Repent America Proclaims Truth in Lawless Streets of Asheville
 Repent America (RA) recently ministered at the Bele Chere festival in Asheville, North Carolina, which is the largest free festival in the Southeast. The visit marked RA's first time witnessing in the city, a lawless municipality that was dubbed last year by a state senator as being a "cesspool of sin."
Many of the Christians that were present noted that the hostility toward the Gospel was greater this year than ever before. At times, women would flash the preachers by lifting up their shirts, men would walk around in their underwear and some would commit lewd acts on the streets in the presence of women and children. The police, however, would do nothing to stop attendees from harassing the Christians, and a lieutenant even told the ministry that it was permissible for women to be topless.
Despite the crowd's rejection of the message of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, thousands nonetheless had an opportunity to hear the Word of God and the Gospel. Please pray that many will turn from their wickedness and trust in the Savior. Click here to read more about the outreach in an article by Christian News Network, a ministry of Repent America. "Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake Thy law" - Psalm 119:53
Burning of Aborted Babies Exposed in North Carolina
 The Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS), a project of Repent America, traveled to Graham, North Carolina last month to join with Christians from across the nation to expose and reprove the medical waste giant Stericycle and its incineration of aborted babies.
Stericycle hauls abortion "waste" from over twenty states along the East Coast and transports the boxes and bins to Graham to be incinerated. The aborted babies are burned into ash with tons of medical garbage, and are billowed throughout the town in clouds of smoke.
Efforts to expose the company, which were held in concert with the organization Operation Save America, included the mass mailing of a brochure and letter to every resident in neighboring Haw River. The groups also joined together outside of Stericycle's incineration plant and in downtown Graham to publicly rebuke Stericycle for its egregious practices. Most of the locals had no idea that aborted babies were being burned in their community. Without the help of Stericycle and businesses like it, the abortion industry would collapse. Please pray that Stericycle would stop assisting abortionists with the destruction of innocent preborn children, and that the abortion holocaust would come to a swift end in America. To learn more or to join the Campaign to Stop Stericycle, please visit StopStericycle.com "If you forbear to deliver those who are drawn unto death, and those who are ready to be slain; if you say, 'behold, we knew it not,' does not He that ponders the heart consider it? And He that keeps thy soul, does He not know it? And will He not render every man according to His works?" - Proverbs 24:11-12
Repent America Launches Christian News Network
 Repent America (RA) recently launched the Christian News Network, an online news source that provides up-to-date news and information affecting the body of Christ from an uncompromising Biblical worldview. ChristianNews.net covers breaking stories and current events from a wide range of categories, including evangelism, persecution and world news. With no ties to any specific Christian denomination or political party, Christian News Network is independent of the bias that is often commonplace in other news sources.
"The news of [Christ's work] spread throughout that land." - Matthew 9:26
Freedom in Christ Proclaimed on Independence Day
 Repent America (RA) preached the word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the birthplace of America last month during the city's annual Independence Day celebration.
In addition to distributing tracts at a local parade in a suburb of Philadelphia, the ministry sang hymns and preached to the tens of thousands attending the Fourth of July festivities near the Liberty Bell.
Since Independence Day is a time when Americans celebrate freedom, RA spoke of the freedom that is found in Christ. Some attendees stopped to talk to the ministry about its message, while others came forward to receive prayer.
Please pray that those who heard the truth of the Gospel will repent and put their trust in Jesus Christ.
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." - John 8:36 |
About Repent America
Repent America (RA) is an evangelistic organization based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which zealously labors to further the Kingdom of God through Biblical evangelism. RA is a small operation with a BIG mission as it reaches out to tens of thousands of people each month with the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Whether it be the public proclamation of the Gospel message (Romans 10:14-15), opening thy mouth for the voiceless (Proverbs 31:8-9), preaching to the poor and comforting the brokenhearted (Luke 4:18), warning the wicked of their way (Ezekiel 33:8-9), or working to preserve our liberties to do so, Repent America continues to "fight the good fight of faith." (1 Timothy 6:12) Please join in the fight with us by making a donation to keep us on the streets as we continue to impact America with the truth of God's Word!
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