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February 11, 2013 

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*Good Luck to those Participating in Sing!*

On the Horizon

Successful Internships
2/20 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm CB 510

Reservations for Recruitment Luncheon:
Reynolds & Reynolds

2/22 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm HSB 103
RSVP for this event (10 spots available, total)

Sponsored By:
Reynolds&Reynolds Logo

Baylor Career Fair
2/27 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Ferrell Center

ProSales Informational Session
2/27 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm HSB 100
*for prospective ProSales students - current students invited to participate

First Wednesday
3/6 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm CB 510

Other ProSales News

ProSales Promo Video - Thanks!
Thank you for your participation and cooperation as we work to finalize the ProSales Promo Video. Look for the video to be released later this spring!

Get Your ProSales Polo!
Center for Professional Selling polo shirts are available for sale in the Center. Polos cost $40 (credit/cash/check) and can be worn in lieu of Business Dress at Reservations for Recruitment events, among others. All proceeds go to support the ProSales Program. Pick one up in the Center (HSB 211).


NCSC Challenge
2/1 Baylor University

Congratulations to
Joseph Chen and Alex Dixon,
who will represent Baylor at the NCSC!


World Collegiate Sales Open - Finals
2/21-23 Northern Illinois University

Sales Team:
Simeon Brown, Tyler Kopas, Olivia Offringa
Sponsored By:
3M Logo

National Collegiate
Sales Competition
3/1-4 Kennesaw State University

Sales Team:
Joseph Chen, Alex Dixon
Eric Prevatte
Student Coaches:
Simeon Brown, Pres Mckissack, Austin Smith
Graduate Sales Team:
Curtis Schroeder, Mark Tarro
Sponsored By:
Liberty Mutual Logo
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