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Bold and Passionate
May 15, 2009
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edina two 5-15-09Edina

"She's the strongest woman I ever met."

sudan brochure 4-9-09
Sudan Sunday
On May 17, most churches will take the Annual Conference offering for Sudan. Others may take the offering on an alternate Sunday before June 14 (the first day of Annual Conference).   

lemon fluff 5-15-09
Bless this Lemon Fluff
A preacher's wife from Cleveland District shares congregational recipes through a local newspaper. (Daily Post Athenian)

bishops pay 5-15-09
Bishops take a pay cut
Fifty active bishops vote to forgo a salary raise and instead roll back their salaries to 2008 levels. (UMNS) 

money postage 5-15-09
Still spending $$$ on postage?
Transform your church newsletter into an e-newsletter. Seven easy tips from United Methodist Communications

Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked! Top three links in our last edition:
  • 365 - Knox News Sentinel: Rodney is a Home boy
  • 303 - Bishop's blog: Ministry is like a pothole
  • 288 - Camp Dickenson is wet but not down

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
  • May 17: Annual Conference offering for Sudan
  • May 22: Camp Ft. Blackmore Golf Tournament
  • May 31: Holston Home 5th Sunday offering
  • June 7: Peace With Justice Sunday
  • June 11: Calling All Men Golf Tournament in Dandridge
  • June 14-17: Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska 
  • June 21-28: Youth in Mission trip to the Gulf Coast
  • July 6-10: Jr. and Sr. High Assembly at Emory & Henry
  • July 23-25: UMW School of Christian Mission in Oak Ridge
  • Aug. 2: Holston Night at the Smokies Ballpark in Kodak 
  • Aug. 7-9: Calling All Men in Sevierville
  • Aug. 30: Holston Home 5th Sunday offering
  • Sept. 11-13: Cross-Bearers for youth at Camp Wesley Woods
More calendar items...

dad art 5-15-09 Picks
  • Mother's Day is over. What about Dad? Give him the Calling All Men special on Father's Day -- to show that you care about his spiritual life.
More of ...

rethink church 5-15-09 Picks
  • Rethink Church. What's all the fuss?
  • Let's go to Indianapolis. Focus 2009 is a quadrennial conference for people in children's ministry, coming July 21-24 to Indiana.
 More of ...

peace conference 5-15-09
  • Three Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, Islam will unite for understanding at the 2009 Peace Conference, Sept. 20-22 at Lake Junaluska, N.C.  
  • Justin Lookadoo! This year's Resurrection speaker will appear at Vermont UMC in Kingsport, Sunday, May 17 at 2 p.m. No charge, love offering instead. Theme: "Living the Christian Life, Day to Day."

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church