St. Nicholas' Gathering Area

News from Nick:

The Newsletter for the Community of St. Nicholas


1072 Ridge Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL  60007

( 847 ) 439 - 2067


February 9-15, 2012 

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Upcoming Events

Annual Meeting

Sunday, February 12, 2012, immediately following the 10:00 am service 


Chili Supper

Saturday, February 18, 2012, immediately following the 4:30 pm service



 Ongoing Events:




Wednesdays - 6:00 p.m.

Saturdays - 4:30 p.m.

Sundays - 10:00 a.m. 


Food Pantry

1st, 3rd & 4th Wednesdays

4:30-6:30 p.m. 


Choir Practice 

Wednesdays, 6:45 p.m.  



Getting Involved
St. Nicholas is not a building, it's a community that belongs to all of us.  All are encouraged to participate to the fullest extent.  Please visit this link on our website for a list of current ministries and contact persons.   There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin boards above the drinking fountain at St. Nicholas.  Please take time to sign up.  
Contact Us...

Manny Easter 2011

Steve Raftery, Jr. Warden

Paul Brouillette, Assisting Pastor

Mary at organ
Mary Fletcher-Gomez, Organist/Choirmaster
News From Our Diocese
We encourage you to sign up for our diocese's new email newsletter to keep up with news and events from the larger community.

Click here to sign up.


Chili Supper: Invite Your Friends!

Saturday, February 18, immediately following the 4:30PM liturgy.


If you won't be in church to sign up so that we can plan how much chili to make, please contact Jessica Tamaski ( or 630-607-2258) and let her know how many people will be in your party. 

Healing Services During Lent
luke icon
A reminder that our own Revs. Tony and Fran Begonja, members of the Order of St. Luke will be providing us the gift of Healing Prayers and blessings during the Lenten Season.

Click here for more information.

News from Nick is published by St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Elk Grove Village, Illinois each Thursday.


Please submit copy to Douglas by clicking here.  Deadline is Wednesday at noon.

In This Issue
+Can't You Almost Taste the Chili?
+Healing Services During Lent
+The Annual Meeting: Sharing, Caring and Breaking Bread with our Family
+Bishop's Committee: Would You Like to Serve?
+St. Nicholas' Annual Meeting - February 12, 2012
+Celebrating Absalom Jones
+Food Pantry News
+Save the Date! Installation of Vicar and Celebration of a New Shared Ministry June 13, 2012!
+Thank You
+Readings for This Weekend's Services
+Shout Outs
+Prayer Requests

-News from Nick Archive-

Miss an issue of News from Nick?  Need to refer to an earlier issue?  No problem--issues are archived and available at any time

at this link.

Annual Meeting:  Sharing, Caring and Breaking Bread with our Family.
Children's Sunday

We're all pretty busy people. Many retirees have told me they thought they'd have more time to relax. However, quite the contrary, as they find themselves busier than ever. Students have homework and after-school jobs. We have our places of employment that keep us on our toes. There are commitments for which we've obligated ourselves. Nuclear and extended family matters are always first and foremost and must be attended to. Oh yes, there is laundry that needs cleaning, the house that needs attending to, meals to be prepared, in due season there are lawns that need mowing and sidewalks that need snow removal, gardens that need tending and repairs that cannot wait any longer. I get tired just thinking about all that there is to do. However, I'm more excited and more eager than ever to "put shoulder to the wheel" and get the entire parish community involved and engaged in this most sacred effort of building a stronger, healthier and spiritually alive St. Nicholas Church.  


Of course, there are church matters that request of us our time, our talents and our occasional treasures, too. There are ministries that need our service; a building that needs our care; people that need our love and attention and a God who deserves and welcomes our worship and praise. Is there enough time for all of this? There must be.   We've been doing it for many years and the Community of St. Nicholas is a wonderful example of people joining together and making things work and happen...and we do so, always, for the glory of God.


This Sunday, Feb. 12th, we have our Annual Parish Meeting; a yearly event that is a parish requirement. Trust me; it's not as if I look to create more meetings, because I'm bored or have some devilish side to me. The reality is, this Annual Parish Meeting is the prime time of the year for all of us, each member, to share our feelings, thoughts and ideas as we work, together, to help build and strengthen our community of faith. St. Nicholas is only as strong as we are willing to share, give of ourselves and work side by side with one another. The truth be told, I look forward to this meeting...because it is a wonderful vehicle for us, to talk, listen, laugh and share ourselves with the entire community.   We gather and share because we love this place and we wish to honor and praise God our Creator and Jesus, the Redeemer.


Last year's meeting was a blessed success. People came, listened, shared thoughts and opinions, and had a friendly meal. And the beneficiary of all this was St. Nicholas Church and the beautiful people who worship within the walls of this special place. Again, we are only as strong as we are willing to share, give of ourselves and work side by side with one another. I pray we are all willing. I pray our determination and desire is sustained and strengthened, for the building of God's Kingdom is no sprint, but a marathon. The race is long and demanding. Yet, together, there are no obstacles too great or too daunting to impede our progress and our collective efforts. So, my dear sisters and brothers: Sunday, February 12th, 2012, after the 10 am Liturgy in Holy Innocents Hall at St. Nicholas Episcopal Church...we gather, we share, we eat and we celebrate. Bring your voices, your thoughts, your ideas, your patience, your casseroles and your appetite, too.  




Bishop's Committee
Would you like to serve on the Bishop's Committee?  If so, please notify Fr. Manny, Pat Kalicki, or Steve Raftery.  We meet the second Sunday of each month at 8:15 am to 9:45 am, and are looking to add new members.  If you aren't interested, maybe you know someone who is and would like to nominate them.  We won't put anyone up for election without first getting their permission.
St. Nicholas Annual Meeting - February 12
The St. Nicholas Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, February 12, 2012, following the 10AM liturgy.  If you are able, please bring a dish to share as we'll also enjoy a potluck lunch.

All are most welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting where we'll discuss our shared ministry for 2012 and our budget and finances.  We'll also elect lay leaders.
Celebrating Absalom Jones
Absalom Jones
In the Episcopal Church, we commemorate Absalom Jones on Monday, February 13.

In 1804, the Rev. Jones -- born into slavery in Delaware in 1794 -- was the first African-American to be ordained priest in the Episcopal Church, after having founded the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, Philadelphia in 1794. 

Set us free, heavenly Father, from every bond of prejudice and fear; that, honoring the steadfast courage of your servant Absalom Jones, we may show forth in our lives the reconciling love and true freedom of the children of God, which you have given us in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

-Collect for Absalom Jones: Priest, 1818 

food pantryFood Pantry News

The food pantry has been serving an average of 20 families each Wednesday we are open, which is the first, third and fourth Wednesday of the month.


I need to share a story of how this ministry affects people. A young lady came to the food pantry several weeks ago, gave me a hug and thanked Saint Nicholas for helping her family while she was out of work. She had just obtained a job and wanted us to know how much Saint Nicholas helped her. I accepted her thanks on behalf of Saint Nicholas and the staff that works the food pantry. Her joy and the tears I see in people's eyes when they leave Saint Nicholas with their groceries is difficult to put into words.


Since the food pantry is so busy, we find ourselves running out of cereal, canned corn and canned fish. Please help us by donating these items.


-Bob Kalicki

Save the Date: Installation of Vicar and Celebration of a New Shared Ministry
The date of Manny's installation as Vicar of St. Nicholas has been set.  Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, June 13 at 7PM, when we'll gather to celebrate a new shared ministry.

We look forward to a joyful celebration, but it wouldn't be complete without YOU!
Thank You 
hA note of most sincere thanks to my St. Nicholas family: for your kindness, support and confidence.  You are all, each and every one, truly amazing and together, you form a deeply committed and loving community of faith.  It is an honor to be here!  God bless us all.  From my heart to yours...peace, blessings and unconditional love.  Always and forever.

Manny Borg
Readings for This Weekend
Shout Outs
Thank you!
Greg Kinloch and Gary Lachey, our two newest Holy Innocents Food Pantry volunteers!  Welcome aboard, gentlemen.

Paul Swanson and his new coffee shop...much luck and blessings and may you never burn a single coffee bean.

To the many who do so much to keep St. Nicholas moving forward and onward.   
Prayer Requests

Leah Gibbs, mother-in-law to Ginny Gibbs who begins cancer treatment.

Guadalupe Ramirez, grandmother of Benny Delgado, who is in the hospital due to a serious brain illness.   
Donna Tamaski and her upcoming medical tests.

Lauren Wozniak, granddaughter of Eunice Dohra, who is spending a college semester studying in Rome; for her safety and well-being.

Eileen Maher, sister of Mary Beth Jarvis, as she recovers from a stroke.  


The Martin Family: Karen, Tom and Katie 


Our sisters and brothers at St. Bede's Church, as they go through the transition of merging with St. Nicholas.  


Hope Smith

Ethel (Corkey) Stratton, the mother of Hal Stratton, as she continues to recover from surgery and a nasty fall. 


Eunice Dohra

Richard and Mary Gans

Godfrey James Catanus, Paul Swanson's friend who is out of coma and in recovery.


Beth Jarvis as she begins the transition of moving away. 


Carrie Loos


Paul Brouillette


For those in transition: those searching for work, those who are moving and those encountering changes in life.