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  September 2011        

Full Speed Ahead 

Jacqueline Hannah, General Manager


food nanny

You may not be able to tell when you enter your co-op yet, but we're actually in the thick of Common Ground's 2011-2012 expansion. Much of the action is still behind the scenes right now, but there is a great deal going on!


Read more here!


From Your Board of Directors: Elections!
Sam Vandegrift, Board Member

sam vandegrift

Board elections are coming up. I want you -yes, you- reading this to consider running. You obviously already care enough to read the newsletter. You shop regularly and have a hard time imagining your life (at least your food life) without Common Ground. You love the local products we carry, and you think having even more available would be awesome. These are some of the reasons all of your current Board Members ran for a seat in the first place.  


Read more here!  


Have any thoughts, questions, or comments about this article or for your Board of Directors? Email the Board at


Local Farm Teaches the Troops

Sarah Hoyle-Katz, Education Coordinator

Moores with the troopsThe Moore family farm of Watseka, IL is one of our local producers (read more about them in two previous newsletters - here and here). This summer, they produced their regular vegetables, grains and meats for Common Ground and other central Illinois customers - but they also did something new which could end up feeding people halfway around the world.  


In June and July, the Moore family met with two units of the National Guard at Historic Prophetstown, a working educational farm, before the units' deployments to Afghanistan to rebuild communities and food systems. "The troops wanted hands-on practice" with sustainable agriculture, said Diann Moore. "All of the other information they had received were lectures, text, or PowerPoints. We asked what the troops needed to know, and then taught it so they could jump in and have it work after deployment." The Moores and Dris Abraham of Prophetstown taught the National Guard units how to hand-milk cows, improve soil nutrition, grow foods suited to the region, harvest crops using horse-drawn machinery, and more.


"We told them to use what they have in the area and make it work," Diann said. "If they take in foreign [animals, plants, or machines], they won't survive or they'll be stolen." The Moores encouraged the troops to reuse objects creatively, and showed them pictures of wagon boxes turned upside down to create shade for their farm animals. Diann pointed out that "the burned out vehicles, hoods, and two wheeled carts they will run across can be used for animal shade" when there would otherwise be none.


The Moores will be teaching another National Guard unit this month or next, and will learn if the National Guard will send further units to meet with them. "By touching 20 people we touch halfway round the world," Diann said of the troops that the Moores taught. "We never thought our little 100 acre farm would have that experience... It's pretty awesome."


September Local Produce Forecast, Farewell (sort of), and Welcome
Jessy Ruddell, Store Operations Manager

Winter Squash

September is my favorite month. It's that perfect convergence of summer and fall, when we can still eat peaches and watermelons on the porch, but apples and squash grow more appealing as the days grow shorter.  


This September we're working with more local growers than ever, and we're looking forward to an abundance of practically everything. Melons from Moore Family Farm are going strong, especially their small but mighty watermelons. Blue Moon Farm's tomatoes, greens, and especially peppers should continue throughout the month, and the eggplants this year are stunning. Peaches from Mileur Orchard are still coming in, though they're not likely to last all month, so get 'em early. We're hoping to continue our budding relationship with Wolfe Orchard this year--their apples are top-notch. Zucchinis are likely to wane, and no one ever knows how long the basil will hold out, but it's still abundant for now. Winter squashes should start rolling in (sometimes literally) from all quarters by the end of the month, just when we're ready to start turning the ovens back on.  


    I almost teared up when I realized that this is my last Local Produce Forecast as Produce Manager. It's been a wild and wonderful five years. I'll still be around the store in my new role as Store Operations Manager, and I'll be very involved in the upcoming expansion. We're all incredibly excited here about our new Produce Manager, Sarah Riddle. She comes to us with a ton of retail experience, a great attitude, and an enormous amount of energy. I know she'll be warmly welcomed at Common Ground.


Local Food Recipe: Ratatouille, Again!
Jessy Ruddell, Store Operations Manager


I post this recipe just about every year around this time, because it totally sums up summer in a slightly fall-ish way. Happy September!


1 large or several small eggplants, cubed


Olive oil

3 red onions, coarsely chopped

3 bell peppers, cut into one-inch chunks

1 small head garlic, cloves peeled and minced

4-5 zucchini or other summer squash, cut into one-inch chunks

5-6 very ripe tomatoes, cubed

Lots of fresh basil, chopped

Black pepper


Place eggplant chunks in a colander and salt generously.  (Don't worry about adding too much salt; it will be rinsed off later.)  Let stand in the sink while you prepare the other ingredients, or about 30 minutes.  Rinse the eggplant and dry well with a kitchen towel.  In a wide pan, heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and fry eggplant until golden brown on all sides.  Remove from the pan and set aside.  Add a few more tablespoons of olive oil to the pan (don't be shy!), then fry the onions until soft and translucent.  Now add the peppers and saut� until limp.  Add the garlic and squash and cook until the squash pieces are lightly browned.  Return the eggplant to the pan, and add the tomatoes, basil, and salt and pepper to taste.  Bring the mixture to a simmer and allow to stew for 20-30 minutes.  My favorite way to eat ratatouille is over fresh egg noodles, sprinkled with Parmigiano-Reggiano or Prairie Fruits Farm goat cheese; it also makes a totally fab lasagna filling and tastes delicious at any temperature.



Welcome New Owners!

139 members of the C-U community have become owners of Common Ground during the month of August.  


We're happy to have you here! 

click here for more details


LOCAL FOOD:  Eating Our Way to Environmental,  

Economic, and Community Sustainability 

Presented by Ken Meter

Saturday, September 10, 10:30 am-noon

FREE! No registration required.
Class Location: Common Ground Food Co-op   



Composting Workshop 

Led by U of I Extension Educator Sandra Mason

Saturday, September 10, 11-11:45 am

FREE! No registration required. 

Class Location: Common Ground Food Co-op Porch



Bag It Movie Showing 

Tuesday, September 20, 7 pm

$10, all proceeds go to Prairie Rivers Network

Event Location: Champaign Art Theater



Common Ground Story Time 

Led by Staffer and Lover of Tales Ellen

Wednesday, September 21, 10:30-11 am

FREE! No registration required.

Class Location: Common Ground Food Co-op



Eating Healthy on a Budget 

Led by General Manager Jacqueline Hannah

Thursday, September 22, 6-7:30 pm

Free, but pre-registration is required.

Class Location: Common Ground Food Co-op



Kooky Kohlrabi 

Led by General Manager Jacqueline Hannah

Saturday, September 24, 10:30 am until we run out!

FREE! No registration required.

Location: Common Ground Food Co-op



The Greg Klyma Show - A Rootin' Tootin' Good Time 

Sunday, September 25

3-3:45 pm FREE on the Common Ground Porch

7:30-10 pm at the Iron Post
$3 for owners, $6 for non-owners at Iron Post





In This Issue
From Your Board of Directors: Elections!
Local Farm Teaches the Troops
Local Food Recipe: Ratatouille
September Sales!
Kombucha sale  

Check out our current sales here!

PRN logo
This month we are
Rounding Up for the Prairie Rivers Network (PRN). PRN is a statewide not-for-profit organization dedicated to river protection, conservation, and restoration. Learn more about PRN here!


Round Up logo

As part of our mission to BUILD COMMUNITY.....

OVER $780


To offer a 2012 scholarship of $1000, Common Ground will donate $220.
 Thanks to everyone who participated in our monthly Round Up! 

Local Food Presentation

Crossroads logo
LOCAL FOOD: Eating Our Way to Environmental, Economic, and Community Sustainability

Saturday, September 10th, 10:30 am - Noon

Common Ground Food Co-op Expansion Space

Ken Meter is president of the Crossroads Resource Center, a non-profit organization that works with communities to foster democracy and local self-determination. Ken will be coming to Common Ground to share the results of a study he did of the farm and food economy of Central Illinois - including, of course, Champaign-Urbana. Come learn more about how eating affects our community!


C-U Sunshine Harvest Sharing Project

Vegetable gardening
Do you ever have too much home-grown produce to eat, preserve, or sneak onto your neighbor's porch at the end of summer? Make the best of your end-of-the-summer bounty by donating leftover produce to local food pantries and soup kitchens! The C-U Sunshine Harvest Sharing Project  has made it easy to provide healthy food to those who are hungry - visit their website to learn who you can donate to, when they accept donations, and some tips about donating!


Round Up Election 2011

Round Up logo 
It's time to choose the Round Up beneficiaries for 2012! The first step is for our owners to nominate not-for-profit organizations for the Round Up. The nomination period is September 1-15. Come by Common Ground during that time, pick up nomination forms at the registers, and fill them out for your favorite organizations. The actual Round Up election will be held in conjunction with the Board election in October. Help us find awesome organizations for the 2012 Round Up!


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