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All God's Children
May 7, 2009
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swine flu mask 5-7-09Be not afraid of swine flu

You've seen all the advice in the media. Now what does the church have to say about this? (United Methodist News Service)

dickenson flood 5-7-09
Flood at Camp Dickenson
With less than a month to go before the first campers arrive, Camp Dickenson sustains flood damage.  

rodney atkins 5-7-09
Rodney: One of our own
A country music star is another success story from Holston Home for Children. (Knoxville News Sentinel)

reading list gettel 5-7-09
Reading List
We asked these staff from Holston Home for Children, "What book is lying on your nightstand?"

twitter 5-7-09
Twittering in church?
A Time Magazine article shows that worshippers are integrating text messaging into their relationships with God. A United Methodist worship director responds. (UMNS)

bishop swanson blog 5-7-09
Pot hole theology
The latest blog by Bishop James Swanson 

Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked! Top three links in our last edition:
  • 305 - Small church members: Show us your books
  • 280 - Bishop Swanson asks, "Where are the animals?"
  • 165 - Board of Discipleship: Pass the cup, not the flu

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
  • May 17: Annual Conference offering for Sudan
  • May 22: Camp Ft. Blackmore Golf Tournament
  • May 31: Holston Home 5th Sunday offering
  • June 7: Peace With Justice Sunday
  • June 11: Calling All Men Golf Tournament in Dandridge
  • June 14-17: Annual Conference at Lake Junaluska 
  • June 21-28: Youth in Mission trip to the Gulf Coast
  • July 6-10: Jr. and Sr. High Assembly at Emory & Henry
  • July 23-25: UMW School of Christian Mission 
  • Aug. 2: Holston Night at the Smokies Ballpark in Kodak 
  • Aug. 7-9: Calling All Men in Sevierville
  • Aug. 30: Holston Home 5th Sunday offering
More calendar items...

camp 5-7-09 Picks
  • Bless a child today. Register online for a week at one of four Holston Conference summer camps.
  • Hands on! Has your church started collecting supplies for missions in Liberia and Zimbabwe? Here are deadlines and destinations for this massive annual project.   
  • Remember: On May 17 or an alternate date, all Holston churches will take an offering for Sudan. Find out more.
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graduation Picks
  • Graduation and baccalaureate: Participating in a service? Here are worship resources from the GBOD.
  • True and brave: The General Board of Discipleship also offers prayers for Armed Forces Week (May 9-17).
  • Brain candy: Methodist Review: A Journal of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies is a new, open-access, peer-reviewed electronic academic journal. Visit
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girl scouts 5-7-09
  • Come to tea on May 17: The Girl Scouts of Tanasi Council are sponsoring four volunteer-recruitment tea parties throughout east Tennessee. Two are at United Methodist churches: First Oak Ridge and First Maryville from 2 to 4 p.m. Find out more or e-mail for a free bulletin insert.  
  • No guys: Women's Build Weekend is Appalachian Service Project's first try at an all-female home-repair mission. Maybe it's for you: July 10-11 in the Tri-Cities.

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church