Upcoming Events
Annual Meeting
Sunday, February 12, 2012, immediately following the 10:00AM service
Chili Supper
February 18, 2012
Ongoing Events:
Wednesdays - 6:00 p.m.
Saturdays - 4:30 p.m.
Sundays - 10:00 a.m.
Food Pantry
1st, 3rd & 4th Wednesdays
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Choir Practice
Wednesdays, 6:45 p.m.
Getting Involved
St. Nicholas is not a building, it's a community that belongs to all of us. All are encouraged to participate to the fullest extent. Please visit this link on our website for a list of current ministries and contact persons. There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin boards above the drinking fountain at St. Nicholas. Please take time to sign up.
Contact Us...

News From Our Diocese
We encourage you to sign up for our diocese's new email newsletter to keep up with news and events from the larger community. Click here to sign up.
News from Nick is published by St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, Elk Grove Village, Illinois each Thursday.
Please submit copy to Douglas by clicking here. Deadline is Wednesday at noon.
-News from Nick Archive-
Miss an issue of News from Nick? Need to refer to an earlier issue? No problem--issues are archived and available at any time
at this link.
Reflection from Manny
 Listen children Simon the Cyrenian "He never spoke a word to me, And yet He called my name; He never gave a sign to me, And yet I knew and came. At first I said, "I will not bear His cross upon my back; He only seeks to place it there Because my skin is black." But He was dying for a dream, And He was very meek, And in His eyes there shone a gleam Men journey far to seek. It was Himself my pity bought; I did for Christ alone What all of Rome could not have wrought With bruise of lash or stone." (Countee Cullen, an African-American writer, was born in 1903 in New York City and raised in a Methodist parsonage. He graduated from New York University in 1923 and later attended Harvard University. He died in 1946 at the age of 43) The other night, Douglas and I watched The Help. The movie was amazing. It brought me to tears. I found myself frustrated, angry and bitterly disappointed in the manner in which some people treat one another. Blessedly, the movie also brought a smile to my face and opportunity for laughter, too. If you haven't seen the movie, please do so. I'm determined to read the book... February is Black History Month. Our country affords us this month-long memorial and tribute to better understand and appreciate the contributions of the African-American community. All of us must take the time to reflect and consider the struggles of so many of our sisters and brothers. The fight was and continues to be for full and unconditional freedom from prejudice and discrimination: to be members of a country that values and practices full equality for all; to receive the same rights and protection afforded to other citizens and to be valued, appreciated and shown respect and uphold the dignity of all. The struggle continues. Sadly, in some parts of this country, people of color are still discriminated against. The same, sad story can be said of gays and lesbians, of women, of the elderly and the physically and mentally challenged. Amazing, isn't it, that God created us equal and in His image and some of God's own children can make such negative and disparaging distinctions. Human kind is not a perfect creature. We have a ways to go and still, we shall never reach perfection, at least not in this life time. And that is our human fate. Our perfection is to be attained when we enter into our eternal reward, when we are welcomed to Paradise and see our God, face to face. Until that time, we must all continue in our efforts of bringing about a more perfect community; locally, nationally and universally. This is a daunting task, indeed. Fortunately, God gives us the grace to see ourselves free from hatred; the patience to endure the trials and tribulations that undoubtedly find their way into our lives and cross our paths; the love to embrace all of God's children as our sisters and brothers; and the faith that provides us strength and endurance in all our struggles and human endeavors. I'd like to think and I do believe that God has great confidence in us. After all, God gave us Jesus, fully divine, yet in full human form, to teach us how to live with one another, how to forgive one another, how to rise above the negativity and conform only to what is good and righteous. We have faith and confidence in God and that is the finest and most appropriate starting point. Let us all have confidence and believe in the gifts and attributes of all God's children, our sisters and brothers in faith. Let us put our efforts in building up and not tearing down. Speak out against discrimination...silence is a passive form of agreement and none of us should ever stand for that. Like Simon the Cyrenian, mentioned in the beautiful poem above, let us come to the aid of those in need; let us serve those who seek assistance; let us be Christ-like and Simon-like to one another. Look at the character of each person and see the value, the giftedness and the beauty that exists within. Remember, others are looking at us...do unto them as we would have done unto us! Love. Forgive. Teach. Lead. Console. Guide. Direct. Embrace. Laugh. Live...and this is what we are called to do every moment of every day. Smile, my friends, Jesus is with us and oh, what a friend we do have in Him. -Mannymanny@stnicholasepiscopal.org
The Wait is Over . . .
Earlier this week, we announced that we now have a Vicar--Manny Borg has been called and has accepted that call.
If you missed the email, it is archived at this link.
Healing Services During Lent
 We are fortunate to have in our community the Revs. Tony and Fran Begonja, members of the Order of St. Luke. They will be providing us the gift of Healing Prayers and blessings during the Lenten Season. Each Saturday in Lent and the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays in Lent, both Tony and Fran will administer and share Healing Prayers for any and all who wish to share in the resorative powers of prayer. Whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual, the Spirit will be invoked and prayers and blessings will be offered. The blessings will take place as part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist at the Saturday 4:30pm Liturgy and the 10am Sunday Liturgy: participants are invited, after receing Holy Communion, to proceed to the Baptismal Font where the blessings will take place. Celebrate the sacred season of Lent with this most blessed of sacramental gifts. All are invited and this gift may be received as often as one wishes.
Old Palms Needed
 If you have old palms, blessed or otherwise, laying around the home, please bring them to church this weekend or next weekend. We will burn these palms prior to the Annual Meeting on Sunday, Feb. 12th. The ashes collected from burning the palms will be used on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22nd.
St. Nicholas Annual Meeting - February 12
The St. Nicholas Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, February 12, 2012, following the 10AM liturgy. If you are able, please bring a dish to share as we'll also enjoy a potluck lunch.
All are most welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting where we'll discuss our shared ministry for 2012 and our budget and finances. We'll also elect lay leaders.
Chili Supper: Invite Your Friends!
Saturday, February 18, immediately following the 4:30PM liturgy.
If you won't be in church to sign up so that we can plan how much chili to make, please contact Jessica Tamaski (tamaskij@dupage.edu or 630-607-2258) and let her know how many people will be in your party.
Readings for This Weekend
Shout Outs
 To the Search Committee and all the hard work they put forth throughout the Vicar search...you did us proud! Hal Stratton, Tess Setchell, Katie Black, Denise Butera, Cyndi DeBock, Benny Delgado and Jon Kessler God bless you all. To the Bishop's Committee and their diligence throughout the Vicar search...out hearts go out to you. God bless you all, Pat Kalicki, Steve Raftery, Jessica Tamaski, Val Gruenwald, Bill Barlow and Paul Swanson. To the entire St. Nicholas Community: for the patience, understanding and compassion shown throughout the entire Vicar search. God bless us all, each and every one. |
Prayer Requests
Leah Gibbs, mother-in-law to Ginny Gibbs who begins cancer treatment.
Guadalupe Ramirez, grandmother of Benny Delgado, who is in the hospital due to a serious brain illness.
Donna Tamaski and her upcoming medical tests.
Lauren Wozniak, granddaughter of Eunice Dohra, who is spending a college semester studying in Rome; for her safety and well-being.
Eileen Maher, sister of Mary Beth Jarvis, as she recovers from a stroke.
The Martin Family: Karen, Tom and Katie
Our sisters and brothers at St. Bede's Church, as they go through the transition of merging with St. Nicholas.
Hope Smith
Ethel (Corkey) Stratton, the mother of Hal Stratton, as she continues to recover from surgery and a nasty fall.
Eunice Dohra
Richard and Mary Gans
Godfrey James Catanus, Paul Swanson's friend who is out of coma and in recovery.
Beth Jarvis as she begins the transition of moving away.
Carrie Loos
Paul Brouillette
For those in transition: those searching for work, those who are moving and those encountering changes in life.