"There's always room for ice cream & chocolate!"
In this issue...
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Las Colinas Medical Center
6750 N. MacArthur Blvd  #100
Irving, Texas 75039
Kathryn Fink,  MS, RD, CSSD, LD
Nutrition & Fitness Consultant


Belief & Motto
"There's always room for ice cream and chocolate!"
Dietitian Advice ! August 2009
Hello!  Fruit & Veggies 
Whether you are a kid, parent, college student or an individual blazing down the trail of work life, this newsletter is for you.

Back to school is a time to re-evaluate your focus and take a check on how you are doing towards your goal of being healthier and how close you are to personally set goals this year. Many times this can be a difficult time to balance the struggle with your responsibilities, often leaving healthy behaviors sitting on the wayside. Often there is some fine tuning that can be made that can assist in shifting towards progress.

When I see a shift in attitude in my clients, this is typically the time when great shifts in healthy behaviors begin. Attitude can greatly impact your confidence and many times set the stage for great things to happen. I came across a great quotation the other day to share with you.

Helpful ways to improve your attitude is to use affirmations. Committing these to memory can give you ammo to use when times get tough. Wouldn't it be nice to say "Progress, not Perfection" to yourself when you fall short of your own expectations instead of "you did it again, you are not up to your standards".

We are learning that there truly is an ability to change your brain chemistry by the actions we do. If you have not seen the movie/documentary "What the bleep do you know", this is one of my key recommendations for my clients. It talks about many of the factors that reflect on our perspective on events. We not only draw on our past, but our attitude can impact how we handle a situation. Brain scans show that neurons that no longer fire together, no longer wire together. This is key because each time you stop that negative self-talk and change it to a positive statement, you are working towards dissolving that old route taken and start building a new road. The old road is well traveled, you know it like the back of your hand and you are resistant to a new road. During the building of the new road there is a lot of construction to navigate, it takes more time and is difficult to remember that the road is changing. However, once the new road is built, it is a nice, smooth sailing and easier route.

See how positive approaches help my clients succeed in their goals, give me a call or email to set up an initial consultation.
Kathryn Fink, MS, RD, CSSD, LD
Nutrition & Fitness Consultant
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Offer Expires: September 30, 2009              Kathryn Fink, MS, RD, CSSD, LD
                                                                      Nutrition & Fitness Consultant
                                                                      [email protected]