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World AIDS Day
December 1, 2010
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spring city thanksgiving dinner 12-1-10

Pass the pie

While you were stuffing the turkey (or yourself), these five congregations were using Thanksgiving as an opportunity to bless their communities.

bishop swanson 12-1-10
Bishop's Blogs
The latest posts from Bishop James Swanson: Thanksgiving blessings and Embracing change

upper stand mtn parish 12-1-10
Co-op cares for rural poor
In a region where the poverty rate climbs as high as 70 percent, eight United Methodist churches formed a parish to provide services for people in need. (UMNS)

wallet on bible 12-1-10
Paying the preacher
A new report shows that average salaries for United Methodist pastors grew faster than the inflation rate over the last decade. (UM Communications)

doug fairbanks 12-1-10
New seminary fund
The Rev. Doug and Carolyn Fairbanks donated $30,000 to establish The Carolyn And Doug Fairbanks, Jr. Scholarship for Seminary.

christmas gift 12-1-10 Picks
  • Great Christmas gifts: Making your list? Download this booklet, "Give the Gift of Hope for the Children of Sudan," for alternative gift ideas.   
  • Caregiving grants: Applications for Committee on Older Adult Ministries grants are due Jan. 15.
  • SEJ Clergywomen's Consultation is April 4-7  in Atlanta. Early bird registration deadline is today, Dec. 1!
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world aids ribbon 12-1-10 Picks
  • Today is World AIDS Day: The Global AIDS Fund supports education, prevention, care, and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS around the globe. But it also specifies that 25 percent of what each annual conference raises should be used in that conference. Give now.  
  • Need a new church website? TechShop has partnered with template website providers, E-Zekiel and OurChurch.Com, which will provide web designs at discounts to United Methodist churches. Plan prices range from $6 to $58 per month.  
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Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church