November 2010
88 South Main Street | Wallingford, CT 06492 | 203.294.9683 | [email protected]

Transform food programs to be more healthy and sustainable

John recently met with celebrated author and farmer, Wendell Berry, while in Louisville, KY

"Eating is an Agricultural Act"
Wendell Berry

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SFS back in
West Virginia!

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Thanksgiving Side Dishes

We would like to share some of our favorite seasonal recipes that would be a wonderful accompaniment to your holiday bird or are also delicious on their own! Enjoy and please post your comments and recipes on our Facebook page!

The Sustainable Food Journey - It's Thanksgiving!

It's time to reflect upon all we are thankful for. Aside from the usual family, home, health, friends which should never be overlooked or under appreciated, let's take this time of year to thank all who bring us healthy food and promote eating healthy, local and sustainable food.

Below is a list of 10 things we can all do at home, work, school to promote a healthier planet.

  1. Plant a garden. Even if you live in an urban area there are great resources to help you get green!

  2. Compost - your garbage is a treasure trove! Here are some tips to get started.

  3. Host a screening of one of the wonderful movies that promote sustainable eating, to name a few: Nourish, Food Inc., Fresh, Food Fight.

  4. Eat locally - buy food from a local farmer, farmer's market or CSA. Ask yourself what does it take to get those Chilean grapes to my table in December?

  5. Examine the food in your child's school and your local hospital. If you do not like what you see - start a movement to make a change!

  6. Chefs and schools sign-up for Chefs Move to Schools - part of Michelle Obama's Let's Move initiative to fight childhood obesity.

  7. Join Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution over 600,000 strong!

  8. Do you work in an institutional food program or restaurant? See where changes can be made. Can you switch from disposable to reusable products? Can you purchase food from a local farmer? How can we help?

  9. Do you know the true cost of everything you use and consume? What is the trail of that plastic bag? Question the origins of your last meal.

  10. Do you know your carbon footprint? Use this calculalor to see where you can improve.

These are just a few tips, please share yours on our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter too! Spread the word and share this info with your friends and colleagues!

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you on your journey. 
Sustainable Food Systems offers a unique consulting and technical assistance service that partners with schools, institutions, and organizations interested in incorporating people and planet healthy practices into their food programs. Utilizing sustainable practices in food production and preparation to strengthen our bodies, local communities and economies and the larger world around us. Let us help you deliver food better.