Call 2 Header-6-22-09

Spirit Filled
February 15, 2010
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delivering health kits 2-15-10 From Holston to Haiti 

The finance office announces a new total for Haiti offerings, while volunteers make a third trip to Louisiana to deliver health kits donated by Holston churches.

Photo: Billy Kurtz and Harry Howe stuff a trailer bound for UMCOR.

reading list brinkley 2-15-10
Reading List
We asked these former Scouts ..."What book is lying on your nightstand?" (Wanted: Current Scouts for next week's column.)

bishop swanson 2-15-10
Ministries with the poor
Have you allowed your heart to grow cold? Bishop James Swanson's February column

anti valentine 2-15-10
My anti-Valentine
About half of all U.S. marriages end in divorce, and people who divorce are more likely to have been infrequent churchgoers. A ministry opportunity.  (UM Communications)

e&h teacher 2-15-10
Teacher of the year
For the 12th time in 21 years, an Emory & Henry professor has won a major state or national teaching award. Also: E&H breaks ground on a $5.5 million residence hall.

divine rhythm woman 2-15-10
The Call is coming
The February newspaper was postal-mailed to paid subscribers last week. Or you may download free PDFs here.

greatest hits 11-09-12
Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked! Top three links in our last edition

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
  • Feb. 15: Change for Children grant applications due
  • Feb. 19-20: Holston Evangelism Conference in Knoxville
  • Feb. 21-23: Christian Educators Fellowship in Sevierville
  • Feb. 23: Traditioned Innovation in Knoxville
  • Feb. 27: YELP: Youth Exploring Leadership Positions in White Pine
  • March 1: Mini-Jubilation (for senior adults) in Athens
  • March 5-6: March Forth for Children training in Bristol
  • March 6: UMM Day with the Bishop in Rogersville
  • March 11-13: Ministers' Wives Retreat in Sevierville
  • March 12-14: Discovery at Camp Wesley Woods
  • March 14: One Great Hour of Sharing
  • March 15: Clergy Women's Gathering in White Pine
  • April 1: Francis Asbury Award nominations are due
  • April 9-11: Clergy Marriage Retreat in Jonesborough 
  • April 11-13: Jubilation older adult retreat in Kingsport 
  • April 18: Native American Ministries Sunday
  • May 15-16: UMW Spiritual Enrichment and Young Women's Retreat in Lake Junaluska
  • May 27: Wells for Sudan Golf Tournament in Kingsport
  • June 13-16: Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska, N.C.
  • Aug. 13-14: Calling All Men in Knoxville
More calendar items...

change for children 2-15-10 Picks
  • Last chance! Today is the application deadline for Change for Children grants.  
  • Scouting specialists wanted: The United Methodist Office of Scouting Ministries is looking for advocates to help Holston churches establish scouting ministries
  • Free live stream: The Communications Department will be offering a test run of two events next week: The Holston Evangelism Conference on Feb. 19-20 (visit and the Knoxville District's direct billing seminar by John Tate on Feb. 21 (visit Watch these sites for details; no special software required other than Flash.
More of ...

nomads 2-15-10 Picks
  • Got an RV? The NOMADS program offers persons with recreational vehicles the opportunity to share their time and skills in hands-on mission projects.
  • Getting old? Join the club. Here's what the UMC says about aging.
More of ...

mountain top 2-15-10
  • Spring Breakout! Mountain T.O.P. has mission opportunities available from mid-February to mid-April in the Cumberland Mountains.
  • Wesley Ministry Network has three online courses beginning Feb. 22: "Simply Christian," "Devotion to Jesus," and "Religion and Science: Pathways to Truth." Register.

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church