Call 2 Header-6-22-09

Passionate and Joyful March 1, 2010
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tabor for ds 3-1-10Tazewell's new leader

The Rev. David Tabor is projected for appointment as Tazewell District superintendent this June.

chile quake 3-1-10
Earthquake in Chile
United Methodists scrambled to respond to a massive earthquake that struck Chile early on Feb. 27 and prompted tsunami warnings across the Pacific region. (UMNS)

bishop robe 3-1-10
Bishop's response
Following Saturday's earthquake in Chile, Bishop James Swanson sends a message to Holston: "Let us again show gratitude for all that God has done for us."

obama health summit 3-1-10
UM reaction to the health care summit
"I am not persuaded that either side got out of their camps," said Bishop Gregory Palmer, president of the UM Council of Bishops. (UMNS) 

hendry sav morn news 3-1-10
Eating local for Lent
The Rev. Enoch Hendry -- former UTK Wesley Foundation director -- is now a pastor in Savannah, promoting a principle dear to environmentalists in Holston. (Savannah Morning News)

evangelism rasmus 3-1-10
Evangelism campaign
Following a Feb. 19-20 evangelism conference in Knoxville, Holston churches are praying to baptize 3,000 by Pentecost Sunday. Resources available here.

laura blair 3-1-10
Reading List
We asked these participants at last week's "Traditioned Innovation" Conference ...

greatest hits 11-09-12
Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked! Top three links in our last edition

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
  • March 1: Mini-Jubilation (for senior adults) in Athens
  • March 5-6: March Forth for Children training in Bristol
  • March 6: UMM Day with the Bishop in Rogersville
  • March 11-12: Sudan Summit in Kingsport
  • March 11-13: Ministers' Wives Retreat in Sevierville
  • March 12-14: Discovery at Camp Wesley Woods
  • March 14: One Great Hour of Sharing
  • March 15: Clergy Women's Gathering in White Pine
  • April 1: Francis Asbury Award nominations are due
  • April 9-11: Clergy Marriage Retreat in Jonesborough 
  • April 11-13: Jubilation older adult retreat in Kingsport 
  • April 18: Native American Ministries Sunday
  • May 15-16: UMW Spiritual Enrichment and Young Women's Retreat in Lake Junaluska
  • May 27: Wells for Sudan Golf Tournament in Kingsport
  • May 30: Peace with Justice Sunday
  • June 13-16: Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska, N.C.
  • July 5-9: Junior and Senior High Assembly at Emory & Henry
  • July 22-24: UMW School of Christian Mission in Kingsport
  • Aug. 1: Holston Night at the Smokies Ballpark in Kodak
  • Aug. 13-14: Calling All Men in Knoxville
  • Aug. 21: Holston Adult Ministries Conference in Knoxville
More calendar items...

sudan art hands 3-1-10 Picks
  • Celebrate the beauty of Sudan. Each week or two brings a new painting by Carolyn Gass or Bobbie Crews.  
  • Jubilation! An opportunity for a senior outing in Kingsport April 11-13. Some scholarships are available; see the brochure. 
  • Resolutions for Annual Conference: Submission deadline is today/March 1. Send to [email protected]. (This is the 3rd notice appearing in The Call2. A notice also appeared in the February newspaper.) 
More of ...

palms 3-1-10 Picks
  • Order palms by March 9: Celebrate Palm Sunday with this UMCOR-endorsed project. Order Eco-Palms to support fair trade and the environment. 
  • One Great Hour of Sharing on March 14: This offering helps pay for administrative costs, enabling UMCOR to keep its promise that 100 percent of every other gift will go directly to relief efforts. Get free bulletin inserts.
More of ...

splurge 3-1-10
  • Looking for youth activities? Find out about Splurge summer weekends and Confirmation retreat weekends, both at Lake Junaluska.
  • Oliver! Farragut High School in Knoxville will support Holston Home for Children with a theater production March 18-21. Find out more.

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church