
For Immediate Release
Contact: Michael Marcavage, Director, Repent America, 1-800-3-REPENT, Ext. 5
Stone hurled at medical 'waste' Goliath in Roe v. Wade's 38th year
PHILADELPHIA - Repent America (RA) has launched a nationwide effort called the Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS), which aims to expose America's leading medical waste disposal company for their collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children and the instruments used to kill them. Included in the launch of the campaign is the official announcement of StopStericycle.com, a website dedicated to revealing the overwhelming evidence of Stericycle's collaboration with the abortion industry. While this month marks 38 years since the unlawful Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which has resulted in the violent deaths of fifty million children and counting, CSS is marking the end of our nation's deadly silence toward those that facilitate the abortion industry as it hurls a stone at this medical "waste" Goliath.
Stericycle, whose profits total over a billion dollars in annual income, generates a portion of their sales revenue from services provided to abortion mills. One of Stericycle's largest clients is Planned Parenthood, which maintains a national account with the medical "waste" service. In recent years, Stericycle has acquired countless medical waste companies until it has become the premiere "waste" collection service to abortion mills nationwide. Consequently, the war on abortion has consolidated to the point where stopping this one giant could deliver a gigantic blow to the abortion industry.
Stericycle's collaboration with the abortion industry by collecting and incinerating murdered children is eerily reminiscent of the corporate collaboration of the Holocaust of the 1940's. During the Holocaust, the Nazi regime depended heavily on businesses to accomplish their evil schemes. Sadly, instead of condemning the mass murder of the Jewish people, a number of large corporations chose to aid the Nazi government in their plans by providing services and materials. In the end, those businesses were brought to justice as court tribunals proclaimed that those who aided and abetted murderers were equally as guilty as those who committed the acts themselves. Likewise, Stericycle must be called to account for their willful involvement in the furtherance of the abortion holocaust.
"It is sick beyond words that businesses like Stericycle are profiting from collecting murdered children and incinerating their bodies with the trash. What's more is the abominable child killing that has been tolerated in our nation for 38 years," campaign director Michael Marcavage stated. "While many have focused their efforts on overturning Roe v. Wade by putting their trust in corrupt judicial systems and politicians, they have neglected the necessity of pursuing those that enable abortion mills to operate in the first place," he added. "Without Stericycle and companies like it, the abortion industry would collapse," Marcavage concluded. The evidence of Stericycle's collaboration with the abortion industry displayed on Stop Stericycle.com includes candid documents signed by abortion mills that confirm their use of Stericycle and their disposal of human "tissue," photographs of Stericycle removing large boxes and bins from abortion mills nationwide and explosive recorded telephone discussions with Stericycle representatives, who graphically explain the protocol for the packaging of "tissues...and human parts." (Click here to listen to a sample of Stericycle's shocking admissions.) Additionally, the site provides information about Stericycle's corporate leaders, as well as the top shareholders and mutual fund investors that are profiting from the blood money that Stericycle receives from its service to the abortion industry.
Stericycle's incineration plant in Haw River, North Carolina, where aborted children from over 20 states are burned. This is one of a number of plants across the nation. |
StopStericycle.com also outlines the truck companies that are currently leasing vehicles to Stericycle, which is the medical waste giant's primary means of collecting and transporting aborted children to their incineration plants, such as Stericycle's Haw River location. CSS has been urging these companies to stop allowing their trucks to be used for such purposes, and has already seen progress as Penske Truck Leasing has now prohibited Stericycle from using their trucks to service to abortion mills. In fact, Penske Truck Leasing President and CEO Brian Hard vowed in an e-mail to the campaign, "We have been, and you have my word that we will continue to be, proactive in stopping Stericycle from using our trucks to service abortion clinics." CSS is urging several other truck leasing companies to do the same, including Ryder System, Inc.
"It is high time for businesses to follow Penske's lead and remove themselves from supplying the means for Stericycle to service the abortion industry. Those that willingly help Stericycle in this manner will be met with much public resistance," Marcavage firmly stated. "We will not sit idly by waiting upon the reversal of Roe v. Wade, which is not the law and never has been. We are committed to aggressively pursuing and exposing Stericycle, it's officers, suppliers and investors until this Goliath stops furthering the abortion holocaust in our nation," he concluded.
"Open thy mouth for the [voiceless] in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction." - Proverbs 31:8
A CALL TO ACTION: It is imperative that you make your voice heard on behalf of the countless unborn children who cannot defend themselves. CSS urges citizens to join them in the fight against this Goliath in the following ways:
1) Call Stericycle President Mark C. Miller at (847) 607-2038 (direct line to his desk) or e-mail mmiller@stericycle.com and respectfully but firmly express your disgust of Stericycle's collaboration with the abortion industry.
2) Sign the petition demanding that Stericycle stop servicing the abortion industry.
3) Make a donation in any amount by clicking here. Every dollar is directly applied to the campaign.
5) "Like" Stop Stericycle on Facebook, suggest the page to friends and post the campaign website on your wall.
7) Pray for the success of this campaign and that the Lord will use it to end the abortion holocaust in our nation. |
About Repent America
Repent America (RA) is an evangelistic organization based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which zealously labors to further the Kingdom of God through Biblical evangelism. RA is a small operation with a BIG mission as it reaches out to tens of thousands of people each month with the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Whether it be the public proclamation of the Gospel message (Romans 10:14-15), opening thy mouth for the voiceless (Proverbs 31:8-9), preaching to the poor and comforting the brokenhearted (Luke 4:18), warning the wicked of their way (Ezekiel 33:8-9), or working to preserve our liberties to do so, Repent America continues to "fight the good fight of faith." (1 Timothy 6:12) Please join in the fight with us by clicking here to make a donation to keep us on the streets as we continue to impact America with the truth of God's Word! |
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