Congress passes six month continuing resolution (CR)
As previously reported, Congress decided well in advance that they would be passing a six month CR following August recess. Over the past week, both the House and Senate approved the CR to fund the federal government until March 27, 2013. The bill makes minimal changes to FY2012 funding levels, with a slight increase of $0.6% spread across all discretionary accounts. It now awaits the President's signature to be enacted into law.
PNWA continues to work with our Corps Districts and Division to determine how the CR will impact Northwest navigation projects. In particular, we continue to inquire on whether the additional O&M funding that we saw in both the House and Senate FY2013 Energy & Water appropriations bills, as well as in the final FY2012 bill, will be included in the six month CR. We will report on this process as it unfolds, and will provide information to PNWA members as specific navigation projects are evaluated. To see PNWA's list of supported Corps projects, click here.
Sen. Merkley highlights Section 214 and Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund at WRDA hearing
The Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee held a hearing last Thursday regarding a potential 2012 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). WRDA is a key piece of legislation for PNWA and navigation stakeholders across the nation, as it is the mechanism that authorizes Corps projects and the policies that support them. PNWA priorities for a 2012 WRDA include permanence for Section 214 and a fix for the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund (HMTF), both of which were highlighted in the hearing by U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley.
Section 214 is the funding authority that allows the Corps to accept funds from non-Federal public entities, like ports, to hire additional regulatory staff to expedite the permitting process. Funding for additional Corps staff has resulted in a reduction of permit wait times not only for the funding entity, but for any individual or organization that makes an application with that District of the Corps. Ports, cities and counties around the nation utilize the authority, which is scheduled to sunset on December 31, 2016. PNWA is leading a nationwide effort to advocate for Section 214 permanence in the next WRDA bill.
In addition to our efforts on Section 214, PNWA has been reaching out to EPW and Appropriations Committee staff, voicing our support for full use of Harbor Maintenance Tax (HMT) revenues for their intended purpose. The HMT is leveed on the value of imports and is meant to fund 100% of the cost of operations and maintenance of our nation's deep draft and coastal waterways. Collections have far exceeded appropriated funds for harbor maintenance in recent years, and the current "surplus" of collections over expenditures is expected to grow to $8.3 billion by 2013. PNWA is hopeful that language in the next WRDA will address the needs of all ports, including those that have minimal O&M requirements yet have other significant infrastructure needs. We continue to encourage and participate in a regional dialogue to advocate for a solution that benefits all Northwest navigation stakeholders.
In addition to Sen. Merkley's remarks, witnesses at the hearing also spoke about these issues and their impacts to our region. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Executive Director of Transportation Infrastructure, Janet Kavinoky, touted the Columbia Snake River System as one of the most vital export gateways in the nation. She highlighted the commerce that flows on our system, as well as the economic and environmental benefits of the barging that takes place in the Northwest and around the nation.
"On the Columbia River, foreign outbound commerce exceeds inbound commerce (exports/imports) by a ratio of 7:1. The Columbia and Snake River System in the Northwest is the number one U.S. wheat export gateway and the number one U.S. barley export gateway, according to the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association. The Oregon wheat industry depends largely on the Columbia and Snake River System to carry its product to market. Over 85 percent of Oregon wheat is exported, largely to Pacific Rim countries."
PNWA thanks Sen. Merkley and Ms. Kavinoky for highlighting our region and the policies that will help continue to bring us economic success. A WRDA is key to developing new infrastructure projects and addressing key policy issues. We look forward to working with the entire Northwest Congressional delegation as these discussions continue. |
American Society of Civil Engineers issues "Failure to Act" report on America's infrastructure
On September 13th, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released its latest "Failure to Act" report on airports, marine ports and inland waterways. The report states that adequate investment in our infrastructure will allow America to remain competitive in the global marketplace and maintain a lower cost of goods for U.S. consumers. If the aging infrastructure at our ports continues to be vastly underfunded, congestion at ports will rise, shipping costs will increase causing a drop in U.S. exports and more than 1 million U.S. jobs will be threatened.
The report's findings for the nation's waterways infrastructure showed that current investment trends are not keeping up with need. The ASCE found a total need of $30 billion between now and 2020 for the marine ports and inland waterways sector. Only $14 billion of this will be funded in planned expenditures, leaving a very large investment gap. In particular, at least $15.8 billion will be needed to be invested on our inland systems by 2020, to protect $270 billion in exports and 738,000 jobs annually.
PNWA is extremely supportive of investing in our nation's ports and maintaining the infrastructure needed to ensure safe and reliable access to our nation's vital trade gateways. To view a complete list of our PNWA supported projects, click here. To read the full ASCE report, click here.
PNWA Annual Convention - Full agenda is now available
Make your plans to join us for PNWA's biggest event of the year! Our Annual Convention is an excellent opportunity for you to contribute to the PNWA goals, and to personally help set our priorities for the coming year. Your attendance and support for PNWA at this conference will contribute to the success of our advocacy efforts next year and beyond. This year's event features speakers and topics of interest to every PNWA member, and will be an opportunity to touch base with colleagues, industry leaders and leading federal agency staff as we work together to move our region into the future.
Click here for a copy of our full agenda, including all speakers and topics!
2012 Annual Convention October 9-11, 2012 Hilton Vancouver Washington 301 W. 6th Street Vancouver, WA 98660 Reservations: 360-993-4500 www.vancouverwashington.hilton.com
To register for the meeting online, click here.
REMINDER FOR PNWA MEMBERS: 2013 Policies and Project updates due by September 30
As we prepare for our Annual Meeting and the upcoming year, we are currently revising our PNWA Policies and Projects. This document is the complete listing of all PNWA policy positions and supported infrastructure projects that we base our efforts on for the upcoming year, and will be adopted at our Annual Meeting in October. In late August, PNWA staff emailed specific projects and policy issues to the individual members, requesting updates be sent in to PNWA staff no later than September 30, 2012.
Please remember to take a few moments to review the documents and make sure that the statements included are accurate, up-to-date and reflect your goals for 2013. It is very important to us that it accurately reflects your views and needs. We include navigation, rail freight mobility, highway freight mobility, water, economic development and tourism, and energy projects on our list, so please be sure to include all of your projects in those areas. The complete list of our current 2012 PNWA Policies and Projects is available here. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Heather Stebbings.
Annual Convention Sponsorship Opportunities available!
Now is the perfect time to raise your level of participation and support! We offer sponsorship opportunities at every level, and have the following available for our 2012 event:
- Lunch: $500
- Breakfast: $400
- Breaks: $300
- Meeting Materials: $200
PNWA sponsors receive exposure on our website and throughout the meeting in our materials, at our reception and from the podium. Approximately 120 of our PNWA members from the Northwest ports, navigation, energy and trade community will be present. Don't miss your chance to participate today! Contact Heather Stebbings today for more information.
Trade and transportation employment opportunities
Washington Council on International Trade (WCIT)
Director of Policy and Communications
The Washington Council on International Trade is seeking a Policy and Communications Director to support the organization's mission and programs. The Director will work on policy research, analysis and advocacy related to international trade issues affecting Washington's economy. In addition, this person will be responsible for leading efforts to communicate about WCIT's programs and policy priorities to the media, and to a diverse cross-section of business, government and community stakeholders. The Director also may participate in other organizational activities as necessary, such as event production, membership outreach, and strategic planning. To apply for this position, email a 1) cover letter, 2) resume and 3) two non-returnable writing samples to jobs@seattlechamber.com by Friday, September 28, 2012.
For more information:
Transportation Research Board
Senior Program Officer, Technical Activities Division
Location: Corporate Headquarters - DC
Job Req #: 120147-4
Basic Requirements: Master's degree or equivalent knowledge in engineering, transportation, rail, freight, and trucking transportation or related field; and a minimum of 6 years of progressively responsible experience; 2 of which were in a supervisory capacity. Advanced knowledge of the scientific, technical, or policy issues in a related discipline. Demonstrated impact on the advancement of science or policy through the successful completion of multiple and complex National Academies' activities or equivalent outside activities. Ability to solve problems using originality and ingenuity. Ability to serve as a resource to others in the resolution of complex problems and issues. Ability to operate using substantial latitude for independent judgment and action. Ability to independently develop and manage multiple/complex projects. Ability to work successfully in a team environment and to form and maintain effective teams. Ability to train and develop staff. Experience working in complex environments with a high degree of organizational effectiveness. Ability to develop relationships with co-workers and employees in other National Academies' departments and committee/panel members and sponsors through effective communication. Excellent written and oral skills with a proven ability to effectively interact with all levels of employees.
For more information: http://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH04/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=NAS&cws=1&rid=7433 |