weekend. We look forward to greeting you at the meetings.
Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Tully Harcsztark |
Only at SAR |
Students attend lecture by physicist Dr. Paul Davies as part of the On the Brink Science Series
On Thursday evening, April 15, twelve SAR students accompanied by Ms. Brandriss and Mr. Goodman attended a most interesting presentation by Paul Davies, an internationally renown theoretical physicist and cosmologist currently at Arizona State University. In addition to his many scientific awards, Dr. Davies is the recipient of the 1995 Templeton Prize for his work on science and religion. He is the author of more than 20 books, including The Mind of God, About Time, The Goldilocks Enigma, and most recently, The Eerie Silence: Renewing Our Search for Alien Intelligence. He also chairs the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Post-Detection Committee and, on this 50th anniversary of the founding of SETI, was invited to the On the Brink series to offer new insights for imagining what alternative life forms may exist.
We were most fortunate that Dr. Davies sat at our table during the pre-lecture dinner and that our students were able to speak with him one on one. Upon hearing of his association with CERN, and his first hand knowledge of the new Hadron particle accelerator, the students eagerly asked him about his take on Angels and Demons and were thrilled to hear him describe all the mistakes in that book of fiction. On a more serious note, they asked for his view of the Big Bang and whether he saw a connection with the Torah's account of creation. Dr. Davies addressed these questions and others.
The students were intrigued to learn that while his field of study is physics, Dr. Davies has been asked by the National Cancer Institute to head the cancer center based at Arizona State because of the 'fresh ideas' he will bring to cancer studies.
In the lecture hall itself, Dr. Davies somewhat surprised the audience by discussing his skepticism that any form of intelligent life will be found elsewhere in the universe at all. He explained the reasons for his skepticism and the current research that he is overseeing in his role at SETI. The evening was fascinating and most thought provoking to all of us.
Tobie Brandriss Bob Goodman
Soviet Refusnik Yosef Begun Addresses 11th and 12th Grade
Last week, 11th and 12th graders were honored to have Yosef Begun speak to us. Yosef Begun was a major Soviet refusnik who after a nearly 20 year struggle with the Soviet government was allowed to immigrate with his wife to the State of Israel.
Prior to Mr. Begun's visit to the school, Ms. Neugroschl spoke to the 11th grade in order to develop the context for the struggle for freedom of Soviet Jews. Many students were unaware of this period in history. But, as a result of this program, students were able to talk with teachers and parents who relayed their personal involvement in the Soviet Jewry movement. It was also pointed out that this began essentially as a student movement that used protests and grassroots political activism to galvanize the Jewish community to bring the issue to the US government's attention.
Mr. Begun told us how he became connected to his Jewish identity, about his four imprisonments, and his eventual path toward freedom. He told two stories that captured the students' attention.
The first story was about a young man, eighteen or so, who was imprisoned because of a petty theft. Yosef told Bible stories to the group of prisoners, which inspired this young man to draw pictures depicting the scenes of these stories. When the young man was about to be released, Yosef gave him a contact numbers for Jews who were involved secretly in furthering their Jewish education. That was the last contact the two had until many years later when the young man was one of the people who greeted Mr. Begun at Ben Gurion airport upon his arrival as a free man.
A second story began with Mr. Begun telling the students how appreciative he was of American Jews and the American government for putting pressure on the Soviet government to "Let our People Go."
He told a story of meeting President Reagan when he traveled to Washington DC from Israel a short while after he was freed. President Reagan was truly pleased to see Mr. Begun, and presented him with a bracelet which read "Free Yosef Begun, Prisoner of Zion." This bracelet was given to the President by American Jews working for the freedom of Soviet Jews, and rested on the President's desk reminding him of their plight and America's responsibility to pressure the Soviet Union.
At this point in his talk Mr. Begun turned to Ms. Lerea, who hosted him for the morning, and presented her with a freedom bracelet exactly like the one the President kept on his desk, engraved "Iosif Begun."
Hearing Yosef Begun speak about the 'refusniks' difficult struggles to lay claim to their Jewish Identity, to speak Hebrew, and to create Jewish lives for themselves, highlighted the extraordinary freedoms we have as Jews in the 21st century.
A secondary but crucial message that resonated with our students was the power of conviction on both the side of the refusniks who never gave up, and on the part of the American Jewish youth who marched, screamed and petitioned, and whose voices reached the desk of the President of the United States.
Freshman Leah Slaten Earns Gold Medal at the Greater Metropolitan NY Math Fair
Freshman Leah Slaten earned a Gold Medal at Round Two of the Greater Metropolitan NY Math Fair this month. Although we have had medalists at past fairs, Leah is the first SAR HS female to win a medal at the competition.
Leah's paper, "Investigation into Days and Dates," was a result of her guided independent study project. She discovered mathematical ways of determining the day of the week any date falls on, the frequency of Friday the 13th, as well as other interesting facts. You can read a condensed version of her work in our forthcoming edition of the Math Magazine.
A record number of SAR HS students submitted papers to this year's math fair. Sophomores William Frenkel and Jenna Reich were also invited to present their work at Round One. Only one-third of the more than 600 entrants were selected for Round One. About half of that number earned medals after Round Two.
Speaking of the Math Mag, we are once again appealing to our entire SAR HS family to help support this award-winning publication by sponsoring ads. Click here for an ad blank, which should be submitted by May 7. Prices begin at $25.
Deborah Stepelman
Daniel Tratt Speaks to Grades 9-11 On Tuesday, April 13, Daniel Tratt spoke to SAR High School students in grades 9-11. Daniel is a special education teacher in a Bronx public high school. He is also a motivational speaker who speaks to middle and high school students about alcohol abuse and overcoming adversity.
Daniel shared his personal story with the students about when he was a high school student, and began drinking alcohol socially and casually for most of the same reasons that teenagers today do. He also described his increasing abuse of alcohol during his senior year of high school and into college, reflecting on a number of alcohol-related incidents during that time that should have alerted him and his friends to the mounting danger of their risky behavior. During one such incident, Daniel suffered physical and cognitive injuries that required extensive rehabilitation and left him without the use of his legs.
Daniel urged the students to learn from his story. He focused on the importance of acknowledging the risks involved in even casual alcohol use by teenagers. He also stressed the importance of recognizing when someone needs help, encouraging students to always err on the side of caution and not let fear or avoidance stop them from seeking help for themselves or a friend.
Daniel described his despair and gradual recovery after the life-changing incident, and he encouraged the students to remember that adversity comes in many forms.
Students reported that they found Daniel to be down-to-earth and relatable, his message compelling. Since the 12th graders were not in school on the day of Daniel's visit, we plan to invite him back before the end of the school year.
Yom Hashoah  The Yom Hashoah commemoration was a moving and thought provoking experience for all. Run by senior Sarah Sichel, the morning's program focused on the overwhelming destruction of the Shoah and offered students the opportunity to reflect on how they understand and process this event.
The program began with readings highlighting some of the historical aspects of the Shoah. The choir performed, setting a somber mood for the day. Six candles were lit by members of the school community in commemoration of lives lost in their family, including Ms. Elbogen, Matanya Landes, Noah Adelsberg, Ariella Weinberger, Sarah and Shuli Just-Michael and Rachel Belfer. Kel Maleh Rachamim was led by Tal Fortgang.
Rabbi Harcsztark addressed the entire school community by focusing on the lives of two individuals, one who was killed in the Shoah, Bruno Schulz, and one who survived, Abraham Sutzkever. Schulz was a renowned author and artist gunned down in 1942. Sutzkever was considered to be one of the greatest Yiddish poets. Abraham Sutzkever died earlier this year after a life of great contributions to the Jewish people and man-kind in general. Rabbi Harcsztark emphasized that a critical aspect of the tragedy of the Shoah is not just the loss of lives but the loss of the potential contributions of the six million to their families, the Jewish people and humanity.
Students were amazed by the stories of both tragedy and miracles that Mrs. Helga Luden (grandmother of 10th grader Cory Greenbaum) described. Mrs. Luden told of her escape in the middle of the night from a concentration camp, her survival in the woods, and her eventual reunion with her parents as they made their way to the Dominican Republic and later to the US.
The program finished with a powerful selection from the documentary footage taken by the British army as they liberated concentration camps at the end of the war. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, it was only recently completed. The shock of the soldiers upon realizing the horror of what had been taking place was coupled with their pride in fighting for justice. The images of the suffering were difficult to watch but effectively presented reality.
Following the program, students proceeded to paired advisories for discussion. For the rest of the day, at the top of each hour, we read aloud the names of students' family members who perished during this tragic time.
Yom Hazikaron
 This years's commemoration of Yom Hazikaron was a moving tribute to the soldiers of Tzahal who died defending Israel, and to the lies of those who have died as victims of terror. Seniors David Arbit and Arielle Gurin hosted the event, coordinated by our Kollel Torah Mitzion Israeli fellows- Gil Feldman, Yaacovi Hellinger and David Segal. The program combined the reading of poetry, the performance of music and the multimedia presentation of film clips which highlighted particular wars and particular soldiers whose lives were lost defending Israel.
Two fellows, Yisrael Klitsner and Gil Feldman, spoke about their personal experiences of loss in the army. The performances by the band (Tamara Sastow, Judah Levy, Ben Eidman, Zach Dicker and Matthew Parker), along with the performance by Jackie Cohen accompanied by Gavi Rawson guitar, were extraordinarily moving. There were very few dry eyes in the auditorium at the conclusion of the program, which closed with Shara Zierler-Feit leading the entire school in singing Hatkvah. All students and staff felt that the program captured the emotion and intensity of Yom Hazikaron.
Yom Haatzmaut Yom Haatzmaut was awesome again this year at SAR. The day began with the entire school davening a tefila chagigit together in the gym. Rabbi Harcsztark led the tzibur with a spirited Hallel and Rav Gordin read the special reading from the Nevuah of the 11th Perek of Yishayahu. After breakfast, the entire school poured into the auditorium for a lively and emotional program celebrating the 62nd year of Israeli independence.
Reuvi Pinon hosted the program. Following Hatikvah led by Isaac Stein, Yaov Gaffney recited the Nevuah of Yechezkel describing the revival of the dry bones. In that spirit we then watched newsreel clips of the UN vote on November 29, 1947 which resulted in the adoption of a Jewish State, followed by Ben Gurion's historic Declaration of independence on May 14, 1948- 5 Iyyar. Rabbi Harcsztark addressed the school, speaking about the courage and foresight of one individual who worked tirelessly to facilitate our redemption.
Rav Yehuda Alcalai was troubled by a simple problem. How are all of the Jews from different countries going to be able to talk to each other when eventually Kibutz Galuyot takes place? To address this problem, Rav Alcalai began to revive Hebrew as a spoken language.
As has become our custom, we closed the program by asking several members of the school community to light a torch in honor of their special connection to the state of Israel. This year, the Israeli fellows lit one torch, followed by Rav Gordin. Seniors, Sam Fragin, David Abadie, Lotem Atzmon and Shiran Vashdi who will be serving in either Tzahal or Shierut Leumi next year, lit the next candle. The fourth candle was lit by senior Ariel Lavi who is making aliyah by himself this summer. He spoke movingly about his dream to make aliyah. The final torch was lit by Rabbi Freedman who will be making aliyah as well this summer.
After the program we had a wild, enthusiastic and rocking chagigah which was followed by a series of very well received elective classes focusing on issues related to the State of Israel. The 17 classes included a wide range of ideas and activities including discussion of the poetry of Yehuda Amichai, an analysis of Hatikvah, a discussion about nuclear weapons in Israel and a sing along session for classic Israeli songs with Rabbi Birnabum and Ms. Lerea. At the conclusion of the elective classes we all went to Pelham Bay Park for a lovely picnic and sports activities. The weather was magnificent and everyone had a wonderful time enjoying each others' company in beautiful surroundings and celebrating the miracle that is the State of Israel.

Programs that Enrich Classroom Learning |
Summae laudes discipulis linguae Latinae datae sunt (SAR's Latin students earn high honors on the National Latin Exam)
 Last week we received our results from the National Latin Exam, which 34 students in SAR's Latin classes took on March 11. Students had 40 minutes to answer 40 multiple-choice questions testing their Latin reading comprehension and grammar skills, as well as their knowledge of Roman history, culture, geography, and mythology. This year we added the Introduction to Latin exam for the 9th grade class, which earned two Outstanding Achievement and four Achievement certificates. Students in grades 10-12 took levels I-III of the National Latin Exam, earning ten gold summa cum laude medals, six silver maxima cum laude medals, one magna cum laude certificate, and three cum laude certificates for their outstanding performance. Participating students were: 9th grade (Introduction to Latin exam): Max Dobrinsky, Judah Goldman, Amanda Goldsmith, Melissa Goldsmith, Adam Lavi, Lauren Levy, Tamar Lindenbaum, Danielle Pitkoff, Hannah Reich, Hannah Saal, Gabe Santoriello, Shara Zierler-Feit.
10th grade (Latin I exam): Nicky Bernstein, Sammy Glenn, Mickey Harris, Tova Kamioner, Massye Kestenbaum, Amalya Levy, Gabe Metzger, Shirly Piperno, Rebekah Scheiner, Miryam Steinmetz-Silber. 11th grade (Latin II exam): Leora Apfelbaum, Isabel Ballan, Brad Goldstein, Alex Henslovitz, Sara Katz, Haley Kotch, Jesse Lifshitz, Josh Pitkoff, Talia Saal, Gaby Teglasi. 12th grade (Latin III exam): David Arbit, Ariel Futter. The National Latin Exam, administered by a committee of the American Classical League, was created in 1977 to promote and reward the study of Latin. Over 150,000 students from all fifty states and thirteen foreign countries took the 2010 exam. This was the fourth year our school participated. To all our "discipuli" and "discipulae": Macte virtute! Sarah Penso
SAR Science Olympiad team wins the Silver in 2010 BJE Science Olympiad!
We are thrilled to congratulate the SAR Science Olympiad team for winning the Silver Medal Trophy in the 2010 BJE Science Olympiad held at SAR High School on Sunday, April 18, 2010.
Close to 150 students from 10 Jewish high schools in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area competed in 12 events. The Science Olympiad is sponsored by the Board of Jewish Education and is a challenging, fun, engaging set of competitions that gets students to problem solve and think scientifically. The events are drawn from the National Science Olympiad, a national nonprofit organization working to increase high school students' interest in science, and improve the quality of science education. Because the National Olympiad meets on Saturday, the BJE organizes the Science Olympiad on Sunday for Jewish high schools.
Our students were terrific. They prepared ahead for each of the events and did beautifully. SAR took nine medals In the individual competitions:
3 Gold medals: Debby Greenstein and Donny Greeenberg for Shock Wave - a physics competition, Talia Saal and Aaron Wolff for Ecology, and Jacob Saal and Brad Goldstein for Write It Do It.
2 Silver medals: Adina Goldman and Brad Goldstein for Crime Scene Busters, and Rebecca Sichel for Elevated Bridge in which she built an incredibly light bridge that held a sand mass of 9kg. 4 Bronze medals: Jon Weinrib and Aaron Wolff for Ornithology, Dani Moskowitz and Jacob Saal for Road Scholar, Talia Saal and Jon Smerling for Anatomy and Physiology, and Jon Smerling and Jon Weinrib for Disease Detective.
Bridge builders: Special mention goes to another student team that built an excellent bridge for our in-house competition, Mati Bocarsly and Adam Edelstein. They were invited to attend the event to try out their bridge, which did great under the pressure. To them, seeing how much weight the bridge held was the ultimate success. Each of the three bridges that were submitted took hours of planning and work.
SAR won the Silver Medal Trophy for the entire Science Olympiad, and placed well in the other events as well: 'Picture This,' Chemistry Lab, and Battery Buggy. Every member of our team played a role in winning the trophy.
 It was particularly gratifying that 63 of our students tried-out during SAR's in-house competitions. Below are the final team members, listed in alphabetical order: Daniel Fialkovsky, Akiva Futter, Donny Greenberg, Debby Greenstein, Adina Goldman, Brad Goldstein, Dani Moskowitz, Jacob Saal, Talia Saal, Zach Schwarzbaum, Rebecca Sichel, Jon Smerling, Jon Weinrib, Aaron Wolff
Many thanks to Tamar Krieger for all of her organizational work in getting our team together, and to our wonderful science faculty for their invaluable student coaching: Alicia Germano, Tamar Krieger, Tehilla Reiser, Ron Zamir.
Tobie Brandriss and Bob Goodman Science Curriculum Coordinators
Co-Curricular Programs |
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
 On Sunday and Monday, April 25th and26th, the SAR Drama Society presented its annual school production. This year we were treated to a performance of Dale Wasserman's adaptation of Ken Kesey's landmark novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Directed by Mr. Marius Zilberstein, the actors brought this intense and dramatic work to life. The haunting and beautiful sets were designed under the guidance of Mr. James Andrews. The play, set in a mental asylum, centers around the struggle between patient R.P. McMurphy and the infamous Nurse Ratched. In order to have a better understanding of the play, the entire school studied a synopsis as well as the key themes of the work in the advisory session prior to the performance. Several audience members remarked at how moved they were by the students' passionate and dramatic acting. Congratulations to all of the staff and students involved in the many aspects of this wonderful production!
SAR High School Choir Performs at West Point Military Academy
On Sunday, April 25th, the SAR High School Choir participated in the annual Col. David "Mickey" Marcus Memorial in the Jewish chapel at West Point Military Academy.
The memorial honors the heroism and bravery of Col. Mickey Marcus who lost his life while serving as the first general of Israel's army, as well as the other American soldiers who volunteered to fight in Israel's War of Independence. Col. Marcus, perhaps best known for the film based on his life,starring Kirk Douglas, is the only soldier buried at West Point who was killed fighting under the flag of another country. The ceremony, which featured UN Ambassador from Israel Gabriela Shalev, concluded with a graveside firing salute and taps. It was truly an honor for the choir to be able to sing at such an important event. |
Post-High School: College and Israel Planning |
26 Colleges to Attend SAR's Annual Showcase of Colleges
Mark your calendars and save the date!! For juniors and their parents in the Class of 2011, May 12th is the most important date in the college admissions calendar year. Representatives from more than twenty-six colleges will participate in ourannual showcase of colleges. Beginning with a plenary session with brief introductions of each school, participants in the evening program will then break out into workshop sessions where they will hear directly from the admissions representatives who read SAR applications. Families will learn from the reps rich experiences about the 'how to' of creating an effective application and the 'what's important' aspects of an admissions folder, from those who work directly with SAR students.
From state universities like the U of Maryland, SUNY Albany, SUNY Binghamton, U Mass, and The Ohio State University, to the CUNY's, to Yeshiva University and Stern College, to private colleges like Barnard and Brandeis, to the Ivy's such as Yale, Columbia and Princeton Universities, representatives will share perspectives on this year in admissions. Importantly, representatives from a range of colleges will present options available to students with varying interests and abilities. Again, May 12th, is a must for all juniors and their parents - an unparalleled opportunity!!
This week is a busy one preparing our students for college in other ways as well. Representatives from the University of Michigan and Indiana University visited SAR. The SAR team also led other CAJUE (Counselor Advocacy for the Jewish University Experience) members on a trip to the University of Massachusetts, Mt. Holyoke College, and Tufts University. Our mission is to carry the message of enhanced life for observant students on campus!
Finally, let us speak frankly about the final weeks of school. They represent an opportunity for freshman and sophomores as well as juniors to have a strong finish. In doing so, students will fulfill their potential and enhance options and opportunities for the future. As always, we are available to counsel students and provide support in this process. We promise a relaxing summer to follow the increased effort the next two months require.
DATES TO REMEMBER: May 2 - SAT and SAT Subject Tests May 12 - Inside the College Admissions Process - juniors and parents June 6 - SAT and SAT Subject Tests - Registration deadline April 29; Late Registration May 13 June 13 - ACT - Registration deadline May 7; Late Registration May 8-21
College Counseling Team
Chessed and Tzedakah Programs |
Eight 11th grade students, accompanied by their advisor, Mr. Goodman, visited P.O.T.S. (Part Of The Solution) on Monday, April 19th. P.O.T.S. provides assistance to the poor, including free hot meals and bags of canned food, clothing, legal aid, haircuts, the use of bathing facilities and counseling. We worked in the soup kitchen serving approximately 250 visitors over a three hour period. Aaron Lichtschein served drinks as the visitors were seated. Hannah Liberman and Sophia Altholz dished out the food in the kitchen which was then brought to the tables by Lena Steinberg. Peter Lewis cleared the tables after the meal while Alex Ainsberg worked as a dishwasher in the kitchen. David Kamins and Adam Edelstein sorted and organized donated clothing in the back of the building. This visit made us all think about a side of city life that we do not often encounter and specifically about real people who are at a point in their lives when they need some help. Several of the students wanted to learn more about P.O.T.S and to return sometime soon to be of further assistance.
Project Cicero Book Drive
 On March 25th, Ms. Meier led a group of students who participated in a bookmark making event at PS81. This was the culmination of the Project Cicero book drive, and with the help of Nick and the maintenance team, the books were delivered to PS 81 before the event.
The program began with a reading of The LIbrarian of Basra, which talks about the importance of taking care of books. Students then led a discussion with the first grade class about why books are important, what their favorite books are, and how to properly take care of them. The class then split up into groups for the bookmark making, with two SAR students assisting each group. "It was spectacular," Eli Greenberg ('12) said after the event. "It was great to interact with the kids and really meaningful."
Tamar Rothstein and Yishai Schwartz
A Chesed Day in the Park 
On Thursday, April 15th , Ms Chanales' and Ms. Hoch's advisory groups went to clean up Van Cortlandt Park. We expected to remove garbage but were surprised when we were presented with loppers, shovels, and trowels. Sara, an employee of the park, explained to us that we were going to uproot non-native plants from the park's fauna in order to prevent their invasive growth. We spent two hours cutting, shoveling, and lopping weeds from the ground. We kept in mind the saying "leaves of three, let it be" (taught to us by Helen Berman), since many areas were covered in poison ivy.
Dani Pitkoff |
SAR Athletics |
SAR's Track Club Run a 4K Race and Raise Money
On a warm Sunday morning, April 11th, at 8:00 A.M. eleven adults and twenty-three students from SAR's Track Club met at Scarsdale High School for a dual purpose. It was the first time the group got together to run a 4K race, while at the same time, the eager participants raised $1,490 for Reuth, a medical center in Tel Aviv that provides medical care, rehabilitation, and nursing care to young and old alike. The participants were excited to take part in an exhilarating event that gave them the opportunity to do what they have practiced for every Tuesday night at school, while also raising the awareness of such an important institution in Israel. Wearing t-shirts with the Reuth logo, and supplied with bagels before the race and water bottles along the race, participants eagerly raced to the finish line. Mr. Berlin, who has been a major motivator and influence in this amazing new after-school club, expertly coordinated this event. An involved SAR parent and strong supporter of Reuth, Sharon Freudenstein helped coordinate this successful event. We hope to continue to race in the future and add a chesed component.. We hope that people will participate in future race opportunities and join us to run for a cause! Rachel Freudenstein and Talia Zapinsky
Sports Recap 
The students were tested to see how many times they could jump rope in 60 seconds. The top students in this category were: 9th grade: Sarah Sperling- 125; Orly Arbit - 138; Yael Smolar- 145; Jonathan Rebibio- 142; Jacob Sternberg- 147
10th grade: Sidney Chizzali- 180; Emily Katzenstein- 152; Sarice Schler- 150; Alex Katz- 152; Ariel Brown- 154; Adam Schreiber- 157; Yonaton Chamudot- 163; Mati Haberman- 163
11th grade: Shira Gaffney- 170; Rebecca Abrams- 165; Gabriella Teglasi- 151; Gabriel Rosenberg- 142; Coby Greif- 149; Jason Cogan- 171
12th grade: Daniel Fialkovsky- 160; Daniel Chamudot- 166; Ariel Lavi- 168
The two best scores in the school were Sean Klaus and Ben Shenwick both with 174 jumps.
They boys were tested to see how many chinups they could do. The best in the school were: Ben Bolnick -15; Max Kane- 15; David Abadie- 15; Isaac Breslow- 16; Matt Kestenbaum- 16; Kevin Meiteles- 16; Gavi Rawson- 16; Eitan Harcsztark- 20; Gabriel Rosenberg- 30
On April 16th Boys Varsity Softball lost 4-2 to TABC and then lost to Frisch on April 21st, despite strong performances from starting pitcher Ephraim Botwinick. Hopefully their rough streak will end following their recent loss to MTA this past Friday.
On Friday April 23rd, Girls Softball played a double header against Westchester Hebrew High School. They had a complete shut out in the first game. With Alli Kahn's star pitching, the team defeated Westchester 14-0. In their second game, a closer match, the team pulled their way with an 11-7 victory.
On Thursday April 22nd Girls Varsity Soccer defeated Bruriah 8-6. Alli Kahn, the team's goalie, had an amazing night, not only protecting the goals, but scoring three of her own. Then on Monday the team improved their record to 4-2 with an easy victory against May High School.
On Sunday April 25th Girls Hockey defeated North Shore 11-0. Their shut out was made possible by goalie Melissa Weintraub's great defense. Amanda Lederman scored two goals in one shift, and Captains Talia Lerner and Rebecca Skolnick scored a total of four goals.
Boys Volleyball team has a record of 2-1, beating Flatbush and Ramaz, but losing a close game to Frisch.
Girls JV Soccer is undefeated with a 5-0 record. They beat Frisch twice, Central High School, Maayanot and North Shore Hebrew High School.
Boys Soccer is undefeated with a 5-0 record. They defeated MTA twice, Ramaz, ZDR, and Flatbush.
Upcoming Games:
Sunday May 2nd Boys Varsity Softball at JEC (DH)
Sunday May 2nd Boys JV Softball at JEC 12:30
Sunday May 2nd Boys Baseball at Westchester 7PM
Sunday May 2nd Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Maayanot at SAR 5PM
Sunday May 2nd Girls JV Soccer vs. Maayanot at SAR 4PM
Sunday May 2nd Boys JV Soccer vs. Frisch at SAR 6:30PM
Monday May 3rd Boys Varsity Soccer at TABC 7PM
Monday May 3rd Girls Hockey vs. SKA at SAR 8PM
Tuesday May 4th Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Queens at SAR 6:30PM
Tuesday May 4th Girls Softball at Heschel 6:15 PM
Tuesday May 4th Boys Varsity Softball vs. TABC at SAR 6:15
Wednesday May 5th Girls Hockey at SKA 8:30 PM
Wednesday May 5th Boys Baseball at Ramaz 6PM
Thursday May 6th Girls Varsity Soccer at Kushner 7:30PM
Thursday May 6th Boys Volleyball at Ramaz with Kushner 6:30 PM
Sunday May 9th Boys JV Soccer at TABC 2PM |