Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministrieseb-ds-10-01.3



Changed DVD

Mormonism: Has Anything Changed?

 Is Mormonism Now Christian?


DVD by former LDS Elder,

 Jim Spencer


Perhaps the most important video presentation on Mormonism since "The God Makers." Jim Spencer's knowledge of Mormon history, doctrine, and practice and his God-given ability to communicate the facts make this DVD a must for every serious student desiring to understand the Mormon Church from a truly Christian perspective. Nearly 2 hrs in length.


 CLICK HERE for More

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  new dvd
 Divorced DVD
 Divorced From Church?
 How Apostasy is Scattering the Sheep
 Today, many precious saints have been forced to leave their churches due to truly biblical or doctrinal disputes. If you have, you are NOT alone!
 With alarming numbers of once-trustworthy denominations and leaders trumpeting varieties of Liberalism and Emergent and other heresies, what is the dedicated Bible-believer to do? Should we stay or must we go? In this important message, Eric Barger utilizes biblical apologetics as he approaches the problem, offers solutions, and outlines reasons to both leave and stay in a congregation.

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 new DVD

Real Jesus dvd.1
The REAL Jesus
 vs. The Counterfeits

 This timely message holds important apologetic insight to help you identify the many cultic versions of Jesus being promulgated today. Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, The New Age Movement - they ALL have a "Jesus."

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new dvd
Is Your Church dvd
Is Your Church New Age, Emergent, or Christian?

This comparison of New Age and Emergent beliefs against the backdrop of biblical Christianity will not only expose the many likenesses shared by New Age and Emergent philosophies but it will also help equip viewers with discernment in understanding and recognizing real, authentic Christianity.
CLICK HERE for More 

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 Emergent philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.


"Traveling Ministry"

Many years ago, the Lord impressed on me that, considering we are a "traveling ministry,"  He would provide for every need to fulfill that calling. He surely has and we have followed His lead, traveling nonstop and proclaiming the Gospel while shedding light on the works of the enemy. Though I have flown several hundred thousands of miles throughout these nearly 28 years, the majority of our travels have been in several vehicles, nearly all vans.


As many of you know, our ministry has expanded significantly and, besides the terrific volunteer help we've had through the years, we've now found need to hire an office assistant part time. Along with the expansion, we've had to replace first one and now a second of the three vehicles used primarily for ministry travel. A wonderful, supportive Christian businessman made it possible last fall for us to replace our aging vehicle kept in the central US for my travels there. In October, we were made a terrific deal on a dependable, low mileage, 2005 mini-van and, in turn, we were able to bless a Christian homeless shelter in Missouri by donating our older 1995 vehicle for their use. Now the time is drawing close for us to complete the payment for the 2005 van. Along with that need, we have recently retired our 1996 van (with over 375,000 miles on it) and immediately need to purchase yet another vehicle for the ministry.


In summary, besides our ongoing ministry and personal budget, over the next few weeks we must raise several thousand dollars to meet these two "traveling ministry" needs.


If you have supported this ministry in the past, I know that you believe we have been raised up "for such a time as this." Perhaps you have never sent financial support. This opportunity would be a great time to start. Here online you can use a debit or credit card or your PayPal account. You can also mail a donation to our Texas address (see below). 


I have confidence that both our transportation needs and our ongoing general budget can and will be met during this season. Thanks so much for considering what part you can play in our "traveling ministry."


God bless you for standing with us as we continue to stand for biblical truth!


Eric Signature 

Click Here to Donate to the Ministry










Schedule Eric for your Church or City!


Single and multiple day conference/seminars are available for 2011-2012


Click here for information or call 214-289-5244. 



Seminar pics 


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Want an assortment of Eric's teachings to share with others or enjoy again and again?

Order our
One of Everything Special!


- 20 of Eric's full-length seminar DVDs
- 10 CD messages by Eric
- 5 Books

(a $449 value)

Great for home use, Christian and home school study, Bible studies, small groups, Sunday School, church libraries and anyone just wanting a collection of Eric's DVDs, his most current Books plus others and an assortment of his teaching CDs.

Order online
or call 214-289-5244

You may also mail your request to:
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030

Contact us at:
Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030  USA
Phone: 214-289-5244 


Please email Eric Barger personally by clicking here.  

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Copyright, 2011 Eric Barger