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Offer Them Christ
May 1, 2009
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offer them christ 5-1-09Let's do it

Holston Conference prepares for its annual June meeting in Lake Junaluska with a May 17 offering for Sudan. See our new video and be inspired! Also available: Sunday bulletin inserts and other resources

reading list -cochran 5-1-09
Reading List
What kinds of books do people from small churches read?

bailey ground break 5-1-09
Can't keep a good church down
Baileyton UMC breaks ground on the site where a fire burned down its 102-year-old sanctuary. (Greeneville Sun)  

Where are the animals?
Bishop James Swanson faces a startling reality during his journey to Africa.

friends estonia 5-1-09
Gotta have friends
The Friends of Estonia and Latvia meet in Maryville District. See also: Daily Times article on Hiwassee College Merit Award winner Kristine Vainovska.  

quarry church 5-1-09
The Call is coming
The May newspaper will be postal-mailed on May 1 to paid subscribers. Or you may download free PDFs here.

Greatest Hits
Here's what you liked! Top three links in our last edition:
  • 581 - The big list: Easter worship attendance
  • 487 -UM Portal: Is your pastor a monster?
  • 237 - In memoriam: Carolyn Looney

Conference Calendar
Conference Calendar
More calendar items...

father's day 5-1-09 Picks
  • Father's Day is June 17: This might be the best gift you've ever given for Father's Day. Register your favorite dad for Calling All Men. 
  • Hands on! Churches are gearing up for Holston's annual collection of supplies for Liberia and Zimbabwe. Download a brochure, get started, and watch for a list of drop-off points and deadlines in The Call 2
More of ...

clean hands 5-1-09 Picks
  • Swine flu and Holy Communion: Hygiene suggestions from the General Board of Discipleship
  • What are we voting for? Learn about the 32 proposed constitutional amendments to be considered by Annual Conference members June 14-17 at Lake Junaluska.
 More of ...

st andews vbs 5-1-09
  • Free Vacation Bible School project: The Society of St. Andrew offers a mission that teaches the importance of eating healthfully, sharing with others, and helping God's hungry children. 
  • A great combo: Pastors and lay leaders are invited to join in Heart's Kingdom leadership training at Lake Junaluska Sept. 16-19.

Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church