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NanoGlobe Newsletter From Asia
Volume 2 - Issue 2, February/March 2010

We conducted an exclusive interview with Mike Foley, Founding Director of CheapTubes Inc., worldwide leading distributor of nano carbon materials, located in Vermont USA. CheapTubes supplies various kinds of CNTs from single, double, and multi wall to functionalized and graphitized CNTs with various lengths at competitive prices yet high quality. They also supply single layer graphene oxide that can be applied such as for transparent conductive coatings, and other nano carbon based materials. Read our article of the interview at Nanotechnology Now to learn more about CheapTubes' activities and products, as well as the latest trend in nano carbon materials business.

Cheap Tubes
While in nano tech 2010 exhibition, we met and interviewed Bayer MaterialScience from Germany about their product of Al-CNT composite and printable conductive BayInk TP CNT and BayInk TP nanosilver. For exciting performance of these  nanomaterials, read our article of the interview at Nanotechnology Now to find out more details about Bayer's innovation and product development activities.

Bayer nanotech

During TIA nano workshop in Tsukuba, NanoGlobe was invited by Dr Toyohiro Chikyow, the founder of COMET Inc. to visit their company located in National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS, campus. NanoGlobe interviewed their CEO, Dr Setsu Suzuki and arranged a meeting between Dr Chikyow and EDB colleagues to discuss their business development in Singapore. Read our article of the interview in our column to find out more details about COMET's innovative technology for the "state of the art" thin film combinatorial high-throughput developments.

Nanoimprint Consortium in Singapore

Differing from the conventional industry consortium, Singapore Institute of Materials Research of Engineering (IMRE) provides a platform for building a global industry consortium connecting R&D capability in Singapore and industry beyond the borders. The Industry Consortium on Nanoimprint (ICON) covers the full value chain in Nanoimprint technology and products. IMRE will officially launch ICON together with the 4th Industrial Symposium on Nanoimprint Lithography on 3rd August 2010 at IMRE. Initiated by Dr Low Hong Yee (Nanoimprint Program Director of IMRE), the consortium aims to advance the nanoimprint R&D and accelerate the transfer of nanoimprint technology to industries. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for more details and information at our event website.


NanoGlobe provides professional services based on our unparalleled understanding of nanotechnology in Asia.  Our participation in Asian nanotechnology events and site-visits give us deep insight into policy issues, strategic intelligence needs, and the ability to analyze nanotech innovation for commercialization. We would be honoured to discuss our consulting services and to work together for your business development success. Click on the Services Button of our website.
Our Publications

We continue our "round the world" nano tour of events and site visits and share what we have seen and experienced in our weekly articles appear at Nanotechnology Now website (Nanotechnology in Asia Column), Bimonthly SingNano Newsletter and the Asia Nano Forum Quarterly newsletters and Annual Reports.
At the end of July 2009, we published a book titled "Emerging Nanotechnology Power: Nanotechnology R&D and Business Trends in the Asia Pacific Rim" which is the only book today covering nanotechnology updated development in the Asia Pacific region in terms of policy, funding, infrastructure, education, R&D and commercialization, and standardization and risk management.

Emerging Nanotechnology Power Cover

For special discount (20%), please click HERE & use discount code: SLJN010917, which will expire on June 30, 2010.

We launched our first issue of introductory NanoGlobe Newsletter in November 2009 which provides an overview of our activities and global nanotechnology happenings. All our newsletters can be viewed here. Hope you enjoy our publications and we thank you for your continuous support!
Next Issue Coverage

The next issue will cover our technology, industry, and market trends analysis from Hannover Messe 2010 Trade Fair, 2010 Lux Executive Summit, and 2010 FinNano Final Seminar - Small and Huge. We will also include our interview with Suzhou Natong Bionanotechnology and more.
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Greetings again!

It has been two eventful months and we are excited to share with you what's been going on in Singapore, Japan, Korea and Iran.  Since our last issue, we participated in major nanotech events in all these Asian countries.  We took part in the world largest nanotech conference & exhibition held in Tokyo, OECD WPN nanoenergy & nanomedicine workshops in Seoul, international nanostructures conference in Kish Island (Iran) and hosted RusNano's CEO and his executives in Singapore. 

NanoGlobe will be pleased to work with you to extend your business reach into Asia. Please contact us if you are interested in business opportunities to any of the companies and professionals we showcase in this issue.  Also, contact us if you are interested in NanoGlobe's strategic analysis of nanotechnology developments in Japan, Korea, Iran and other economies in the Asia Pacific region, and our assessment of what those developments could mean for your business.

Lerwen Liu, Ph.D
The Asia Nanotech Ambassador
Breaking News
Launch of the Trial Version of Singapore Nanotechnology Capabilities Report

NanoGlobe, in partnership with EDB and A*STAR, launched the trial version of the first Singapore Nanotechnology Capabilities Report, containing the most comprehensive information about nanotechnology players in Singapore from all sectors: industry, research & academic, investment, incubation & consulting firms, and government agencies. Visit our website or click here to download the complete version. We will publish the official report in June 2010. If you have any comments on the current trial version, please feel free to email us at

Events Participation

NanoGlobe was invited to participate in Tsukuba Nanotech Innovation Arena (TIA nano, a USD500M nanotech center to be built starting this year) - Nanotech International Workshop held in the Japan National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) located in the Japan science city Tsukuba during 15-16 February 2010. Dr Liu was an invited panelist and shared our experience on international collaboration in nanotechnology R&D and commercialization.


NanoGlobe partnered with International Enterprise (IE) Singapore and organized the Singapore Pavilion to participate in nano tech 2010, the largest annual nanotech conference & exhibition in Tokyo Japan, 17-19 February 2010. It was our third time in organizing the Singapore Pavilion to showcase Singapore nanotechnology ecosystem that consists of exciting research capabilities, innovative nanotech SMEs and world class facilities & infrastructure and supportive government agencies. In addition, We share our insights about the event in our column.


news  news

NanoGlobe was invited to participate in the 3rd Nanotech Association Conference organized by the Japan Nanotechnology Business Creation Initiative (NBCI) in Tokyo on 18 February 2010, in conjunction with nano tech 2010 conference & exhibition. Dr Liu presented an overview on Asia nanotechnology commercialization updates and provided our analysis on nanotechnology commercialization challenges and recommendation for international cooperation.


NanoGlobe was invited to attend a half-day seminar organized by Tekes FinNano Programme to gain more insights about doing business in Japan in order to promote international cooperation especially among Finnish and Japanese companies and community. We help promoting Tekes FinNano's effort and feature the seminar in our article.


NanoGlobe together with Asia Nano Forum (ANF) assisted OECD Working Party on Nanotechnology (WPN) in organizing its first OECD WPN addressing the Business Environment for nanotechnology in the area of energy and medicine Workshop in Asia hosted by Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in Seoul on 22-23 February 2010. Dr Liu was invited by OECD to moderate panel discussions for both Workshop of Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy Options and Challenges in the Innovation Environment of Nanomedicine.  We have written a comprehensive coverage, part 1 and part 2, in our column.


Because she was in Korea for the OECD event, Dr Liu made use of the proximity and time to conduct site visits at the Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) near Busan and Bio Focus in Seoul, a pioneer point of care diagnostic company in Korea.

KishDr Liu was invited to speak at the 3rd International Conference on Nanostructures 2010 in Kish Island, Iran. The conference is a growing biannually event organized by the Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology  of Sharif University of Technology (top university in Iran) and hosted at the Sharif University International Campus in Kish Island. Topics presented include nanostructured materials for energy and environment, carbon based nanomaterials, and nanomaterials for catalytic, photocatalytic, medical, electronics and sensor applications.  We observed about 50% of participants of the conference were female scientists. Read here for some insights we shared about the conference.
Event Organized and Delegation Hosted in Singapore

AnatolyChubais-SeminarThe Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO) visited Singapore on March 11-12, 2010 to explore potential collaborations with Singapore companies, government agencies, and investment firms. NanoGlobe via SingNano organized a one-hour seminar for RusNano CEO Dr Anatoly Chubais to introduce RusNano ambitious nanotech commercialization short, medium, and long term goals, exciting investment projects and global partnerships. In Dr Chubais' address to the Singapore business community, he expressed RusNano's keen interest to work with Singapore taking advantage of its innovative economy practices and world-class infrastructure for R8D and business. We also arranged one-on-one meetings with a few interesting and promising companies in Singapore for potential partnership with RusNano. Check out the interview of Dr Liu by the Russian Today News Channel providing the glimpse of Singapore nanotech environment.

Together with Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and A*STAR commercial arm ETPL, we hosted the delegation from Council for Science and Technology Policy  (CSTP, Japanese Cabinet Office), Ministry of Economic, Trade and Industry (METI) and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). The delegation also represents the newly approved, largest nanotech center (more than USD500M) to be built in Japan, the Tsukuba Innovation Arena (TIA) for Nanotechnology. The Singapore visit followed by other ANF network member visit including Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand is to learn about nanotechnology infrastructure, policy, R&D capabilities and human resources and education for exploring collaboration opportunities.

Japan Visit
We hope you have enjoyed this issue of NanoGlobe's Newsletter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything we can help you with in this exciting region. I look forward to working with you! If you are interested in having one-on-one discussion, give us a call or meet us in Hannover Fair April 19-23rd, Lux Executive Summit April 26-27th in Boston, FinNano Seminar May 4-6th in Helsinki, and NSTI Nanotech 2010 in June 21-25th in Anaheim, CA.

Lerwen Liu
Managing Director of NanoGlobe Pte Ltd