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Mormonism: Has Anything Changed?
Is Mormonism Now Christian?
DVD by former LDS Elder,
Jim Spencer
Perhaps the most important video presentation on Mormonism since "The God Makers." Jim Spencer's knowledge of Mormon history, doctrine, and practice and his God-given ability to communicate the facts make this DVD a must for every serious student desiring to understand the Mormon Church from a truly Christian perspective. Nearly 2 hrs in length.
Divorced From Church? How Apostasy is Scattering the Sheep
Today, many precious saints have been forced to leave their churches due to truly biblical or doctrinal disputes. If you have, you are NOT alone! With alarming numbers of once-trustworthy denominations and leaders trumpeting varieties of Liberalism and Emergent and other heresies, what is the dedicated Bible-believer to do? Should we stay or must we go? In this important message, Eric Barger utilizes biblical apologetics as he approaches the problem, offers solutions, and outlines reasons to both leave and stay in a congregation.
 The REAL Jesus
vs. The Counterfeits
This timely message holds important apologetic insight to help you identify the many cultic versions of Jesus being promulgated today. Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, The New Age Movement - they ALL have a "Jesus."
Is Your Church New Age, Emergent, or Christian?
This comparison of New Age and Emergent beliefs against the backdrop of biblical Christianity will not only expose the many likenesses shared by New Age and Emergent philosophies but it will also help equip viewers with discernment in understanding and recognizing real, authentic Christianity.
Emergent philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.
Where in the World is
Eric Barger?
Well, the answer to that provocative, mysterious question is that this week I am speaking in a conference at a terrific church in southern Indiana just across the Ohio River from Louisville, KY! Thanks for taking a moment to read this update and for praying for me, Melanie, and the ministry.
Next weekend I'll be at churches in Illinois (Germantown Hills and Beardstown) before flying to the West Coast. (Take A Stand! Scheduling info here.)
I'm also preparing material and researching for several new seminar messages and getting ready for three, one hour radio broadcasts which will air nationally in early May. I'll post information about all of that here in future emails.
I want to take just a moment to update you about our transportation situation. Money earmarked for the project has been trickling in but we're still several thousand dollars from our goal to complete the purchase of two much-needed replacement vehicles for the ministry. One will be for the midwest and eastern US and Canada and the other for travel across the western states. This need is, of course, over and above our monthly operating budget. Thanks for clicking the link here or below to contribute.
Below in this update are a couple of select emails and my responses. Whether someone agrees with us or not, the emails and letters we receive are always enlightening.
By the way, next week I'll be publishing an extensive article titled "Presenting the 'New' Mormonism - Complete With the Same Old Heresies." Watch for it.
Until then, God bless you and thanks again!
Contribute to our Ministry Van Fund here. We're well on our way but still need your help. Thanks! (Click here for more details)
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Emergent Destruction
Thanks. I have already listened to the 2 hours with Jan Markell and 2 of the programs with Southwest Radio Ministries.
In September of 2009 we left the (city name withheld) Church of the Nazarene after the pastor had been sending people to the Willowcreek Church in Chicago. He had also shown videos of Rob Bell, and his son, who also is on staff, had led a book study of Rob Bell's book "Velvet Elvis." He was also quoting emergent authors in his sermons.
Our family had been at this church for over 23 years and it was such a disappointment to learn what was happening. We actually stayed awhile to work with a Biblically solid board member to talk with the pastor. That board member has resigned from the board and moved away. The Sunday after he announced that he was resigning, there was an announcement in the bulletin that one of the pastors would be hosting a Wednesday evening book study on "The Shack".
My son was the one that alerted me as to what was going on. He found your video ("The Errors of the Emergent Church") explaining what you had seen and heard at Northwest Nazarene University. That was just a few weeks before Easter in 2009. My daughter had attended and graduated from the University several years ago before all this teaching was entrenched there.
My whole point of writing this message is to thank you for opening our eyes as to what was happening in the Nazarene church.
I so appreciate your ministry and the truth you are exposing in these last days. I just want to encourage you as I know that you have been attacked by many.
Thanks for being a blessing to so many who are searching for truth in these troubled times. If you would ever like to meet for a cup of coffee, I will buy.
Neal (Washington)
Thanks so much for writing and for your encouragement. I'm glad to hear from you even if it is such a sad, tragic story. I know that you know that you are not alone and that many other Nazarenes (and others) are experiencing the same kind of heartbreak that you have gone through. We need to pray that there be a supernatural awakening and an outpouring of discernment and conviction in our churches and schools (Nazarene and many others).
I would love to have a coffee with you sometime. I hope we can connect when I am back in the Northwest. Please stay in touch.
God bless you!
Eric NOTE: Just today (April 13, 2011) OneNewsNow posted a news item titled "'Mysticism' Infecting Nazarene Beliefs" which quoted my friend Manny Silva of "Concerned Nazarenes" and "Stand For Truth Ministries". The news piece was grafted from a recent article that appeared in the Intermountain Christian News. IMCNews publisher, Dr. Anthony Harper, has taken bold and courageous stands against Emergent heresy, in particular that which is flourishing at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, ID. I encourage you to pray for both Manny and Dr. Harper as I understand first hand the kind of attacks they are surely now experiencing.
Pray the Holy Spirit Take Charge!
Thank God for your ministry!!! Our church promotes living for Jesus with very little preaching on repentance and the new birth. Our preacher talks about new methods and puts down the "old doctrine stuff." Please pray the Holy Spirit to take charge once again!!!
- Jeff (North Carolina)
Heartbreaking Just to Think...
Dear Mr. Barger, Thanks so much for your selection of DVDs on topics so pertinent to the landscape of today's culture. I have loaned them out to others with the hope and prayer that eyes will be opened and hearts will be moved to repentance. The feedback has not always been positive, and just the mere act of loaning out a DVD about The Death of Discernment and The Shack or The Emergent Church can let you know who are your friends or foes. It is heartbreaking just to think of what it could be like to have to make the decision to leave our church (should it ever come to that) where we have raised our children and lived our lives with dear friends for so many years. The tools you produce to educate Christians in the church about the attack from within are so valuable. So many people are clueless. Last summer I viewed your DVD message about The Emergent Church with one of our senior saints...a widow lady in her 80's (still active and sharp), Moody Bible Institute graduate and former missionary to Africa. She had never heard of the Emergent Church. And while she was very interested in learning this new information, it pained me to have to be the one to share it with her, because I know it rocked her world. That same conversation brought up the names of Tony Jones and Phyllis Tickle, since they were keynote speakers at the Cornerstone music festival (Jesus People USA). Our church is located very near Cornerstone grounds and my friend thought that even though the music is kind of wild, that 'they have some good speakers there'. Well....she was basing that thought on remembering that Norm Geisler spoke there many years ago. She just had no clue, bless her heart, of what kind of teaching is going on there today. I appreciate your gracious spirit while exposing error. No doubt your heart is often very heavy as you do your work. God Bless you and as you do what you can to promote the truth of Scripture, and I pray that the Lord will provide you and your wife with even some small moments of renewal and refreshment as you continue in this battle. Susan (Illinois)
Susan, What a terrific letter. Thanks for your encouragement to me. May others be both challenged and strengthened by your efforts for the Kingdom of God. In His grip... Eric
Hello! We listened to your interview this afternoon! What a blessing! I have to admit that, at times, we found ourselves laughing out loud due to the ridiculousness of the accusations that Jan Markell and Eric Barger are "bullies"! It's just simply absurd and that is what has prompted this email to you... We want you to know how grateful we are for the wisdom the Father has given you and that you, in turn, pass it along to us! We are completely satisfied that you are serving the Lord and not yourself! That is very plain for anyone to see! Well, anyone who really takes a good look at the ministries God has given you, that is. The accusations can only come from ignorance and what is most frightening about that, to us anyway, is that it is chosen ignorance!! (We'll never understand that!) We have learned so much the last couple of years and we include Take A Stand! Ministries and Olive Tree Ministries as two of the few reasons why! When you speak, we get a real sense of surety and clarity, common sense, practical application of the Word, etc., which gives us confidence in Whose we are and Who we have put our faith in. God has truly used Take A Stand! Ministries and Olive Tree Ministries to bless our lives and bring peace to our home. We can't thank Him enough!! And, we can't thank you enough for your continued obedience to Him, in spite of the persecution you now face. May God continue to bless you!!! With love and a great deal of respect, Greg and Becky (Arizona)
Hello Folks, Wow. What a terrific letter. Thanks so much for your encouragement to us! We know Jan appreciates it as much as we do. Many blessings to you both. Eric & Melanie
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"I believe Eric is one of the premier Christian Apologists traveling the country today." - Rev. Bob Fort, President, United Evangelical Churches "We have invited Eric to speak 17 times since 1987. I highly recommend his ministry." - Pastor Milton Hubbard "Eric's articulate presentation of carefully researched information is solidly based in Scripture and life-changing in its impact." - Rev. Jim Keys "Over the years we have had Eric at our church many times. We have always found his ministry to be balanced and to the point. He has helped our church stay focused and walk in the will of God." - Pastor Sam Buckingham Scheduling Information Read About Eric Barger |
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