NOR'WESTER NEWSLETTER ISSUE #433                                          Visit us on Facebook! Facebookmasthead

August 1, 2012

In This Issue:
PNWA Annual Convention - Online Registration Opens Today
Six month continuing resolution (CR) in the works
COL Anthony Funkhouser named as leader of the Northwestern Division
Now accepting nominations for PNWA Distinguished Service Awards
PNWA announces new member - ICF International
Port of Coos Bay seeking applicants for Harbormaster

PNWA Annual Convention - Online Registration Opens Today!


Make your plans to join us for PNWA's biggest event of the year! Our Annual Convention is an excellent opportunity for you to contribute to the PNWA goals, and to personally help set our priorities for the coming year. Your attendance and support for PNWA at this conference will contribute to the success of our advocacy efforts next year and beyond. This year's event features speakers and topics of interest to every PNWA member, and will be an opportunity to touch base with colleagues, industry leaders and leading federal agency staff as we work together to move our region into the future.




2012 Annual Convention
October 9-11, 2012
Hilton Vancouver Washington
301 W. 6th Street
Vancouver, WA 98660
Reservations: 360-993-4500


Speaker & Topic Highlights

PNWA Legislator of the Year - Norm Dicks (invited)
BPA's 75th Birthday - Steve Wright, BPA Administrator

Pollster Insight on the 2012 Elections

Columbia River Treaty: NWD & BPA Working Together for the U.S.

MCR Jetties - Next steps
USACE Long-term Planning Efforts For the Columbia Snake River System
FEMA Floodplain Issues - Where Are We Now?
Introduction to new Corps Leadership
State of the Economy: Part III - Tom McCollough, Moffatt & Nichol
Columbia River Bar Under Keel Clearance study

Adoption of PNWA's 2013 Policies & Projects
Much, much more!


Draft Agenda


Tuesday, October 9:
10:00am PNWA Executive Committee Meeting
1:00-4:30pm General Session Speakers
5:00-7:00pm PNWA Gala Reception (guests welcome!)


Wednesday, October 10:
8:00am Breakfast & Speaker
9:30-11:30am General Session Speakers
11:30am Lunch & Speaker
1:00-3:00pm General Session Speakers

3:00-4:00pm PNWA General Membership Meeting and adoption of 2013 Policies & Projects
4:00pm IPNG Meeting (IPNG members only, please)


Thursday, October 11:
8:30am - 11:00am Board of Directors Breakfast & Speakers- all PNWA members welcome to attend


Six month continuing resolution (CR) in the works


Yesterday, Congressional leaders announced an agreement to pass a six month continuing resolution (CR) in early September, which would fund the federal government through March 2013.   The current federal fiscal year ends on September 30th, and it was unlikely that Congress would complete work on the FY2013 appropriations bills before October 1st.  This CR also allows Congress more time to address issues like the expiration of the Bush tax cuts and the looming $1.2 trillion in defense and domestic cuts scheduled for January 2013 (sequestration).


PNWA is consulting with our Corps Districts and Division to determine how a six-month CR will impact Northwest navigation projects.  We will continue to report on this process as it unfolds, and will provide information to individual PNWA members as specific navigation projects are evaluated.  To see PNWA's list of supported Corps projects, click here. 


COL Anthony Funkhouser named as leader of the Northwestern Division


On July 27, COL Anthony C. Funkhouser assumed command of the Northwestern Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He succeeds COL Robert Tipton, who was promoted from Deputy District Commander following the June retirement of BG John McMahon. As of last Friday, COL Tipton has resumed his role as the second in command of the Division.


As the Division Commander, COL Funkhouser leads a 4800 member workforce and an annual program of more than $3B in civil works, military construction and environmental restoration that spans 14 states throughout the Missouri and Columbia River basins. These activities are implemented through the division's five operating districts, located in Portland, Oregon; Seattle and Walla Walla, Washington; Kansas City, Missouri; and Omaha, Nebraska.


COL Funkhouser most recently served as Chief, Joint Capabilities Division, at Joint Staff Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Other assignments include serving as Commander of the Afghanistan Engineer District-South, Kandahar; Commander of the Southwestern Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Commander of the Corps' Tulsa District; and numerous other stateside and overseas combat and staff assignments.


PNWA congratulates COL Funkhouser on his appointment to the Northwestern Division, and looks forward to continuing our work with the Corps under his leadership.


Now accepting nominations for PNWA Distinguished Service Awards


PNWA is now accepting nominations for our Distinguished Service Awards, which will be presented at our upcoming Annual Meeting, October 9-11 at The Hilton Vancouver, WA.   We will be honoring individuals who have made a great contribution to our industry and a lasting impression on the Northwest. Suggested nominees include retiring commissioners, folks moving on to focus on other areas of work and those who have made a significant contribution to a particular project or policy benefiting the Northwest. Nominees can come from PNWA member organizations as well as federal agency staff or others who have made noteworthy contributions in the last year.


Please send your nominations to Heather Stebbings no later than Friday, August 31.  Thank you in advance for your contributions!


PNWA announces new member - ICF International


PNWA is pleased to welcome ICF International as our newest member. ICF is a leading multidisciplinary environmental, transportation and planning services firm. They specialize in port redevelopment and expansion plans, permitting and environmental compliance; eelgrass surveys; water quality; coastal and submerged archaeological surveys; comprehensive/subarea plans and transportation plans; regulatory compliance and SEPA/NEPA environmental review. ICF also offers broad water resources and natural resources management; stream, wetland, fisheries, and habitat restoration; and cultural resources services.


With more than 80 employees operating from their Seattle, Olympia, Bellingham, Portland, and Eastern Washington offices, as well as more than 400 staff throughout the west coast, ICF brings technical expertise and professional management skills that achieve project objectives and deliver long-lasting results. For more information visit their website at or contact Wally Hickerson, ICF's Pacific Northwest Technical Director, at 206-276-5069 or Jerry Heller, ICF's Ports Lead in the Pacific Northwest, at 360-708-4320.


Port of Coos Bay seeking applicants for Harbormaster


The Port of Coos Bay is currently seeking applicants for a Harbormaster of the Charleston Marina Complex. The Harbormaster will manage and direct the operations of the marina facilities, including marina, RV Park and shipyard, and supervise staff. That will include participating in customer service activities related to customers and issues, and supervising emergencies. In addition, the Harbormaster will oversee the maintenance program, activities and personnel; act as project manager for contracted maintenance and developmental projects; manage maintenance of equipment, inventory of supplies and materials; and implement policies, procedures and ensure environmental compliance and required reports. This position is a member of the Port's management team.


The Harbormaster will be required to have a bachelor's degree in business administration or a related field and five years of supervisory experience in marina operations and maintenance; or, an equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the essential duties of the job. The salary range for the position is $59,521 - $74,401 plus benefits DOQ. Interested individuals must submit a letter of introduction outlining their interest, along with a current chronological resume that includes employment history and education. The deadline for submission is August 13, 2012. For more information, visit the Port of Coos Bay website.