How You Can Help
We ask you to think about how Saint Nicholas helps you to connect to God and to appreciate all God's gifts. Saint Nicholas needs your financial support so that this wonderful place where we come together as a community of faith can be here for all of us. Our vibrant, caring community supports and nurtures each and every one of us in our times of need and our times of celebration. We warmly welcome each newcomer. And we reach out to those in need beyond our doors.
As we heard at the all-parish meeting in October, this request for financial support takes the form of a pledge commitment for the year 2012. This enables us to plan and budget, knowing what our income will be. Pledge forms are available by clicking here, and on the shelf as you enter the worship space. Our stewardship period runs through November 27th. If for some reason you are not able to pledge within this timeframe, pledges will be accepted after November 27th. However, receiving as many pledge forms as possible during this period will allow us to begin planning for the year ahead. With all of us working together, it will be a year full of promise and hope.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support for Saint Nicholas.
We offer this special "I am St. Nick - Volume 2" email as a way of sharing our stories with the Community of St. Nicholas, and inviting you to share your own.
Following are personal stories from some of your fellow St. Nicholas members about how the Community of St. Nicholas has touched and changed them.
We invite you to click here to share your own story for the next issue of I am St. Nick.
We further invite you to consider the many ways your gifts of time, talent and treasure will help bring others home to a community that touches them as deeply as it touches all of us.
Finally, if you have not already done so, we invite you to download a pledge card from this link and bring it to church with you this weekend.
We hope you'll take a moment to read the stories below and share your own.
Bob Kalicki, Douglas VanHouten & Val Gruenwald
St. Nicholas Stewardship Team
I am St. Nick
I am also in the process of becoming St. Nick
Before the Eucharist on the feast of Christ the King, Bob Kalicki asked me to write my story. My first reaction was that I have no 'story', but as I reflected on the Gospel reading that day, one phrase jumped out at me, "...I was a stranger, and you welcomed me..." and I realized that maybe I do have a story after all.
For a number of years, I felt increasingly uncomfortable in the denomination of my youth. I disagreed with a number of the decrees of the church leadership and felt more and more alienated, especially by their teachings about me as a single, gay man. I used to leave church on Sunday feeling irritated and I knew this was not a good thing. I knew I needed to look elsewhere. I had no idea where, but I needed someplace I could fit in and be accepted for who and what I am. I had noticed a church near me had the rainbow flag on their sign. I wasn't much of a fan of church hierarchy so the fact that this church didn't have much of a hierarchical structure was appealing, but I knew I needed someplace that celebrated the Sacraments. I was pretty sure that that church did not, so I continued looking.
I turned to the internet and was quickly guided to the St. Nick's website. Yes, I believe I was guided and I now know the Holy Spirit knows how to google! I was impressed by what I saw and read, but jaded enough to take internet information with a grain of salt. It sounded too good, besides it was way up in Elk Grove Village. I wasn't even sure where Elk Grove Village was, much less whether I would want to travel all that way. I'm used to being a few blocks from church.
When I finally came to St. Nick's, I had barely walked in the door when I was welcomed by Fr. Manny. I found the celebration of the Eucharist to be truly a celebration. During the Eucharist, I was asked to introduce myself, and was invited to stay for coffee afterward, which I did and had a number of people greet me and make me feel at home. This was an extraordinary experience! I knew I'd found a home. "...I was a stranger, and you welcomed me..."
Now I am challenged by the example of those I see volunteering their time and talent to making St. Nick's the amazing Body of Christ that I found it to be. The question I'm asking myself is 'How can I contribute?'.
Time? I plead that I don't have any, but is that just a lame excuse? How much time do I spend watching some mindless TV or reading some novel?
Talent? I sincerely doubt, but I can assure you if there is one, it will not be choir.
Treasure? See time. I'm ashamed to think of how much money I spend on non-essentials.
Stay tuned. The answer will come.
-John Knepper
I am St. Nick

My story is a little different than those you've already read here. I come from a Jewish background - without any real religious foundation. I was raised to believe that if you were a good person - you were a good Jew. My parents were great role models, in that they welcomed everyone into our home and were non-judgmental. They were wonderful neighbors, and my mother devoted much of her life to helping others - besides working a full time job, as she raised her three children. I always knew about Christ's good works, but never worshiped him. We celebrated both Christmas and Hanukkah, which was a bit confusing as a child - but great fun!
About a year ago, my husband and I found Christ, became involved in a local Evangelical church, read the Bible daily, and attended Bible studies. But something was lacking. Some things just didn't sit right with me and I began feeling like a hypocrite, attending a church and study group that did not hold the same beliefs as me - a church that only walked with Jesus as it saw fit - a church that pours millions of dollars into razing more churches, but does little to help the larger community. What began as a beautiful journey turned into a sad disappointment, as I questioned my faith and my presence among believers who were so narrow in their thinking. I could not accept that my gay son was a sinner and would burn in hell just because he was attracted to those of the same sex and wanted the same things we all want - a loving and devoted partner. I couldn't accept that my Jewish parents, ancestors, and 85% of the world that doesn't believe in Jesus would never join God in His kingdom.
Out of desperation to find a church that valued every person for exactly who they are and was able to view the Bible within its historical context, rather than worship it as the only truth, I found St. Nicholas on the internet. I truly believe God led me to the doors of St. Nick's and to Father Manny, who immediately welcomed Chuck and I graciously into his "home", opened his heart to us, and answered our questions honestly. Everything clicked for me.
After meeting other members and realizing that this was where I felt most comfortable and proud to participate, I decided to get more involved. I wanted to help ensure that St. Nick's - "The Little Church With the Big Heart" - would stay around for a long time. So I decided to head up a Community Outreach Team, shining a light on St. Nick's, hoping to make it more visible and our members more active within the community. Working with a great group of people, I'm excited about our plans for our church. I feel strongly that we must all get involved in order to maintain and grow our wonderful St. Nicholas. Everyone has valuable skills and abilities to be used in God's service here. Pledging is one important way that we can show our love for St. Nick's and our commitment to its future. Our hearts and doors must remain open for all those seeking a safe and nurturing worship community. I was fortunate to find a home here and hope to see many others do the same.
-Jan Tossman
I am St. Nick.
You are St. Nick.
We are St. Nick.
Click here to share your story (please attach a photo if possible) and it will appear in the next issue of I am St. Nick.
The Community of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
ALL are welcome here.
1072 Ridge Avenue
Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007