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Pre-earthquake Haiti Exhibits on SDN

Jan Sochor

Jan Sochor
Hunger and Rage

Willem de Lange

Jeff Antebi
Haiti in the Time of Elections

Paul Schnaittacher

Paul Schnaittacher
St. Boniface Haiti Foundation

Allison Kwesell

Allison Kwesell

Tony Savino

Tony Savino
Fete St. Yves: Beyond the Mountains

exhibit graphic

Exhibit opening and panel discussion
Tuesday, February 16
6:30 pm
powerHouse Arena
Brooklyn, NY

Exhibition of
Call for Entries Winners

� Tomasz Tomaszewski
� Khaled Hasan
� Shiho Fukada
� Michael McElroy

Panel: The Role of Photography in Addressing Critical Issues Facing Our World
� Ed Kashi
� Irene Khan
� Leora Kahn
� Tomasz Tomaszewski

For details and to RSVP



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SPOTLIGHT ON HAITI/ January 24, 2010

Michael McElroy
Photograph by Miami-based photographer Michael McElroy taken this week in Haiti. (Scroll down for complete article.)

Dear Readers:

The world's attention is rightly focused on Haiti following the devastating earthquake almost two weeks ago. This outpouring of concern is largely based on the outpouring of images created by the international press that immediately descended on this small island nation. The stories and images of horror, heroism, and survival have moved us all and have resulted in tremendous charitable giving from around the world.

We at SocialDocumentary.net would like express our deepest concern for the Haitian people in this time of need, and to honor the relief workers who have risked their lives to save lives, and the reporters, photographers, and videographers who have also risked their lives to bring us these important stories.

We are privileged to be able to present  these poignant, moving, shocking, and at times horrifying images of day-to-day life in Port-au-Prince taken this past week by Michael McElroy. McElroy was honorable mention in our recent Call for Entries on the global recession. Click here to see McElroy's full exhibit of recent images from Haiti.

To the left are exhibits from Haiti taken before the earthquake. These images remind us of the beauty and dignity of the Haitian people, proud and not bowed by the enormous problems that history has dealt them. These images also remind us of all that there is to strive for while the world helps this shattered nation rebuild. As three US President's have asserted, rebuilding Haiti must go far beyond clearing the ruins of the earthquake. It is time for the world to come together and see that Haiti not only survives, but also flourishes and overcomes centuries of occupation, corruption, dependency, and neglect.

Support Haiti with a Direct Contribution to the St. Boniface Haiti Foundation

The St. Boniface Haiti Foundation in Massachusetts has been doing tremendous work for decades with the rural poor in Haiti. Donations to support healthcare, education, nutrition, and other essential services for the people of Haiti can be made by clicking here.

Glenn Ruga
SDN Founder and Director

As the Dust Settles
Photographs following earthquake in Haiti
Photographs by Michael McElroy

Michael McElroy
An elderly woman rescued from the rubble waits to be treated at a triage center in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Photo by Michael McElroy.

Florida-based photographer Michael McElroy was at work for the New York Times in Little Haiti, Miami the day after the devastating earthquake hit Haiti. He booked a flight to Port-au-Prince the next day, but like all passenger flights, it was canceled. He managed to book a flight to neighboring Dominican Republic and drove overland with an ABC News crew to the Haitian capital.

After returning to Florida and uploading his images to SocialDocumentary.net, he reported to us, "The first thing that struck me was the large numbers of people roaming [the city] and living on the streets. As the days went by, the smell of death was everywhere. It seemed that getting aid to people was becoming a problem and they were going days without food and water. People were digging in the rubble with their bare hands searching for the living."

Following is an excerpt from McElroy's abstract to his exhibit, "As the Dust Settles".

Since Independence in 1804, Haiti has carried a heavy burden of poverty, corruption and one natural disaster after another.  Haiti was still recovering from four hurricanes that struck the country in 2008 when the earthquake shook the city of Port-au-Prince. Fortunately, the spirit of the Haitian people has never been broken, and despite their tortured past, just days after the earthquake life appears to be returning to some sense of normality.  People have started to rebuild their homes, the markets are full of produce, and soccer is being played in the empty lots and fields. Perhaps once the dust has settled a new bright day will dawn for Haiti and its people...

Click here to view the exhibit.
SDN Seeks Volunteer Editorial Assistance

SocialDocumentary.net is seeking a volunteer or intern to take a lead role in helping to design and edit our Spotlight e-newsletter and to work with us to edit online exhibits and other writing and editing projects. Position requires 4-6 hours per week.

Candidates should have excellent writing/editing skills, experience with basic Photoshop and html, and background in documentary photography studies.

Interested candidates should send resume and letter to Glenn Ruga at glenn@socialdocumentary.net.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.