Call 2 Header-6-22-09

Serve Christ
February 22, 2010
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evang conf 2-22-10Ready, set, go

An evangelism conference in Knoxville kicks off a 90- day campaign to baptize 3,000. See Bishop James Swanson's letter and begin praying Feb. 23.

evang list collins 2-22-10
What will you do now?
When the Evangelism Conference was over on Saturday, we stopped these five people to ask ...

noseworthy 2-22-10
Hiwassee president resigns
After seven years at the struggling college, James Noseworthy resigns the Hiwassee leadership.

gulley 2-22-10
Haiti survivor speaks in Kingsport
The Rev. James Gulley, the UMCOR worker trapped in earthquake rubble for 55 hours with Sam Dixon and Clinton Rabb, will speak at the Missions Celebration at First Broad Street UMC.

mlk speaker 2-22-10
Debt and hardship
We are living in an "ungrateful nation," a Baptist preacher said at the annual Martin Luther King prayer breakfast held at John Wesley UMC. (Bristol Herald Courier)

catholics 2-22-10
Catholics are gaining
The National Council of Churches reports that most mainline denominations are still losing members, with the exception of the Catholics, Mormons, and Assemblies of God. (Worldwide Faith News)

greatest hits 11-09-12
Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked! Top three links in our last edition
  • 404 - Road trip! Delivering 17,000 kits to Louisiana.
  • 256 - Former Scouts like to read this at night.
  • 248 - Bishop Swanson asks: Has your heart grown cold?

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
  • Feb. 21-23: Christian Educators Fellowship in Sevierville
  • Feb. 23: Traditioned Innovation in Knoxville
  • Feb. 27: YELP: Youth Exploring Leadership Positions in White Pine
  • March 1: Mini-Jubilation (for senior adults) in Athens
  • March 5-6: March Forth for Children training in Bristol
  • March 6: UMM Day with the Bishop in Rogersville
  • March 11-13: Ministers' Wives Retreat in Sevierville
  • March 12-14: Discovery at Camp Wesley Woods
  • March 14: One Great Hour of Sharing
  • March 15: Clergy Women's Gathering in White Pine
  • April 1: Francis Asbury Award nominations are due
  • April 9-11: Clergy Marriage Retreat in Jonesborough 
  • April 11-13: Jubilation older adult retreat in Kingsport 
  • April 18: Native American Ministries Sunday
  • May 15-16: UMW Spiritual Enrichment and Young Women's Retreat in Lake Junaluska
  • May 27: Wells for Sudan Golf Tournament in Kingsport
  • June 13-16: Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska, N.C.
  • July 22-24: Holston UMW School of Christian Mission in Kingsport
  • Aug. 13-14: Calling All Men in Knoxville
  • Aug. 21: Holston Adult Ministries Conference in Knoxville
More calendar items...

summer camp 2-22-10 Picks
  • 3 months 'til summer camp: Save $15 by registering before April 15 for one of four Holston camps. Go to  
  • Scouting specialists wanted: Here's how you  can help Holston churches begin scouting ministries
  • Call to ministry: Know a high school student who might be gifted for a future in ministry? Send him/her to Discovery at Camp Wesley Woods, March 12-14.
More of ...

oghs 2-22-10 Picks
  • One Great Hour of Sharing on March 14: Gifts to this offering underwrite UMCOR's "costs of doing business," enabling UMCOR to keep its promise that 100 percent of every other gift will go directly to relief efforts. Find out more and get free bulletin inserts from UMCOR.
  • Women's History Month in March: The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women offers free bulletin inserts, bulletin covers, and other resources.
More of ...

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church